Why i Think a good Transmog System is Good for The game

MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Hey so far as i read trough the forums and watched the dev videos i got the feeling that Transmogging is not received very well and it feels like there will be just a basic Transmog system were you can only choose to look like A or B with the store cosmetics but you will not get the option to choose more detail things to get your unique look
(i can be wrong here misunderstood some things then you can text below to correct me )

That's why i decided to explain why i think that a Good Transmog system would be a big enrichment for the game. And lets be clear i know many of you fear that you don't know in pvp how good the enemy's gear is and such stuff but for that there is already a solution where you can see how good the gear of person XYL will be if you click on him or his profile if i understood this right at least. Another point is some people fear to lose the Immersiveness of the game if people can Transmog /create characters more freely. But i kind of don't get why people feel that why i mean its all gear already available ingame and its a fantasy driven world with freakyn turtles with moving galaxy tattoos on their shell so whats wrong about a dude with red or blue hair and a different combination of armor /wepon then?

And Jeah its still alpha one and the game will need a long long time till its finishes and what i am about to drop is nothing that needs to be rushed but in my eyes its still important to talk about it.

Anyway lets go to the point of all this why do i think a Good Transmog system would benefit the game and later on what it needs in my eyes to achieve this maybe you guys have more ideas two

[*] A good Transmog system would enable a new form of Gameplay where players could or Devs create ingame competitions against other people
[*] With a good Transmog system getting Style gear as rewards for killing rare enemy's special quests out of dungeons would be worth even more and devs would be able to create some kind of solo content around style gear drops like the magic tower in wow. If you don't know it google it and watch some videos of this epic solo challenge and the prestige style weapons skins it gave to the people it was fun it was rewarding it was worth spending hour precious time
[*] For Rp fans this system would be essential how else could you create your own unique looking char
[*] The costs for Transmogging would create a more healthy and stable Economy if players don't get enough options to spend ingame currencies there will sooner or later be a time where it gets worthless so adding a Good Transmogg system would animate players to spend there ingame currencies and or even crafting mats (would be even better if both is needed for the production or/ collection professions )
[*] At least for me it would be worth so much i don't want to look like everybody else or use the same cosmetic skins and not be able to use just some parts of it like the head Piece or legs to create my own awesome armor build of parts available ingame.
[*] Collectors out there would have something new to do or if your waiting for you guild why not get some new styl gears and build your own awesome Transmog

Next would be the how dose a Good Transmog system even look like and maybe people out there or the devs have great new ideas but for me the core parts a Good Transmog system would be.

[*] Able to make a digital copy of every gear part / weapon that we collect so we don't waist our storage/bank slots Transmog and overall Collection stuff should never be punished with limitations like ah jeah you need this weapon in you inventory or there aren't enough bank slots to satore your gear available.. Just let us get a digital copy and if you use the Transmog system its shown there.
[*] And here is the next part it should be a clear interface with different searching options and the ones you did not collect yet so you can hunt for them and pre look if they even look good on your gear and if they are worth the time you will spend to get it.
[*] We should be able to Blend out gear like pauldrons or capes or idk what type of gear slots will be available later on just make the system so that we can choose what we want to show.
[*] we should be able to save Transmog sets as a preset i mean if i will visit a snowy area i cant go there with my beach Pirat outfit i used on see right and to always manualy mog my gear would be a big pain so why not save it and re use it faster.
[*] the System should give us the option to blend out/transmog left or right sites like pauldrons differently maybe i just want to have the right site visible and the left site not or i want to mog one pauldron on my left site with gear A and on the right with gear B.

Ok guys give me your opinions or feedback why you think it is a bad or good idea or if i got something wrong about the feeling this game will get a basic Transmog system. Or maybe you guys got even better ideas i mean most of mine are clearly from other games i have played so far and where these where a great + for the game. And again i know game needs still a long time to reach the end so this is for sure not the most important right now.
Have a nice day :*


  • YuyukoyayYuyukoyay Member
    edited May 2021
    I don't think free transmog is a good thing. I think if it's severely limited it will have an opportunity to be better. I like the interaction when people have better looking gear related to what tier the gear is from. So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    So if armor and weapon transmog worked that you can only transmog to weapons and armor of the same type, rarity, and tier. I would like it a lot better. This would give you some customization options while it also making sense visually based on personal progression.

    In general I hate transmog, but if they do it this way so you can at least avoid looking like a clown all the way through the leveling process then I will like it due to the limitations.

    U.S. East
  • MerekMerek Member
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    I don't think free transmog is a good thing. I think if it's severely limited it will have an opportunity to be better. I like the interaction when people have better looking gear related to what tier the gear is from. So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    So if armor and weapon transmog worked that you can only transmog to weapons and armor of the same type, rarity, and tier. I would like it a lot better. This would give you some customization options while it also making sense visually based on personal progression.

    In general I hate transmog, but if they do it this way so you can at least avoid looking like a clown all the way through the leveling process then I will like it due to the limitations.

    Too late, with the amount of cosmetics sold, expect a large amount of level 1's to look like the damn Lich King.

    OT: Tansmogs can be horrendous, I'm not a fan of people RP'ing as DoA characters with two-handed swords beating me up in the bikinis. It's stupid. However, people should be able to 'fashion-souls' themselves to all hell. Nothing hurts me more than seeing the exact same looking players all grouping up for a dungeon, it looks like a joke. You should definitely be able to mix and match armor from gauntlets to greaves, etc. But, it should remain in-game at all times, no microtransaction garbage.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    There are 2 main types of cosmetics for your armour:
    • costumes (covers full armour)
    • or individual pieces

    See here:
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    Had this happen in GW2 lol... I was leveling an alt and was about level 18 or so at the time.. standing in front of a Champion Mob. Guy next to me was wearing gear that looked like a disco ball had caught on fire and his Sword was dripping lava... A couple more people showed up and I asked that spiffy fella if he would tank it for us... he was level 13 .. lmao.
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Merek wrote: »
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    I don't think free transmog is a good thing. I think if it's severely limited it will have an opportunity to be better. I like the interaction when people have better looking gear related to what tier the gear is from. So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    So if armor and weapon transmog worked that you can only transmog to weapons and armor of the same type, rarity, and tier. I would like it a lot better. This would give you some customization options while it also making sense visually based on personal progression.

    In general I hate transmog, but if they do it this way so you can at least avoid looking like a clown all the way through the leveling process then I will like it due to the limitations.

    Too late, with the amount of cosmetics sold, expect a large amount of level 1's to look like the damn Lich King.

    OT: Tansmogs can be horrendous, I'm not a fan of people RP'ing as DoA characters with two-handed swords beating me up in the bikinis. It's stupid. However, people should be able to 'fashion-souls' themselves to all hell. Nothing hurts me more than seeing the exact same looking players all grouping up for a dungeon, it looks like a joke. You should definitely be able to mix and match armor from gauntlets to greaves, etc. But, it should remain in-game at all times, no microtransaction garbage.

    you will not be able to use the cosmetics from lvl one u first need the items thats what they tell us when buying these
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    Recluse74 wrote: »
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    Had this happen in GW2 lol... I was leveling an alt and was about level 18 or so at the time.. standing in front of a Champion Mob. Guy next to me was wearing gear that looked like a disco ball had caught on fire and his Sword was dripping lava... A couple more people showed up and I asked that spiffy fella if he would tank it for us... he was level 13 .. lmao.

    first you will not be abel to transmog stuff below the lvl you got the gear.Or how about unlocking Transmog at max lvl whats bad then ?
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    I don't think free transmog is a good thing. I think if it's severely limited it will have an opportunity to be better. I like the interaction when people have better looking gear related to what tier the gear is from. So a level 1 alt can't ever look as good as a max level high end raider.

    So if armor and weapon transmog worked that you can only transmog to weapons and armor of the same type, rarity, and tier. I would like it a lot better. This would give you some customization options while it also making sense visually based on personal progression.

    In general I hate transmog, but if they do it this way so you can at least avoid looking like a clown all the way through the leveling process then I will like it due to the limitations.

    as i said i my text Transmog is good because its not free at all ! it is healthy for the economy ingame
    next thing for sure lvl ones should not look epic i am 100% on that site two but max lvl chars should have no the options i mentioned above. Another thing people always fear this look like a Clown thing but alle items you can transmog are stuff that is ingame available so in the end with or without transmogs people can look not appealing to you. Thats the same way in real live no other player should have the rights to choose what is wrong or not wehen you want to choose how you look ingame thats what i truly believe.
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member
    I am all for transmogs in game and cosmetics being quest rewards in special cases.

    With that said, transmogs should always be a money sink, to help combat inflation, and limiting them to players who have earned that economical privilege.

    You can have it be either:
    • A vendor like in WoW, where you pay money for it (the price depending on the transmog applied to what level of gear)
    • An item you have to buy like in FFXIV (glamour prism), or earned with some certificates etc that get used once you apply a cosmetic

    There is also an argument to be made for paying to have a certain transmog removed.
  • DreohDreoh Member
    edited May 2021
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I liked one thing from ESO. This is the one good thing I will ever say about ESO. JK

    The crafting system was the transmog system. At least when I played at launch. I don't know what its like now, but when I played you would learn styles and could basically make anything in that style. You would still be wearing gear, but if you wanted some epic looking plate, you had to know someone who could craft in that style or learn it yourself. Mortal Online 2 is currently doing this as well.

    Since crafted gear is on par with end game raid gear. It makes the most since to me that you would just craft and dye to get to the look you want. Since we don't know a ton of details about the crafting system in Ashes I can't say we will have this system, but I think it is the best possible system. It would make crafters important. It would not just be able having good stats, but crafters would also have to collect styles to make themselves more marketable.

    I know some people wont like this because it seems like a lot of extra work to get a look, but that is what I like about it. Instead of playing dress up all day in the UI, you are trying to find a crafter who can make you look good. It has the potential to be a very social and rewarding system for everyone involved.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    Dreoh wrote: »
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.

    i dont realy think that you can really see what Armor type is what. Cause the endgame style armors normally look so cool and craze where you don't even know if light armor is light armor just from looks anymore. What matters is seeing class and race for sure. i have played hardcore pvp in wow and ff and i never had any problems so far with cosmetic chars i mean its just a cosmetic wont make a difference you guys will see this fear is just a fear and will do like nothing later on as long as u can see what class+ race the enemy is and the icon on healthbar is enough i mean its the same for everyone they need to check you out two so its fair and it wont take even one sec to Check a haltbar. But i kind of get why you fear it this game will be new and hopefully different but i am 100% sure all the anti guys will feel later on that cosmetics don't do nothing to the pvp system at all =)
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    I liked one thing from ESO. This is the one good thing I will ever say about ESO. JK

    The crafting system was the transmog system. At least when I played at launch. I don't know what its like now, but when I played you would learn styles and could basically make anything in that style. You would still be wearing gear, but if you wanted some epic looking plate, you had to know someone who could craft in that style or learn it yourself. Mortal Online 2 is currently doing this as well.

    Since crafted gear is on par with end game raid gear. It makes the most since to me that you would just craft and dye to get to the look you want. Since we don't know a ton of details about the crafting system in Ashes I can't say we will have this system, but I think it is the best possible system. It would make crafters important. It would not just be able having good stats, but crafters would also have to collect styles to make themselves more marketable.

    I know some people wont like this because it seems like a lot of extra work to get a look, but that is what I like about it. Instead of playing dress up all day in the UI, you are trying to find a crafter who can make you look good. It has the potential to be a very social and rewarding system for everyone involved.

    jeah thats very cool for sure cause we would be able to use crafting even more so it dont gets useless
  • DreohDreoh Member
    edited May 2021
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.

    i dont realy think that you can really see what Armor type is what cause the endgame style armors normally looks so cool and craze where you don't even know if light armor is light armor just from looks anymore what matters is class and race for sure. i have played hardcore pvp in wow and ff and i never had any problems so far with cosmetic chars i mean its just a cosmetic wont make a difference you guys will see this fear is just a fear and will do like nothing later on as long as u can see what class+ race the enemy is and the icon on healthbar is enough i mean its the same for everyone they need to check you out two so its fair and it wont take even one sec to Check a haltbar. But i kind of get why you fear it this game will be new and hopefully different but i am 100% sure all the anti guys will feel later on that cosmetics don't do nothing to the pvp system at all =)

    This was incredibly difficult to read and understand, but from what I gather you're saying it's a nonissue? (please for the love of god use spellcheck and formatting)

    I agree that it's not a huge issue, but character readability is important when characters can be diverse and specialized.
    It's even more important in games like ESO and AoC where anybody can wear any class of armor, and it's not tied to the class.

    As for what you said about armor looking crazy in endgame and being hard to tell gear tiers apart, I disagree.
    Even in end-game GW2, you can tell the difference between light, medium and heavy armorsets.
    I'd even say in WoW you know cloth armor is cloth armor and heavy is heavy.
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    Dreoh wrote: »
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.

    i dont realy think that you can really see what Armor type is what cause the endgame style armors normally looks so cool and craze where you don't even know if light armor is light armor just from looks anymore what matters is class and race for sure. i have played hardcore pvp in wow and ff and i never had any problems so far with cosmetic chars i mean its just a cosmetic wont make a difference you guys will see this fear is just a fear and will do like nothing later on as long as u can see what class+ race the enemy is and the icon on healthbar is enough i mean its the same for everyone they need to check you out two so its fair and it wont take even one sec to Check a haltbar. But i kind of get why you fear it this game will be new and hopefully different but i am 100% sure all the anti guys will feel later on that cosmetics don't do nothing to the pvp system at all =)

    This was incredibly difficult to read and understand, but from what I gather you're saying it's a nonissue? (please for the love of god use spellcheck and formatting)

    I agree that it's not a huge issue, but character readability is important when characters can be diverse and specialized.
    It's even more important in games like ESO and AoC where anybody can wear any class of armor, and it's not tied to the class.

    As for what you said about armor looking crazy in endgame and being hard to tell gear tiers apart, I disagree.
    Even in end-game GW2, you can tell the difference between light, medium and heavy armorsets.
    I'd even say in WoW you know cloth armor is cloth armor and heavy is heavy.

    I did not play eso so far but as far as wow goes i can show you more than one armor thats so confusing that you can not get if its plate or mail or cloths from looks allone but it makes no difference in the end at all. And i am sure it wont make a difference in ashes two for sure . But as we will be able to see it on the hb bar its not even an issue.
  • DreohDreoh Member
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.

    i dont realy think that you can really see what Armor type is what cause the endgame style armors normally looks so cool and craze where you don't even know if light armor is light armor just from looks anymore what matters is class and race for sure. i have played hardcore pvp in wow and ff and i never had any problems so far with cosmetic chars i mean its just a cosmetic wont make a difference you guys will see this fear is just a fear and will do like nothing later on as long as u can see what class+ race the enemy is and the icon on healthbar is enough i mean its the same for everyone they need to check you out two so its fair and it wont take even one sec to Check a haltbar. But i kind of get why you fear it this game will be new and hopefully different but i am 100% sure all the anti guys will feel later on that cosmetics don't do nothing to the pvp system at all =)

    This was incredibly difficult to read and understand, but from what I gather you're saying it's a nonissue? (please for the love of god use spellcheck and formatting)

    I agree that it's not a huge issue, but character readability is important when characters can be diverse and specialized.
    It's even more important in games like ESO and AoC where anybody can wear any class of armor, and it's not tied to the class.

    As for what you said about armor looking crazy in endgame and being hard to tell gear tiers apart, I disagree.
    Even in end-game GW2, you can tell the difference between light, medium and heavy armorsets.
    I'd even say in WoW you know cloth armor is cloth armor and heavy is heavy.

    I did not play eso so far but as far as wow goes i can show you more than one armor thats so confusing that you can not get if its plate or mail or cloths from looks allone but it makes no difference in the end at all so and i am sure it wont make a difference in ashes two for sure . But as we will be able to see it on the hb bar its not even an issue.

    That depends on how much AoE is going to play a part in this game.

    If it's mostly single-target stuff just having readability on the healthbar of your target is enough since you're only dealing with one person at a time.

    If it's a lot of AoE you might want to know if a group as a whole is going to be resistant to damages or not and stuff like that.

    Though again, I agree it's not a huge deal and I'm more or less just arguing in the sake of an ideal.
  • MochikyMochiky Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Dreoh wrote: »
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    Mochiky wrote: »
    Dreoh wrote: »
    If transmog is deemed necessary, then it should be available as long as you can only transmog items of the gear tier (light, medium, heavy armor).

    A big component of gaming is visual feedback, and being able to understand what you're fighting against with a quick glance makes all the difference. It's why hero-based games make sure to keep the silhouettes of hero skins consistent, because you can always tell the difference between Moira, Mercy and Widow in Overwatch from the other side of the map just based on silhouette and can make gameplay decisions based on that. The same goes for any hero-based game. For Honor, Apex, etc.

    It's one thing I like about GW2's transmog system. In PvP you can tell at a glance if the 3 enemies in front of you are light, medium, or heavy, what combination of those they are, and can quickly act/react accordingly without needing to click on all of them to see their class icon.

    I know Steven said there will be an icon on the healthbar of enemies that, using clever color and symbol coordination, will show everything you need to know. However that information is only going to be readable when you have said enemy targeted, unless IS comes up with some other way to display it, like a floating icon above enemies similar to floating healthbars.

    It's this reason that I really hope that light armor can only be transmogged with light armor, heavy with heavy.

    It's unfortunate that we already have the full-skin racial cosmetics that seem to just replace everything entirely, throwing all of my comment out the window. But hopefully those are far and few between.

    i dont realy think that you can really see what Armor type is what cause the endgame style armors normally looks so cool and craze where you don't even know if light armor is light armor just from looks anymore what matters is class and race for sure. i have played hardcore pvp in wow and ff and i never had any problems so far with cosmetic chars i mean its just a cosmetic wont make a difference you guys will see this fear is just a fear and will do like nothing later on as long as u can see what class+ race the enemy is and the icon on healthbar is enough i mean its the same for everyone they need to check you out two so its fair and it wont take even one sec to Check a haltbar. But i kind of get why you fear it this game will be new and hopefully different but i am 100% sure all the anti guys will feel later on that cosmetics don't do nothing to the pvp system at all =)

    This was incredibly difficult to read and understand, but from what I gather you're saying it's a nonissue? (please for the love of god use spellcheck and formatting)

    I agree that it's not a huge issue, but character readability is important when characters can be diverse and specialized.
    It's even more important in games like ESO and AoC where anybody can wear any class of armor, and it's not tied to the class.

    As for what you said about armor looking crazy in endgame and being hard to tell gear tiers apart, I disagree.
    Even in end-game GW2, you can tell the difference between light, medium and heavy armorsets.
    I'd even say in WoW you know cloth armor is cloth armor and heavy is heavy.

    I did not play eso so far but as far as wow goes i can show you more than one armor thats so confusing that you can not get if its plate or mail or cloths from looks allone but it makes no difference in the end at all so and i am sure it wont make a difference in ashes two for sure . But as we will be able to see it on the hb bar its not even an issue.

    That depends on how much AoE is going to play a part in this game.

    If it's mostly single-target stuff just having readability on the healthbar of your target is enough since you're only dealing with one person at a time.

    If it's a lot of AoE you might want to know if a group as a whole is going to be resistant to damages or not and stuff like that.

    Though again, I agree it's not a huge deal and I'm more or less just arguing in the sake of an ideal.

    the longer i am on the discord channel the more i get the feeling that the Transmog system in Ashes will bee a good one. I really think that moste players who don't like the idea of Transmogs will be ok with it when game ever releases at all. And in the end they kind of be forced to do so i mean every month a new style gear comes out we get racial skins or at least the founder packs got them. if this goes on for like 2-3 more years that's alone 24 - 36 new sets. There would be no way if the don't get a good Transmog System done till the end of the beta. So i don't think my post here makes any difference at all.
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