Suggestion Levling/Skilling?

I'm not sure to phrase this idéa/suggestion. I've been looking at @monkeynews stream and the world looks promising. And I was looking at his stream and thought what would be more enjoyable.
Instead you run out and do quests like collect 35 woods, or kill 40x bears. What if you got skills that you can level up, very similiar to how it is in runescape. And instead quest gives just exp, maybe you can unlock new area to skill at ect ect?
It's silly opinion because we haven't seen yet how the crafting and how the world works in practice, but just wanted to mention it and wish you luck making this game <3


  • Topcatrs88Topcatrs88 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Everything you are seeing for skills and leveling is just temporary. They are there for testers to occupy their time with while the devs gather backend data. The real skill systems will come later and will be way more in depth and will have leveling.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2021
    "Everything you are seeing for skills and leveling is just temporary."
    Adventurer skills and leveling are rudimentary; not temporary.
    Artisan skills are barebones and probably mostly placeholder - about as rudimentary as could possibly be.
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