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Feature Request: PVP Team Event

ZombieHeartZombieHeart Member
edited May 2021 in General Discussion
Is there a formal place to make a feature request? I wanted to pitch the idea of having a quarterly pvp arena with in-game stadium and a way to remote view the combatants. Then, I think it should also have big rewards but previous winners cannot re-enter. I think it would be great to promote this on the games launcher and have AoC give us a stream with it too. There could be a couple of rounds to help narrow down the competing teams, with objectives that focus requiring teamwork in order to pass the round, or even rounds that present unique game modes while still utilizing your characters. There could be rounds that are all about having the best strategy while characters base stats and meaningless. The final round I think would be best as a tournament style team pvp deathmatch. I have a few ideas for the details of the rounds but that's the basic layout. What do think?

* Axiom Guild is recruiting


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    DreohDreoh Member
    edited May 2021
    Like a more organized Gurabashi arena?
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    Dreoh wrote: »
    Like a more organized Gurabashi arena?

    No, I don't think so...
    Multiple round process of elmination, through various tests of courage, to find who the most valuable players are.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Seems like Military Metros would already be able to support team PvP.
    And seems to me that team PvP arenas probably would not come with rewards because the devs want team PvP to be objective-based and meaningful.
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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    I mean they have said there will be Arena PvP season, that will have its own ladder and leaderboards.

    The arena ladder will have its own rewards, titles you can earn, and you can spend arena pvp points to buy gear.
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