Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
MMO Pet Peeves

Hello all of you AoC supporters!
I want to know what are some of your small annoyances that end up in our favorite games that don't make it unplayable but irk you in the most pedantic ways. Two of mine come to mind and they are both how we use language.
The difference in Poisonous and Venomous.
Poison is roughly described as "something that will kill you if you bite it" and venom is "something that will kill you if it bites you". My peeve is when this gets mixed up. I understand the need for two very similar mechanics to be rolled into one for practical purposes, but none the less it bothers me. Many times boss monsters will spew out poison stacks when it should be by all rights be described as venom.
As a side tangent, how would you describe a rouge type character who coats their weapons in a poisonous leaf or venom from some kind of fantasy snake? Are they adding the poison from the plant or are they themselves being venomous? Feelings?
The difference in Decimate and Devastate
Decimate is to reduce by 1/10th, and devastate is to ruin or destroy. The peeve is when decimate gets used in place of devastate. "We have decimated the enemy army!" has a lot of less weight when that is the expected losses for two forces colliding with each other. "Lieutenant, that is not good news. Why are you so excited about it?"
I do admit that decimate has also taken on the meaning of devastate but its two contradictory definitions make it a poor use of many situations.
Post what you feel about my peeves and add your own!
I want to know what are some of your small annoyances that end up in our favorite games that don't make it unplayable but irk you in the most pedantic ways. Two of mine come to mind and they are both how we use language.
The difference in Poisonous and Venomous.
Poison is roughly described as "something that will kill you if you bite it" and venom is "something that will kill you if it bites you". My peeve is when this gets mixed up. I understand the need for two very similar mechanics to be rolled into one for practical purposes, but none the less it bothers me. Many times boss monsters will spew out poison stacks when it should be by all rights be described as venom.
As a side tangent, how would you describe a rouge type character who coats their weapons in a poisonous leaf or venom from some kind of fantasy snake? Are they adding the poison from the plant or are they themselves being venomous? Feelings?
The difference in Decimate and Devastate
Decimate is to reduce by 1/10th, and devastate is to ruin or destroy. The peeve is when decimate gets used in place of devastate. "We have decimated the enemy army!" has a lot of less weight when that is the expected losses for two forces colliding with each other. "Lieutenant, that is not good news. Why are you so excited about it?"
I do admit that decimate has also taken on the meaning of devastate but its two contradictory definitions make it a poor use of many situations.
Post what you feel about my peeves and add your own!

Would avoid the use of poison and venom all together in that case, instead would probably use something like "Toxin" since that covers both.
Are you really complaining about decimate v devastate and writing rouge instead of rogue??!!!??
gtfo smdh
For me, it's usually a short-coming in the crafting systems' interfaces/menus. If I'm crafting something that requires 8 or 9 clicks or screen-advances on something that has to be crafted 1-by-1, it irks me to have to re-select the same item, or sub-category to find said item, etc - as opposed to the game remembering that I was *JUST* crafting this item; Isn't it possible that I want to craft the same item, again? Do I really need to re-open the crafting window, scroll down to a sub-section, open that sub-section, then scroll down some more to re-select the same item?
Would have to say that small quality-of-life aspects that are often overlooked are often a source of constant annoyance, in MMOs. Certainly a 'pet-peeve'.
typo's aside, I'm glad you could share one of your peeves.
So real, would be nice if players had a popular, most crated items, or favorites tab in crafting menu's
Also tab targeting not working properly and having too wide of an arc that it selects stuff. Vanilla WoW used to select what you were looking at and almost nothing else. If there was nothing else in your very small arc then it selected stuff outside of it. This meant you never selected stuff you didn't want to with the tab key. Then they changed it and now it just randomly picks something from a 360 radius that makes no sense. xD With the former system it also rotated only between the same 3 enemies over and over. While with the latter it rotates between all 40 enemies in your vicinity meaning you basically got to use the mouse which is annoying for everything.
U.S. East
They traded immersion for convenience. However, I don't think people actually care about that kind of Immersion. xD
U.S. East
I could see that working as something immersive for a VR experience where you move your virtual hands into a bag to pull out the items, but when it's controlled by a UI it is the opposite of immersive.
I feel this one on another level. It completely makes no sense to "HAND OVER" the items like we have a choice to keep them.
very Mad
U.S. East
The amount of spaghetti code they have inherited from the 1.0 version of the game makes it so a lot of things don't work properly on that game. Hell you still can't interact with NPCs while mounted. They force you off the mount to do so, and it's not because they think your character may come across as more polite lol.
For me pet peeves are quest markers that are very misleading and you can spend an hour looking for something only to realise it's on a completely different floor.
Yeah, I've seen the footage outlining the whole rebuild they did of the game. I understand it's probably originally a result of the spaghetti code they were working with, but understanding that doesn't make me roll my eyes any less that it was implemented that way to begin with and not patched out over the last 7.5 years.
Been struggling with this a lot in Outriders. Occasionally has markers pointing at the previous objective requiring me to hunt around the map till I find the correct area on my own. Thankfully the pathway options are limited so it's not too big of an issue, just slightly annoying.
For real. All the dude has to do is not bite the rogues and he will be fine.
rouge = "red" in french/part of a makeup set put on the face to make yourself look pretty
rogue = red cos they're covered in blood and it's not pretty
Otherwise it's those quests where the NPC literally is standing next to the thing they want.
I'm not a professional game developer yet, but I have a thousand arguments (if someone ever decide to hear read them) in favor of it and I'm fully convinced about that statement.
If only rogues have the bonus from the back, I think the game is handicapping itself and stealing a potential better combat experience from everyone
Bonus damage from the back should be a building block of combat and combat flow, not something optional and specialized.
But some people are not ready for that conversation.
I really, really, really wish Steven and Jeff will reconsider their stance about this.
I hope someone from Intrepid read.
Vanilla WoW very few people had AOE but everyone had their role. TBC , cc was important and AOE was more prevelent. Wrath AOE was common and the meta was round everything up and AOE it down.
This changes the whole time and their are many ways this happens in many types of game.
What at first looks like a small change actually changes how the whole game is played .