Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Fishing and life on the sea on Ashes

HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited May 2021 in General Discussion
I really enjoy Archeage water content and fishing, and I strongly believe Ashes will follow much of this mold for some really fun sea content.

Now I'm not sure if it has been stated if the "sea" content is basically a anyone can kill anyone without corruption or not, I would assume there will be some risk to going on on the sea and treasure hunting and fishing for large creatures.

My question is are you planning on

:Treasure Hunter
: Pirating

And would you like to sea the sea be more dangerous as in more risk/reward or be corruption based if kill there is a penalty for the killer?


  • Kivek RhuKhanKivek RhuKhan Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Fishing is confirmed, see here:

    Teasures are also in water content - if you look at the link Kivek shared, it says:
    Treasures may also be obtained through fishing and by exploring naval content.

    Pirating will follow the standard flagging system (confirmed in the most recent stream)
    There is no penalty for killing someone who fights back, but there are still some questions the community has about how this will work in naval combat, I expect those questions to be asked next stream.

    Caravans that are taken to the sea will become boats, and can be fought over and pillaged. So pirating is expected.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Maybe I worded it poorly, playing archeage I have a idea what to expect, my question was to all of you good people, what will you choose to do on the sea or will you avoid it?
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As long as they don't restrict fishing to fishing spots (nodes, as in nodes... not nodes... like mining nodes. XD). I am happy. One of the things I loved about Darkfall was being able to cast out a line on a moving boat whilst in route.

    I understand wanting to limit fishing to nodes like mining, and herb gathering. To me it is just too limiting for no reason. I would have the fishing tables just be based on world coordinates or something. That is kind of how it is in the real world anyways.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Hopefully the fish will follow the "wandering herds" thing they're using for the animal husbandry animals. It'd be cool to be able to plot the fish migration depending on where you are in the month.
    This link may help you:

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Maybe I worded it poorly, playing archeage I have a idea what to expect, my question was to all of you good people, what will you choose to do on the sea or will you avoid it?

    I currently have 2 ship captains (both focusing on ship building and siege equipment). Our goal is to have 3 players in charge of the fleet. These players will be our raid leaders while on the sea. Anything we can do, will be done but I am personally looking forward to treasure hunting and fishing. Sea battles will be cool and all (and we will have them) but damn, I want to just chill and toss the lure sometimes.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    As long as they don't restrict fishing to fishing spots (nodes, as in nodes... not nodes... like mining nodes. XD). I am happy. One of the things I loved about Darkfall was being able to cast out a line on a moving boat whilst in route.

    I understand wanting to limit fishing to nodes like mining, and herb gathering. To me it is just too limiting for no reason. I would have the fishing tables just be based on world coordinates or something. That is kind of how it is in the real world anyways.

    Omg I totally forgot that I played Sea of Thieves and this just reminded me. The fishing in that is actually pretty cool, and would be a neat system to build off of for fishing in AoC. Some sort of mix between that and Archeage trophy fishing would probably be the best thing ever.
    Commissioned at
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member, Alpha Two
    Personally the only sea content I'm actually looking forward to is protecting naval caravans and the occasional subaquatic dungeons they've teased in the past.

    Much more of a mountain and forest kinda guy myself.
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Asgerr wrote: »
    Personally the only sea content I'm actually looking forward to is protecting naval caravans and the occasional subaquatic dungeons they've teased in the past.

    Much more of a mountain and forest kinda guy myself.

    My forest infatuation goes way back to fighting the alliance in the forest of Ashenvale. I organized some MASSIVE low level world pvp in vanilla wow and it was a blast. I also really like the snow areas for some reason. I like the idea of being able to spot people from far away and engage in the chase (or sprinting away tails tucked if needed!).
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