Comedic Relief in Ashes of Creation
Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
One thing that I have wondered is if there will be a sense of comedic relief within the game. I always try to make a point to take note of the subtle things that make MMORPGs really enjoyable. One trait of big MMORPGs that I have noticed is a sense of humor within the game that kind of breaks you from the serious nature of the events unfolding around you. I would normally pay something like that no mind, but once it was pointed out to me as a subtle nuance I have been unable to ignore it as fact.
As far as comic relief isn't that why they added Elves?
As what?
I can see it would be fitting with some form of games, dances perhaps, pet races or something.
I play the game to get away from everyday things such as Fortnite dances and emote spams, so as long as it fit´s the nature of the game....sure.
The majority of my experience comes from World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. For me I do not necessarily want it to be obnoxious and in your face, but to have some comedic relief sprinkled here and there, for me personally, serves to further the immersion. If you find yourself consistently in situations of a serious nature it can actually break the immersion because it feels less naturally. Even in times of calamity people will find a way to be facetious and distract themselves from how dire things really are. It would only serve to better the experience to include that within an MMORPG where a lot of people seek to distract themselves and immerse into a fantasy world.