How much money will cost me to play AoC, (south America, Brazilian)

just for a disclaimer i am a Brasilian and one dollar cost amolst 6 Reais (Real is coin on Brasil) was like imagine what you can buy with one dolar in brasil you buy it with 6 reals and the day to day normal worker had something around 300 bucks for month to spend in games/junk food/ netflix/ films and etc, how will works the covertion from dollars to Reais, how much will cost for a brasilian to play Ashes ?. Becuase if the month subscrption is of 30 dollars, will be close to 150,00 reais, 150,00 reais its the price of a 3A, Games on steam, and its the half of the normal worker month savings money. the true its you will earn less money bring it to brazil, because for games even on MMO with subscription style the most high value that normal brazilian gamers are willing to spend is something around 15,00 to 20,00 reais. thats why you found lots of brasilians playing free-to-play MMORPG or single payment types, like Path of Exile, Elder Scrolls Online, Tibia,Perfect World, Sea of thives, Conan Exiles , Adventure quest 3d, Tera, and some others we love RPGs, that have even some of the normal FFXIV enjoyers who was willing to pay their price.

just remember we are the 3º world consummer of games, we like games but the dollars its too damn high cost, like for me between paying 150,00 reais per month in a game or play League of legends and spend 150,00 on skins, me and a handfull of guys will go to League/dota or to Path of Exile and spends some amount like of it in skins on the games. (lol) its like a addiction for us. and we have a lot of WoW refugees here too.

So for the actual question how much will cost for a brasilian to play ashes of creation ?

and I love the Allcraft interview.


  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    While I dont believe Intrepid have set a price for it yet, they do plan on hosting servers in Brazil, for Brazilian players, charging an amount that is appropriate for Brazils economy.
  • Topcatrs88Topcatrs88 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    What you pay for other subscription based mmos, like WoW, will most likely be similar to the price you pay for ashes. Most companies look at the economy of a region and price accordingly. If they only went by the conversion value no one would spend money on their product.
    For example we pay roughly 15 dollars for a 1 month subscription to WoW, which is roughly 78 reals(according to googles money calculator), however you guys pay roughly 32-39 reals for a 1 month subscription, which is roughly 6-8 dollars for us.
    So I wouldn't worry about it. Especially right now since the game isn't even close to launch yet.
    *Note* The pricing is all speculation since they haven't announced any pricing, but I believe steven mentioned that it would most likely be similar to other mmo's like WoW.
  • GarotheonGarotheon Member
    edited July 2021
    I can only hope for a good price, but the true is i cant wait to put my hands on this game, and start seeing more about the nodes on gameplay, and the raids maan, i see the last video of asmongold that got me hyped for dungeons they got in there and smashed that dragon it was awesome, hope to see more content for dungeons, he just get me hyped back in ashes thats why i raised the question of the price and all.
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    There needs to be one of those foundations that raises money for MMO players in other countries to help them afford sub fees.

    Is this something someone would create and give me credit for?
  • im from brazil too and i dont understand how ppl pay 500 dollars on this crap. You basically do their work, play a buggy trashy game AND have to pay what in brazil is more than 3 minimum wages. Thats bullshit right there.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    im from brazil too and i dont understand how ppl pay 500 dollars on this crap. You basically do their work, play a buggy trashy game AND have to pay what in brazil is more than 3 minimum wages. Thats bullshit right there.

    The packs are supporter packs, not alpha access packs.

    We pay $500 to support Intrepid.
  • cyanideinsanitycyanideinsanity Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter
    edited July 2021
    im from brazil too and i dont understand how ppl pay 500 dollars on this crap. You basically do their work, play a buggy trashy game AND have to pay what in brazil is more than 3 minimum wages. Thats bullshit right there.

    That's how economics work. $500 USD looks like a lot more to you as a Brazilian than it does to even someone working a minimum wage part-time job in the US. For example I work for a grocery store and our minimum wage is $15 USD an hour. It would take about 12 hours for a fresh young adult worker to make Brazil's converted monthly minimum wage if my quick google search is correct.
  • PT: O jogo vai ter apenas um custo mensal, e a conversão de $15 não vai ser usando o câmbio atual, mas sim uma conversão parecida com a da Steam. Se você pagar em BRL, só vai poder jogar os servers SA. Eu imagino que a mensalidade vai custar uns 30~40 reais.

    EN: The game will be subscription based and it will cost $15, but with a localized price, not the daily exchange, similarly to how Steam does it. If you pay using BRL, you'll only be able to play on SA servers.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • im from brazil too and i dont understand how ppl pay 500 dollars on this crap. You basically do their work, play a buggy trashy game AND have to pay what in brazil is more than 3 minimum wages. Thats bullshit right there.

    Well, perhaps you should watch some streams and read about things before making these ridiculous comments.

    You don't PAY $500 for anything. You CHOOSE to support the development of the game in the early stages and you gain unique OPPORTUNITY and PRIVILEGE to test it and suggest things towards the development of the game.

    Just imagine, people pay $1400 for an iPhone when they could use a $20 Nokia. Crazy right?

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    im from brazil too and i dont understand how ppl pay 500 dollars on this crap. You basically do their work, play a buggy trashy game AND have to pay what in brazil is more than 3 minimum wages. Thats bullshit right there.
    I'm paying the devs so they can do their work devoloping the mechanics and features I want to play.
    In return, I get to test what they've done and provide feedback that gives them to time to tweak the design...
    And, I also get the reward of a lifetime free subscription.
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