Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Cosmetic gear too badass?

First of I'd like to mention that I am not fully aware if this thread has been created before, looked a bit but didn't find it so I decided to make this one myself.
I am one of those who bought the Adventurers Pack and have bought a couple of outfits, mounts etc.
I believe all this gear and mounts, pets and other cosmetics is extremely cool looking. This is however adding to my nervous factor where I am afraid that the gear you buy for real money exceeds the epic looks of the gear you grind to get. The big problem with this genre is that cosmetics bought with premium currency should never exceed the worth of gear grinding. If so, you remove a big part of the fun of a MMO as well as devalues the work put in to get the gear others are using.
This game is already doing a fantastic job not giving "quality of life" resources through the shop (THANK GOD). However I really hope the shop don't ruin another big part of the game such as grind for cool looking gear.
I am aware that the gear bought is not obtainable in-game and therefore not devalueing existing gear that you can grind, however if the buyable gear is better looking, what is the point of grinding for other cool looking gear?
I am one of those who bought the Adventurers Pack and have bought a couple of outfits, mounts etc.
I believe all this gear and mounts, pets and other cosmetics is extremely cool looking. This is however adding to my nervous factor where I am afraid that the gear you buy for real money exceeds the epic looks of the gear you grind to get. The big problem with this genre is that cosmetics bought with premium currency should never exceed the worth of gear grinding. If so, you remove a big part of the fun of a MMO as well as devalues the work put in to get the gear others are using.
This game is already doing a fantastic job not giving "quality of life" resources through the shop (THANK GOD). However I really hope the shop don't ruin another big part of the game such as grind for cool looking gear.
I am aware that the gear bought is not obtainable in-game and therefore not devalueing existing gear that you can grind, however if the buyable gear is better looking, what is the point of grinding for other cool looking gear?

Unfortunately 'cool looking' is so subjective that you will probably never reach the end of this argument.
"This one is cooler because its horns are red and on fire."
"Why do I have to spend money in the shop just to have a helm with curly horns that are not on fire?"
Either way, that's the promise. Top level cosmetics will be just as good or better, subject to preference. I think there was an implication that the shop will get the 'Heavy Theming' stuff. Things that match specific biomes or such, rather than 'an indicator that you beat some boss', but I don't remember where I saw this.
Appreciate anyone who knows where that quote was, linking it.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
The end-game gear is going to look so "over the top" that people think it is a problem. It will look badass, but in a way where these people thinking that this is some sort of mid to low fantasy setting dread the sight of the armor.
Also, in-game earned gear can be mixed part by part and is fully dye-able. The stuff from the cosmetic pack covers your whole body and can't be dyed. So, it is already inferior.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Making game-obtainable looks so good that they lose money on making the shop ones?? Competing within themselves and hindering their own earnings?? Sounds very bad. I just hope they pull it off and players buy it to support the game and not because is "better".
Yeah, I tend to prefer low-mid fantasy settings where magic, although present and used by some, is not so common that people lost their awe and fear of it. Most high fantasy settings makes little sense or are not very cohesive because they don't consider how much impact magic would have had on the evolution of the world. Unless magic was recently come to their world, high fantasy settings should have integrated magic a lot more in every aspects of the civilizations who use it: architecture, transportation, tools and technology... they should be vastly different from our own (or of our medieval time) if magic had always been an alternative option.
"Normal" armours look fine so far, but all the bought skins are kind of over the top for me. If the world doesn't reflect this level of magic prevalence in other aspects they will fall in my silly fantasy folder. So I'm waiting to see more before judging how fitting they are.
I very much agree with you, the cosmetic sets and the mounts are too much. I doubt they will make sets as good as the black raven set or the ice demon one. If they do, hats off to them.
I agree, I didn't like the black version but these two versions are even worse.