Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Think outside the Box, Mysticism in AOC and trust the people who strive to give us something unique

MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
edited May 2021 in General Discussion
"The video games that we will remember will be the video games that we help to improve"

We did it!!!! WE DEFEAT THE FINAL BOSS, WE WIN THE WAR after days of trying, weeks training with the guild, months training, recruiting our members, for that effort for that delivery we achieve our goal, EVERYONE DESERVES ESSTA VICTORIA MY BROTHERS!!! WE'RE ALL ONE, WE'RE ALL BROTHERS!!!!!!.

It's been more than 6 years since I've been able to feel something similar to this in an MMO, and let me tell you that it hurts to know that the good customs of MMOs are missing that more and more players prefer everything easier and who leave aside the experiences/friends/feelings that gives you a real MMO created for you to strive and outper get over.

I will give all my impressions and experiences that I have accumulated over the years playing all kinds of video games.
Before I begin, let me tell you that I do not intend to demand anything, I just try to help and give my views, with how little I can I want to help this great project called AOC.

Remember this phrase, "THE MYSTICISM" of video games.

Be yourself
In victory, in defeat, in the fight and in peace NEVER GIVE BACK TO YOUR IDEALS.

As Steven said, "creating an MMO is difficult, but creating AOC is much more," and that's what it's all about, if you have an idea, if you believe in a project, an interpretation for the game, in a differentiation, in something that most might seem like a mistake but you think it's a success to DO it! , never turn your back on your ideals, at that moment you cease to be yourself at that moment you lose the course by which you work, and if, you could go back to that course and have another perspective but the idea would be broken, the ideas are unique and if someone wants to create something unique they must have unique ideas, ideas that go beyond normal, ideas that only oneself could create, that is the ideal of a dreamer, someone who strives for that dream, shape it, that is the path of the fighter, that is the path that life gives you, obstacles for different ideas, falls for unique projects but ONLY THOSE WHO DO NOT GIVE THE BACK TO THEIR IDEALS THE ADAPTED AND FOLLOW ARE THE TRIUNFATORS.

The path will not be easy, YOU DO NOT WANT IT TO BE EASY, the weak are forged in the easy, the strong overcome the obstacles that life gives you, if they want to create an MMO that they can be proud of then it must cost, it must hurt, it must squeeze and fatigue them, that is the essence of greatness overcome all those obstacles to reach the top and fulfill their dreams.



  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    Feelings in MMO
    When an MMO makes you want to play it not only to get out of your everyday life but to want to outdo yourself with your character at that time you know that MMO is the right one.

    There are many MMO, there are many who have left in history a name, there are others who have left in history a legacy, but there are very few who have left in history a feeling, that feeling that makes you come back, even if you do not know because, just that is what sets it apart from others, because many MMO will be able to come and go , many MMO will have the best graphics, history or versatility, but only a few will be able to say that they have a faithful community and attached to their game.
    Let's not look at the typical examples of MMOs, let's get out of the box and look at the most everyday example today, streamers, the best streamers in the world are not the ones that have the best numbers, as you know those numbers come and go, the best streamers are the ones who have a faithful and solid community that follow them and support them day after day , who are with them in the good and the bad, that kind of fidelity is cultivated by an identification with the streamer that is generated by a feeling, either by their charisma, their skills in the game, their content, etc.
    That kind of fidelity is to be pointed out, there is no greater honor than having a person who of his own free will is faithful, that denotes that your work is worthy and that your effort is rewarded with that fidelity.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    The epic moments that a video game does NOT generate

    The game needs the player to generate an ideal environment for EPIC moments to be generated, but have we ever thought about whether together and objectively both the MMO and the player can push in different directions to produce those moments?
    Let me put it this way, a game gives a player all the necessary tools so that the player can generate epic moments, the player having all those tools has a limited set of events that he can generate, within them will be the epic moments and therefore the game will get what he was looking for, all right so far.
    Now, if we instead of giving him those elements (putting him in his comfort zone), we do not give them to him rather, they should be the generators of the materials necessary for that epic moment to be generated.

    We would be giving the player power so that he can create those epic moments for himself without having to rely on the game in this way the player will be able to feel freedom, not be immersed in a preset box in this way would generate a more positive environment that would help the game and support the player.
    Epic moments are positive or negative are the cherry of the cake for each video game and in a particular MMO is the cusp to which you can aspire, either as a team or as an individual.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Play with the player's fear to activate it

    Imagine this scene, a mount farmer getting a mount for which I work more than 2 years, when I get it I reach the cusp of his goal for that mount, therefore, I reach a content limit for that feature.

    How could the player's enthusiasm be reactivated based on that mount? Giving the player the ability to lose it, simply having the option to be stolen, lost, or who may die would put the player in a continuous alert state for as long as that option is enabled or by features that may generate loss options.

    I steal the mount, a war is generated, there are winners and losers, a rivalry is generated, that rivalry generates that they improve, there are more wars, the mount is recovered, and in this way a loop is generated where players would be in an activation mode both to improve and not be an easy prey and to have different types of non-farm options to get rare objects.

    We are very used to the new strategies of MMO where "everyone is a winner", losing also drives you to improve, losing is a viable option for overcoming and continuous content generated by the desire to be a winner, but there is the case, you will not always be a winner or loser and that is the turning point that detonates the player's overcoming.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    When an MMO is backed by traditions, customs and themes that bring history to life these generate in the players a linear perception where they discover what the game wants to tell them but they do not have the power to choose what they want to see or otherwise they are in the box, that box that tells them what to do and how they should do it.
    If we take the specific point that's what every video game does so you don't have problems with its story, you can't give the keys to your imagination to 100000 people, that would turn into chaos, but what if we give players a chance to have a small part influence on the game's history?
    We don't confuse things, I'm not referring to the typical brand argument an option between 3 for something different to happen, you have to try to get out of the box, therefore, I have some propositions.
    1.- Players can become myths or legends in the history of the game.
    2.- Players can achieve achievements that are seen by other players, this would generate a competitiveness to overcome them, but not any kind of achievement, they should NOT be achievements like exceeding a +20 or get a very rare item, they should be feats worth writing in the game's history books, worthy of being sculpted in cities, that would be more than a competitive incentive, it would be a pride for the player.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    3.- Players can tell their own story or the story of their guild.
    I'll give you my own example, the last MMO I have a great appreciation of is Black Desert Mobile, I know is a cell phone game, but let me tell you it has nothing to envy computer MMOs when it comes to feelings, sociability and history generated by your players.
    I with other friends created the strongest community of Spanish-speaking players of all American servers, WAKANDA ARMY,this one had the 1 and 3 best teams ,Genei Army and Lórien.
    We had the respect of the vast majority of American P2W teams where our greatest adversary was the best team of all the American servers STARKNEKKID from which we earned their respect for never going back and always fighting to the last, although the difference was abysmal.
    We as a community manage to conquer the most precious node of the whole game THE CASTLE, despite all the difficulties despite all the disadvantages, we made events, tournaments, internal and external competitions, we tell stories (the video shows the 3 kings of my guild Lórien, I am the 4 person that comes out in the video, I was the 2 king of Lórien)
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    We achieved all this by joining all of us as a strong community, a family that had its successes and faults but in the end knew that they could count on each other.
    From everything told about my experience in this last MMO I would have loved if we could have told the stories, experiences, events and events that we live as a community in the game, that it was etched in a monument or in a book, that the game would have given us that possibility would have been very encouraging since if we are worthy of being told in the general history of the game by our exploits that would be a huge incentive for us as a community let's strive to try to generate as many exploits as possible and hope that one of these will have the level to be recorded in the history of the game.
    Therefore, I think it would be good to let guilds have the possibility to write or sculpt their exploits and if these exploits are worthy of being told in the history of the game that can also be recorded and saved to remain as a general story or in that case are adapted to enter the overall history of the game.

  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021

    A highly sought after idea in recent years is the climate and biodiversity/fauna in MMO, being able to give the player a changing climate where he can appreciate the different characteristics that these give you is something highly appreciated by every player, but at the same time it could generate a feeling of being locked in the box, because if that changing climate is very often (every 2 weeks, for example) it would become redundant and lose a lot of importance.

    What if we give players the opportunity to change the seasons of some areas of the map and that they in turn affect the biodiversity/fauna and climate of those areas?

    Let's put at this point, Guild A needs to farm materials to create their armor/outfits/houses/etc, they will look for farm zones or market to obtain them, these will be affected by the seasons, consequently, the price of the materials will be affected by them, but these being constant will result in a very little changing market where players will know when to buy things and when not, everything is well there.
    Guild B knowing that Guild A is improving will need to interrupt that upgrade, as Guild A became very strong WITHIN ITS NODE, Guild B will look for another way to weaken it, this will be dominating an area surrounding the guild node A this area will have among its characteristics a monument or something similar that can change the climate of the areas around it, Guild B will choose a climate that will affect Guild A and it will look in need to attack to dominate that area or sell its materials at lower cost since in that climate it is not beneficial to use those materials. In this way we make more interactive and make more sense of the climate, seasons, biodiversity/ fauna so that they are of greater importance than is used to.
    Of course, that feature should be used carefully and from time to time so that it is not something every day and loses importance, and if we go further this could mean that in future wars some guilds want to conquer those areas first before attacking the main node so that this changing climate affects the main node and they can with that have a climatic advantage, in fact there are several variants that could be applied, not only in war, also economically, in flora/fauna, biodiversity, obtaining mounts, farmhouse, farming, pvp, lore, role, building houses, war strategies, etc.

  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Generating profits by the same players

    Here we enter one of the most controversial topics of the current era, such as a video game (especially an MMO) could generate money (profits) but agree to put, micro transactions, macro transactions, sales packages, promotions, Boost, etc., anything that affects gameplay.

    As is already known to every player this theme is taboo because it could awaken the beast that no one wants to see, the P2W. How to balance payment options so that the community and the company have an optimal development climate? since it is well known that games start to die when the community is not happy, but in the same way the community begins to die when the game does not have the resources to create better content.
    I believe that the answer we have always had at our forefront, the players are the ones who could generate those profits without the company resorting to other types of sales that affect the gameplay and climate with the community.

    You should have a currency, material or similar in the game that is linked to any brand, sponsor, investor, company. When the player uses that the company associated with that should pay AOC a % of the money from which they would be beneficiaries, so the player would only play and enjoy content outside of all p2w generating profits from the company for it.
    For example, it is 2021, traditional ways of generating money are falling behind, more and more people generate their money based on sponsorships, social networks, websites, independent jobs, etc.
    If someone wanted to promote a product it would not make sense to look for a company that has the possibilities to give you a stable, massive and profitable audience, if that case then we would be talking about a business model of very good potential since quality MMO have those characteristics and AOC points to that, then if you are looking for a balance between having profits , that your community is happy for the good content outside of all P2W and that you have a business model that will generate advertising promotions for both the game and the company.

    A great example that is coming to this would be what has happened in the last 2 World Legue of Legends (LOL) worlds, the skins are promoted with the Louis Vuitton brand.
    Another example that comes close to this would be what happens each season with Fortnite skins or content, adapt that content and promote skins with the popular characters/themes of each year (Movies, FIFA, characters, etc.).

    Let's imagine that a server has invaluable resources that everyone wants to create epic, beautiful and highly tradable outfits, these completed outfits could be promoted by a clothing brand, could be seen on some social network and they could even do advertising campaigns based on those outfits, this would generate a flow from among the community that wears those outfits , the game that does not have the need to resort to p2w for the profits generated by the same players, the allied companies that would win public, would generate money for it, would return a % of it to AOC and the advertisements that would be generated for all parties.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    5% vs 95%

    It is well known that in many current games the content is adapted for higher-ranking players, semi-professional and professional players, but it is not taken as much into consideration as the vast majority of players since in these times the high or professional competitive is showier and advertising than improved content for most players who are not of great rank. It should be clarified that professionals help a lot to the advertising of the game, but to itself the game is not only nourished by that share of players but from the vast majority of players who are not of such high rank but who help the game understand its flaws, where its general content should go, which should or should not be prioritized and what is the current mood of the community, these factors are generally the most important for any game, especially if it is quality MMO.

    Rather than seeking a balance, it should be prioritized to have an overview where the fall of one party is not allowed and that another is imposed, rather that the two parties rely simultaneously to generate a good atmosphere in the game.

    For example, if high-ranking players or professionals earn some kind of special achievement in tournaments or high content, these achievements would unlock in general content some instance or special content so that most players can go and benefit. Similarly, players of normal or low ranks could support professionals by doing missions aimed at generating resources so that professionals can have more options when training with armaments, see different strategies, etc.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021

    As I mentioned at the beginning, THE MYSTICISM of a video game makes it unlike any other, that is remembered for years, that is respected and loved like none.
    What is MYSTICISM?
    Steven Sharif knows very well what it is, in the video with Asmongold he produced it.
    When you feel that for a person what you call "play" he calls "life sense", when that person puts everything of himself so that that project is what the players deserve, when you feel that someone other than listening to you understands you and works on it, when the effort and dedication of a job is based on giving you the best of itself for you , when they take risks, they worry about improving details, when they try to get out of the box, when they talk to you with their heart and respond to you with their minds, all that set form "The mystique" of a video game, crosses the barrier of a game and becomes "THE GAME".
    There have been games that have had "The Mystique", Lineage, GW, WOW, LOL, Super Mario, Zelda, Tony Hawk, Megaman, Counter, Starcraft, DIABLO, Super Smash Bros, Final Fantasy VII, etc.
    Everyone at the time had it for that very reason is that they are games that are remembered with affection, games that marked eras, games that marked other developers, games that marked many people and that to put everything of whether they created that mystique that is so appreciated by the players.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    So that's exactly what Steven Sharif is wanting to convey to us and how AOC wants to create.
    The pillars of AOC and they are forging them, I fully trusted what Steve and his brothers are about to create, but I would also like to give some ideas for those pillars, I would like to help with as little as I can, I hope to help, I hope I can bring something positive to you.
    1.- Make it real.
    Players realize when a project is more than graphics, it's more than good trailers, it's more than good publicity, the feeling of play has a lot of influence on the player, being treated as people who can help the game improve is something we really appreciate, that we realize that their concern for the game is reflected in the content, is reflected in the theme, reflected in the polishing of history, gameplay, differentiation, etc. That they can convey to us in the game what Steven transmitted to us in the video with Asmongold.
    2.- The uniqueness of its content creates together something unique.
    Everything happens for something, not like the typical game that gives you three options to choose from, but in the game it is interpreted that your unique actions have a purpose together, something that goes beyond just farming a mount or a material, something unique that influences the collective to find unique materials that give you and your guild the possibility to create something unique.

    3.- Travel
    Travel should make a higher sense than just traveling to trade something or to find unique material.
    Travel should make a bigger sense, such as when you get out of the way to get another perspective on it, come back and know better how to follow that path.
    For example, exploration trips to discover or study a particular material, but in the same way that journey cost a lot of time, cost other materials to survive, take experience to know where to go, that is a separate adventure that covers more than a simple trip.

    4.- The atmosphere of the game, music.
    Creating both a positive and a negative environment is paramount to getting the best out of a player. Give it a positive environment so you can function normally and make passive content, but in the same way give it a negative environment so you can get the best out of yourself.

    For example, travel might in a way be a positive content, but at some point the trip could have a negative environment, an ambush that forces you out of the way, look for another, have to survive looking for food or water, etc. In the same way you could have content where it starts negative and gradually you are overcoming it become positive.

    In short, the player must not be allowed to be on one side or the other, you have to have it between the two sides so that the versatility of the game is feeling and does not linear.

  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    5.- Hype of representatives for the community and tools for them
    5.1 TOOLS
    For both advertising and a great environment with the community, representatives are very important. A good idea to help them is to create dedicated servers so that streamers or people who want to promote the game have tools to create different content.
    For example, a server where they can show the different ways to make a house, interior decorations, decorations for nodes, ways to use weapons, outfit creations, weapon decorations, ideas to generate strategies, formations, etc. In Rust there are several creative servers for it, where people can create different forms of bases, improve their skills with weapons, give construction classes, etc.

    5.2 Hype of representatives for the community
    When you search twitch for a specific channel, when you're looking for a particular person who doesn't play what you play, but you follow it because it fascinates you like its content, it inspires you to waste your time with it, at that moment you realize that that streamer for people who follow it is more than just a streamer is an icon for their followers, a person who gives the example and follows him.
    I think it should be paramount to have people with those characteristics on their side, people who are more than just streamers who play just because the game is popular, you should look for those icons that play because they like it, because that taste will be transferred to others and that will lead to an excellent climate between the community and its representatives. Having few streamers with those features would be worth much more than having many who only play for popularity.
    Examples there are many, in LOL this one of the icons that I particularly like very much, Carlos Ocelote, owner of the professional team G2, former professional player and one of the most charismatic characters in the LOL community.

    Another great example is the WOW Asmongold icon, wow's best streamer for years. He alone has generated more events than WOW has generated in 2 years.

    If AOC manages to have or form streamers that play with passion, dedication and why they like the game then definitely the community will have those icons that would represent them, they would further encourage the game among the community, they would be the benchmarks of AOC for the players.
    That's why those representatives who would promote HYPE must be representatives who like the game, so that they can convey that taste and that the community feels that passion for the game.

    In my view, one of the best representatives in the video game world today is Blueprint.
    That's the passion you should look for in a Streamer
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Be what you must be, always firm ahead, with the passion to break the current paradigms of MMO, because creating something unique is not easy and will never be, it will ask for much effort, it will ask for much surrender on the part of all, but a true KING goes ahead no matter what, whatever comes.
    Ideals and dreams are treasures that are not sought, you already have them, but you must forge them.
    Be yourselves to create what you believe and whether you should fail or succeed, always do so as you look, but never turn your back on your ideals or dreams.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2021

    Finally, I would like to give my perspective on something that has been going on in recent years.

    My last MMO of which I have a great appreciation is Black Desert Mobile, as I said above is a mobile game but that has nothing to envy of the great MMOs, has a lot of mystique, organization and competitiveness between guilds.

    In that MMO there was something that is very rare to see, the American community with the Latino community formed a climate of competitiveness, mutual help and positive environment that produced that the game is better enjoyed
    The language barrier was not a big problem, rather it pushed many Latinos to join Latino guilds to compete against Americans, but mixed guilds between Americans and Latinos also emerged that helped each other, improved, had the possibility to ally with Latin, American and thanks to this they were able to conquer castles, we all united against the best P2W Starknekkid guild , making alliances between Americans and Latinos to beat them, many betrayals, a lot of history, a lot of drama, but in a positive environment where everyone just wanted to improve, beat Starknekkid and enjoy the game.

    What I want to get to with everything said above, please don't ignore the Spanish-speaking community.

    I know very well that we are not a very economically attractive audience, language impediments and many other failures, but that does not stop us from improving as a community.

    Over the years we have improved, we have forged a strong, growing and potential community.
    Today we are one of the largest communities on Twitch, promoting massive events that help other games improve. (Egoland, an event where more than 60 Spanish-speaking streamers played that helped Rust reach 1 million viewers) (streamer Elxokas WOW player and variety, making WOW tournaments)
    We have the best twitch streamer of 2020, Ibai Llanos, and a lot of streamers within the top 100 twitch

    Ibai Llanos event 26/05/2021, promoting box fights between Spanish-speaking Streamers. Exceed 1.5M viewers
    Do not misunderstand me, I do not ask that we have our own servers, rather it is quite the opposite, as happened in Black Desert Mobile, if multiculturalism is promoted in MMOs it is possible that at first you have a little fights but in the long run and carried well by the community, by the GM and by the company, you can reach a climate that promotes the game optimally , after all, how beautiful it would be if an MMO had the language as a factor in the content, you imagine if AOC created its own language and to get all the content out of the game you should learn that language, that would be amazing.

    Thank you so much for taking your time to read it, a strong brother hug.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Muy buen libro.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    tautau wrote: »
    Muy buen libro.

    thank :)
  • Quin_1878Quin_1878 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Lots of good ideas

    It is important to share ideas even if they are bad ones.
    Better to argue with people over theory crafting ideas then let a wildcard developer shoot from the hip.

    For instance one of my biggest suggestions for game companies moving forward right now is to invest in making their own crypto currency for cash shops and backing their own cosmetic NFT so that they can create higher demand, player owned business hording, and have zero lability over the ensuing shenanigan's

    Great idea for making a billion dollar business, but the P2W fallout would completely destroy a new IP that has no salt in the game.

    Thanks for the read and motivational videos, hopefully Intrepid incorporate player created stories as side quests or at very least Easter Eggs
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    Quin wrote: »
    Lots of good ideas

    It is important to share ideas even if they are bad ones.
    Better to argue with people over theory crafting ideas then let a wildcard developer shoot from the hip.

    For instance one of my biggest suggestions for game companies moving forward right now is to invest in making their own crypto currency for cash shops and backing their own cosmetic NFT so that they can create higher demand, player owned business hording, and have zero lability over the ensuing shenanigan's

    Great idea for making a billion dollar business, but the P2W fallout would completely destroy a new IP that has no salt in the game.

    Thanks for the read and motivational videos, hopefully Intrepid incorporate player created stories as side quests or at very least Easter Eggs

    That is the idea, if we want a good MMO we must also do our part and help them :)
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    Quin wrote: »
    Lots of good ideas

    It is important to share ideas even if they are bad ones.
    Better to argue with people over theory crafting ideas then let a wildcard developer shoot from the hip.

    For instance one of my biggest suggestions for game companies moving forward right now is to invest in making their own crypto currency for cash shops and backing their own cosmetic NFT so that they can create higher demand, player owned business hording, and have zero lability over the ensuing shenanigan's

    Great idea for making a billion dollar business, but the P2W fallout would completely destroy a new IP that has no salt in the game.

    Thanks for the read and motivational videos, hopefully Intrepid incorporate player created stories as side quests or at very least Easter Eggs

    The idea of their own currency seems very successful and interesting to me, in this way they would have a lot of fluidity and power in their economy.
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