Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Why are you so aggressively opposed to female hypersexuality?
I agree that the armor should protect the hero's body.
And let the armor remain as it is.
But costumes are something else.
For example, I want to play in prettier and lighter costumes, I don't like plate armor.
Why not add both types of costumes? Everyone would play on what is aesthetically pleasing to him.
Also, you often write that open armor is not realistic. But the fire dragon is also not realistic. I'm not playing the game to be realistic.
Why do you dislike the way others try to express themselves?

I agree that the armor should protect the hero's body.
And let the armor remain as it is.
But costumes are something else.
For example, I want to play in prettier and lighter costumes, I don't like plate armor.
Why not add both types of costumes? Everyone would play on what is aesthetically pleasing to him.
Also, you often write that open armor is not realistic. But the fire dragon is also not realistic. I'm not playing the game to be realistic.
Why do you dislike the way others try to express themselves?

If something doesn't fit the lore, Intrepid will not add. And I have high doubts those ff14 armours are remotely close to what would fit
This is Archeage.
It seems to me that it is impossible to fit everything into lore.
The game should be visually pleasing.
Game biomes are awesome, but most of the existing costumes are poor. They are gray and awkward, this is not what I would like to see. My life is already poor and gray, and games somehow save it. But imagining that my character will be like my reality is very depressing for me.
Also, I perfectly understand that part of the audience who have exactly the opposite opinion. And unlike them, I would listen to their opinion. I would like to see both types of costumes. It is necessary to fight for what you want, but do not forget about the interests of other people.
This isn't ff14 tho. Here we have armour or armour like outfits. No dresses or suits. You're thinking of a wrong game
Those pictures aren't from FF14 they're from the game that largely inspired this one, Archeage, and is why some of the store cosmetics are already a little out there.
As for @clonezilla's questions about being afraid of female hypersexuality I say if Intrepid goes that way in their designs then they should just have it be for both sexes...if I pick up a chainmail bikini I don't want it suddenly turning into a big piece of plate armor, no no, my male Orc barbarian best be running around w/ pec supports and a thong
However, if the goal is to include a combination of both "armor" and "costume" looks, I think their past cosmetics already suggest that's the path they are taking:
We already know we'll have prettier and lighter things such as dresses based on what they've already added. This shows they're going to add in a wide variety of armors and cosmetics. I don't think there is any reason to specifically sexualize these costumes any more than they already are:
Thanks, as I was reading this thread I was thinking to post exactly those images. Then I got to the part where you did it.
Personally, I prefer a bit of the sexualization. It is just a kick ass aesthetic I have loved my whole life thanks to things like heavy metal magazine, conan the barbarian, elric of melnibone, and many others. I know Korean MMOs took the aesthetics and dialed them up to 11, which just made people dislike it. Still within reason, I like seeing female characters that look like they belong on the cover of a power metal album.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Yes, I agree with you. I also believe that sexualization should be equal for mens and womens.
I am not a supporter of too revealing outfits in games, but I am not against them either. If there are people who want to play them, then let them play.
For example, the ArcheAge succubus costume. It's too open and can hardly be called a suit. But there are some people who like it and why limit them?
At the beginning of the topic, I attached screenshots of the costumes that I like and in which I would like to play.
My question was for people who don't like these suits. They want to see all the characters in realistic armor, but not in dresses. I don't understand them. They say that my tank in a dress prevents them from enjoying the game.
But I want to play in this dress or tuxedo.
I really like some of the realized costumes. They are very beautiful, but also dark.
They should be. But also, I would like to see more positive light suits.
to put it simply they are not making a game that caters to the kind of style you want.
Those are probably the worst designs I've seen in my life lol. So gross and tasteless 😂
Dude, personally, I would even like some of Vek or Nikua's traditional female dresses to be bare chest. (I know, in some countries that's worse than committing a crime, so it will not happen).
But what you are asking for is probably anime schoolgirl sexualization, or the closest you can get.
That stuff don't have a place outside of a healthy-sexuality-deprived japanese culture.
Please, you have TONS of games that follows that aesthetic, don't try to push your (to me) disgusting fetish in everyone's face.
You have websites for that, my guy.
Different people have different world views.
Steven is making the game he always wanted to make.
If he's not into over-sexualization, he's not into over-sexualization.
Not every MMORPG has to be include that.
Sexualization is about as far down as one could get on my list of interests for playing an RPG.
It can be fine if it's both for males and females...but I'm not going to miss it if it's not there.
If scanty, flirty clothing is available I will have characters wearing it. Especially if we can "cross-dress", I will also have characters doing that. But...not every game is into overly sexy clothing.
That's OK.
Intrepid will know what fits
I'm pretty sure there will be a variety of outfits to choose in the game and you will find one that you like but if you are looking for a heavy plate bikini armor AoC won't have that.
You are fully respected for wanting to use what armor you want, what colors you want of course....but why do you see a JRPG Final fantasy styled armor would have a place in AOC? I know of no connection to any class, area or region that a white suit and tie and a K-pop band hairstyle would fit. This is in no way ment as a disrespect, but only the way i express it as explaining it. Personally, i think the JRPG games have the worst armor and clothes of any game, but i absolutely support it existing in the games where they belong.
I do not see them working in this environment however.
Would you say a 40K Deathwatch Chapter Master would fit in Animal Crossing, or that Zelda would fit in perfectly in the world of Hitman? I hope there will be options for players to feel welcome here, but not everything can fit.
I have played FF14 for a few hours ( i know this is archage not FF ), and i will not keep it up. I cannot feel at home in that sort of genre. There are no armors for me, no clothes, and i feel just amazingly odd and left out. Again, i respect the people that enjoy that style, i just do not.
TBH it's not like AoC really has a set aesthetic I've seen costumes that run the gambit from Roman Centurion to Victorian Nobleman.
I´m just thinking about the general world and the aesthetics so far, and i really don´t have any JRPG vibes from anything as of yet. I may be wrong and i have missed a lot, but just what i have seen so far.