Suggestion: Single click Bug report button for ease of access, to encourage more reporting

Hi All,

First of all loving the NDA drop, seeing the game and also seeing other people exposed to it - I really have great prospects for the game! Just a small suggestion from my general viewing, I see some streamers that don't get into the habit of reporting bugs when they happen. I understand that some streamers will server the purpose of drawing in traffic, but nonetheless I think this change would be simple and help draw in a little more volume of reporting.

If the bug report button could be put on screen at all time, be visible but not right in the way, i.e. in the corner, when people log in just maybe a small dialog to explain its use and encouraging people to use it, rather than having to navigate menus to reach it - I think that people would be more encouraged to use it more.

I appreciate that most testers will be going through the menu to do it anyway, but creating a path of least resistance will encourage more people to ensure they are reporting the bugs when they can.

Loving how well the game is running and looking forward to the future progress!
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