Top picks for pvp class combos

kevinoozlingkevinoozling Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Whats your opinion? I thinking of going highsword. Do you think hybrids,pure dps or dps with some tank augments will dominate? We know about Pokémon and scissors, paper and the other thing.


  • kevinoozlingkevinoozling Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Not sure why this posted twice
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    To be honest, so hard, impossible in fact, to predict.
    We don't know what all augment can do.

    But, to try to do prediction, and think i understood all maya prophecies, i would say
    Take the augments that can
    1) compensate flaw of your class
    2) push more and more on the strength of your class.

    If you have a very high burst damages, getting even more could allow to kill really fast, the bigger your strength is, the better boosting this strength can be really powerfull. Or if you are already quite tough, some augment to get sustain and playing on long fight can also be good
    On other side, if you really lack mobility (often for the heavy melee class) getting augment that helps about it could be a really good idea.

    To be optimized in pvp i think, avoid augments that dont boost your strenths, or compensate your flaws.
  • kevinoozlingkevinoozling Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    True. What are you going to try? @Aerlana
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    i like the "support" in multiplayer games. (the real support, not taking a tank in LoL but more a sona, a nami, etc). But i did heal too much those last years (because on wow/FFXIV, and most games, there is no more "support). And probably not bard (because!)
    So sumoner, as primary

    and what ? hem... we have no informations about sumoner (except "DD, tank and support pet" "pet can cc" and general information that is clearly not enough to think what kind of augment should be fine ^^')

    Also i will be more to "enjoy" more than being optimized. i did hardcore end game on wow, FFXIV, a little on aion 10 years ago. many years, now i aim more to "simply enjoy" so i will probably take a class more in "RP" and pure feeling way more that being "fully optimized"
  • kevinoozlingkevinoozling Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If ya had to pick a secondary right or you couldn’t play aoc ever what would it be?

    I like hybrids. I hope Being highsword won’t gimp my dps too much. And take some pressure of healers in group
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2021
    My choice is clearly not bind to the subject of this topic... as said my choice would be more with "affinity" more than "op choice"
    Would go conjurer (sumoner) necromancer (So cleric, because, if you love anyone who hates you, kill him/her and... necromancy becomes the best love tool ! ). Curious of what shadowmancer (rogue) and broodwarden ("tank" archetype) can offer also.
  • Ebro EpaitoEbro Epaito Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm curious how the Archer will be Ill try that for sure as I play one on a "Indi" MMO Gloria Vicits and its tough in that game but I like the play style.
  • kevinoozlingkevinoozling Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @Ebro Epaito
    Scion archer/ranger could be a sick combo to try for pvp. If I was going ranger I’d try mage
    as a secondary.

    Those combos seem pretty cool. So excited to see how it all pans out
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'll post a dissenting opinion with the admission that I am not sure that I am right.

    When you try to compensate for the weaknesses of your chosen class, as @Aerlana suggested above, aren't you taking something that has a strength and moving it back towards 'average'? I have had luck in the past by first taking a class I enjoy playing (our objective is to have fun, right?) and then adding to its strengths.

    Sure, it will be weak, but we cannot avoid all weaknesses - particularly if strengthening one of our many weaknesses comes at the cost of weakening our strength. I think it is better to be really good at something rather than 'not too bad' at everything. Dare to be an outlier!

    I did this long ago in early L2 on a healer. I did everything in the game to increase casting speed and my 'sleep' spell. My offensive attack was really awful. But in the server tournaments I would successfully kill the PvP classes pretty often. I could sleep them quickly, do a smidgen of damage, then sleep them again before they could cast or shoot or reach me to stab. The matches, IIRC, were 15 minutes long. It would often take me close to that to kill them. The time passed pleasantly as their pals jeered at them for losing to a Bishop.
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    kgomodeyb wrote: »
    Those combos seem pretty cool. So excited to see how it all pans out

    First we test servers/engine with alpha1, will see at alpha 2... so have to be patient.
    A lot will "play" at alpha2. if augments are not meaningfull or too much could be a really bad thing. and also, see how it can interract with the weapon skills...
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