Scribe suggestions

LochLoch Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Based off of what i read about scribes, they just seem a tab bit lacking at the moment. Now I realize that it hasn't been fully flushed out but, i thought id throw out some neat ideas i had to make them more desirable and interesting.

Scribes to be seem like the should be more involved with other professions. Being as they record history i feel like it would be great to see them be able to discover scrolls or books in the open world and in dungeons that would give them the ability to give, sell, or make recipes for high tier armor, potions, boats, weapons, and perhaps even be linked to espionage, or spy craft by being able to sell this info to rivals, or maybe even ALTER information to do counter intel for opposing guilds. This could potentially boost the interest in this profession, as well as spread the wealth as far as importance of professions to make it so that ship smiths, armor smiths, and weapon smiths dont have ALL of the elite recipes. They could even perhaps uncover old recipes from before the sundering from the "old world".


  • ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    A lot of great ideas , we just don't have any info on what a scribe profession is going to be like yet. At least as far as I know.
  • LochLoch Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I have so many more ideas for this as well. My main idea is to have all the professions inter weaved somehow so that not one profession dominates the market. All professions should be vitally important in some manner, and they way they are connected can make a good market, and great economy.
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member
    It could be cool to have Scribes provide something like a notary buff to certain purchases, edicts (by mayors and kings) etc.
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited May 2021
    Yours truly had been interested in the notion of a scholar-type of sub-profession, at first pass. Per functionality, I'll probably go for weaponsmith, at the game's open.


    1) Yours truly would like CARTOGRAPHY to play a role. Gather the right materials, prepare the right product (scrolls?), explore the right places in-person, and then you might sell maps for different regions of the game - for anyone who isn't stoked to explore the whole map, themselves (or at least not again, on alts). If maps were obtained/learned by Scribes, they could have limited-uses for re-makes, so that the Scribe would again need to re-visit a region or Point-of-Interest, to renew or re-learn a limited number of schematics, for making further maps of the same region. In such a way, Scribe would be a "tourist" sub-profession, requiring constant travel and familiarity with different regions of the game.

    2) A lesser element, perhaps, would be something to like a NEWS-NETWORK. If a Scribe visits the castle of a region, and lives in X Node, then their home-Node's Library's or Town Hall's records would come to have information about the Nodes under each of the 5 castles, such as the Mayors of each Node, registered populations, and schematics available from those foreign Nodes' Libraries and Town Halls. The information is available through the game's metrics-tracking anyways; Why should the Devs be the only ones that such information serves?

    3) I'd like to see a reason for scribes to need to VISIT DIFFERENT NODES' LIBRARIES/TOWN HALLS, such as the ability to learn or pick up schematics, which can then be made by the scribes and re-sold, in other areas of the game. A food recipie or an armor schematic that may have been discovered by a citizen of such-and-such node could become available at that town's library or town hall and could serve as a big reason for Scribes from far and wide to travel there. Perhaps a fee could be paid to the Node for the Scribe to learn that recipie or schematic for future reproduction and re-sale (also perhaps in limited quantity, per learning/re-learning), elsewhere. If this stayed Node-specific, it'd be a big draw for foreign Scribes to come and visit/re-visit other Nodes.

    Just some ideas to kick around, while we're waiting for a better picture of the later-development content to come around for preview. Again, the overall theme that yours truly would like to see for Scribes is that they become a "tourist" sub-profession, requiring frequent inter-Node travel!

  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Excellent ideas. Perhaps the maps can be linked somehow with the optional map rooms in developed taverns.

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