Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Brazilian Server / Server Brasileiro de Ashes of Creation

(Br) Olá para todos
Venho aqui iniciar a discussão sobre um possível servidor brasileiro /américa do sul no lançamento de AoC. Percebi que ainda não temos um foco dentro dos fóruns discord assim como moderadores. Para toda a comunidade Brasileira/America do sul, por favor, deixem seus comentários para saberem que existimos e estamos ansiosos para o lançamento de AoC. Para das demais regiões, peço apoio para que possamos fazer AoC o maior MMO ao redor do mundo!
(En) Hello everybody
I come here to start the discussion about a possible brazilian/south american server in the AoC launch. I realized that we still don't have a focus within the discord and forums as well as moderators. To the entire Brazilian/South American community, please leave your comments to let us know we exist and look forward to the AoC release. For all other regions, I'm I ask for support so that we can make AoC the largest MMO around the world!
(Sorry for the bad translation... I did my best XD)
Venho aqui iniciar a discussão sobre um possível servidor brasileiro /américa do sul no lançamento de AoC. Percebi que ainda não temos um foco dentro dos fóruns discord assim como moderadores. Para toda a comunidade Brasileira/America do sul, por favor, deixem seus comentários para saberem que existimos e estamos ansiosos para o lançamento de AoC. Para das demais regiões, peço apoio para que possamos fazer AoC o maior MMO ao redor do mundo!
(En) Hello everybody
I come here to start the discussion about a possible brazilian/south american server in the AoC launch. I realized that we still don't have a focus within the discord and forums as well as moderators. To the entire Brazilian/South American community, please leave your comments to let us know we exist and look forward to the AoC release. For all other regions, I'm I ask for support so that we can make AoC the largest MMO around the world!
(Sorry for the bad translation... I did my best XD)
"Ashes of Creation will launch with the following server regions:[4][5]
North America (NA).[6][7][8]
Europe (EU).[6][7][8]
Asia/Pacific (SEA).[6][8][9]
Oceania (OCE) (Australia).[6][8][9]
Other server regions will be considered based on interest.[6][5]
South America is under consideration due to traffic from that region.[13]"
So there aren't going to be a LA server on launch, maybe in the future.
Read the comic here!
"We hear you and hope to be able to add servers in additional regions as we get closer to launch! ❤"
Since then, both I and other Brazilians have been mobilizing for the community to grow in this region.