Pvp can't jump while using abilities?
From what I have seen/heard from streamers you can't use combat abilities while jumping. Tab targeting allows easy pvp entry for newer players. I believe that jumping along with moving while using abilities allows for more outplays increasing the skill ceiling of pvp. It also allows the movement to feel less clunky.
It's Alpha One. We'll have to see if that changes. For now, it's fine.
Tab targeting during Siege still feels wonky - doesn't seem to work as well as it should.
the combat mostly mirrors archeage and the movement in archeage (including jumping while using skills) leaves plenty of room to outplay and is one of the few reasons people continue to play the game despite the p2w gap
Jumping around in Archrage is only effective against a few melee builds, it is not all that great against most.
Also, Archage has a good number of abilities that you need to be still to cast, just as Ashes does.
So yeah, it does mirror Archeage in some ways. You seem to think that Archeages combat is good (I think it is ok), so I am unsure why you are complaining about a thing in Ashes that is similar to a thing in Archrage.
You think that anybody gets outplayed by this? Everybody can do it. Everybody.
It looks ugly. Dont need it.
Now I can watch them on stream grunting like they are deadlifting a car or something. lol
I'm just like, back up out of their circle strife, press 1,2,3, kill them and go back to playing without the grunting and breaking a sweat.
This already exists in other mmos and they dont just 50v50 jump at eachother lmao
I'm aware it exists, and it looks dumb.
May i ask how this is a game breaker...for most?
I can move around just find while doing the basic attack with a wand. I'm hoping that this sort of gameplay is migrated to the other weapons, and at least some of the skill attacks. It's a huge reason why I like Mages so much more than the other archetypes in Alpha.