Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Join the Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire! (PvX) (SEA/OCE) based in Singapore.

In a world mired with strife, where harmony is temporal and prosperity breeds animosity, there is a legend of a fellowship that seeks to be above it all.
The self-styled Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire hail from a tiny town located in the eastern part of a tiny island province where many have heard of, but few have tread. (Where is this place…)
United by the virtues of truth, freedom and most importantly, camaraderie, these dysfunctional group of adventurers rarely give the impression of seriousness, much less of their virtues. (They are clowns...)
Yet, when the innocents are wronged, these Bandits step up for what is right. Where tyranny reigns, they put their lives on their line to lift up the downtrodden. And when their friends are in trouble, they will stop at nothing to defend them. (They are awesome...)
In this world where bordering kingdoms are in constant conflict, you want allies that are always by your side. You want comrades who are vested in protecting their home, but are also always seeking the thrills of the unknown. You want friends whom you can count on in battle, but also join you at the local Tavern for a round of ale. (They got your back bro…)
Come 2020, you will want, and you will need The Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire. (Rated PG in an MMO near you…)

The Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire is a fun/family focused guild based in Singapore (+8GMT). While most of our current members are Singaporeans, as "Population White Paper" dictates, all foreigners are welcome to join us in our quest to dominate the opposition have fun in Ashes of Creation, while communicating on Discord.
Our core team is currently made up of MMO veterans/friends whom we have picked up along the our MMORPG journey. We have fought under the banner of the Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire/BloB in other games (EQ, EQ2, SWG, Age of Conan, SWTOR, Anarchy online, Shroud of the Avatar (errgh) etc.) being the the first guild to attain the maximum level in the Everquest 2 Lucan D'lere server when we were actively playing (and also when we were also 10 - 13 years younger, unmarried and generally spending too much time in games).
While we are certainly aiming to tackle high level content (raids, dungeons, pvp etc.), we welcome players of any level and itemization. If you're an experienced player and are looking for a guild to tackle high level content, we can hook you up. If you're new to the game and need someone to show you the ropes or help you along your quests, help with equipment or share build ideas, BLoB can help with that as well. If you're something in between and you just want a bunch of fun players to play and chat with, look no further, the Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire is the guild for you.

- Create a close knit community of like-minded players from Singapore, SEA and abroad (foreign talent)
- Find and settle on a node or ZoI in the world of AoC.
- We aim to be self-sufficient with hard work, development of important trade routes, wealth, superior role-assigning and intelligence.
- In time, our focus is for the People to journey and work towards the goal of securing and maintaining a successful City or Metropolis in the world of AoC.
- Have our Football team reach the world cup in 2026.

You can request for an invite via PM from any of our officers on the forums or discord:
- @umji
- @Autumn Willow
