Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Races, and classes

RageconRagecon Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
When are we going to see a list of race stats or at least a list of class abilities and how they are augmented with second classes? Seems like this should have at least been written up on paper even if they haven’t been created in world so people can start having a better idea on what they want to go with?.


  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2021 12
    Considering we are just getting into the meat and potato's of Alpha 1, I think it's fair for them to not have released class information yet. Game mechanics, perfecting servers, combat, movement, npc/mob AI and more is critically important compared to what abilities/stats our classes will have.

    To be honest, it probably is written up on paper but just like a rough draft in school, it will be changed until it's good enough for the teacher to see it. Especially with the Alpha 1 testers still being under an NDA.

    I want to see this info as badly as you do. It's killing me! We just have to give them time. Intrepid is in a good spot right now I feel and it's only up from here.
  • I know everyone will have their own preferences, but I don't need to know numbers for Races and Archetypes (and later classes).

    Thinking about it a little more, perhaps Intrepid don't need to provide that information; if we wait for Beta then the testers will analyze the heck out of the game and tell us everything about exactly how each race and archetype combination are to play. This will be far more useful than Intrepid's current internal theoretical design notes on what they would like to achieve.

    I observe that a lot of forum posts are because "we" are hungry for information to digest and the community provided information sources:
    only cover our ravenous appetites for a short while.

    As @Khronus quite rightly said, we just have to give Intrepid time.
  • GozzirraGozzirra Member
    I have the same question/concern as the first post. When will we get a better idea of how the classes will function? The only available data for rogues is currently a camouflage/stealth ability as all rogues have. Will it be something that will last indefinitely, or will it just be temporary? Will it be a builder/spender system or will we see something similar to the other rogue ideology where the stamina/energy will build back over time and spend it when you have enough. Will it be a combo point/ stack system for finishers? or will it just be rotational abilities with larger cooldowns. So many questions, and excited for the Dev's to release more information!
  • genesusgenesus Member
    I'm more so interested in knowing if there are actually "64 classes" total or if it's going to be the case of how archeage is where you have the 8 base classes,then you choose from the 8 again for a secondary to "complete" your class and each one is unique. For example: you primary tank and second rogue. If you primary rogue and second tank, is it basically the same class? Or will it be something like you have the tank primary and the rogue secondary allows you to have increase dodge or damage for a primary tank ability or is it just going to be slapping a rogue ability on the bar? That's the question I have anyways. 64 classes sounds awesome, I just wonder if that will be the case. :)
  • RageconRagecon Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2021 12
    genesus wrote: »
    I'm more so interested in knowing if there are actually "64 classes" total or if it's going to be the case of how archeage is where you have the 8 base classes,then you choose from the 8 again for a secondary to "complete" your class and each one is unique. For example: you primary tank and second rogue. If you primary rogue and second tank, is it basically the same class? Or will it be something like you have the tank primary and the rogue secondary allows you to have increase dodge or damage for a primary tank ability or is it just going to be slapping a rogue ability on the bar? That's the question I have anyways. 64 classes sounds awesome, I just wonder if that will be the case. :)

    This part is already known, you have a primary of the 8 you choose at start and it’s permanent, then at a higher level you can choose a secondary class which adds a modifier to the primary’s skills, ie a fighter with a rush skill chooses mage and adds the teleport modifier so instead of rushing the ebony he teleports to them, or if they choose to go with an element modifier there would be the charge with a element modifier added to the attack. Also the secondary choice can be changed thru some work

    We just don’t really know what half of the classes moves are or what each classes choices of modifiers are yet. So one can speculate about what they would like to choose for a combo but until we can see it we are just choosing because the name sounds cool
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hi there! We'll be continuing to release more information, blogs, and videos on archetypes, classes, and their skills as we dive deeper into testing them with you all! I'd also recommend checking out our helpful support article here that lets you know how and where to keep up with the latest news as we post it.

    I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist with in the meantime!
This discussion has been closed.