Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Let's brainstorm ideas for features.

As the title implies, let's brainstorm ideas for what features we would like to see for the full release.
It could be anything at all, nothing is stupid ♥

I'll start!

Mount catching / breeding - Mounts would have individual stats (Speed, Health points, Knockdown-resistance, strength etc) which are rolled when the mount is captured / born. These individual stats could be seen as the mounts DNA. Could go even further by giving it a proficiensy as well, perhaps as atheltic (+5% mount speed -5% mount strength) as an example.

To capture a mount a player would need to purchase an item from a town, ex: Leather Saddle. Then enter the wilds to find a capturable mount, weaken it & use Leather Saddle on it. Utilizing CC's such as sleep, stun would increase your chance for a successful capture.

Breeding would require a male & female of the same kind, then pay a fee for a breeding pen. Store your male & female in the breeding pen and wait for <x> amount of hours until a mount / egg is born. Some mounts can be captured but not bred.

All mounts can be used by anyone at any level but to capture them would sometimes mean you have to enter a high leveled zone which would mean a high leveled player would be required to weaken it enough to capture it.

Mount rarity would range from super common to ultra rare.
ex: Brown horse (super-common, found in starting zone). Variegated Wyrm (very rare, rarely spawns in high level zone)
the more rare mounts that perhaps only spawn 1 at a time could even have color / pattern variations to make them even more cool and unique.

There are even fantastic potential ideas for Legendary Mounts.

This would make for a very interesting and fun mount farming feature where most mounts will be very unique from eachother in terms of stats or visuals... Or maybe combined? A perfect pink dragon with increased flying speed, that would be quite pricy on the market!

Also it would create a gold sink when stocking up on all Leather Saddles.
When the mount is used it becomes bound to the player.


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I hope this isn't rude, but you probably need to go read a lot of the wiki first, so that you can brainstorm things that aren't already covered, or so you can add to stuff that isn't much defined yet.

    If this is moreso just your style, of getting other people's ideas to see, then ignore that, and I'll toss this in instead, since that's your current theme.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • GaluxGalux Member
    edited July 2021
    A tank wizard with a staff & shield! As tanky as your typical Warrior but primarily focused on mitigating elemental damage instead of physical.
    Azherae wrote: »
    go read a lot of the wiki first, so that you can brainstorm things that aren't already covered
    That was not the idea for this post, i just want to see peoples ideas whether they are already a WIP for the full release, it's fun to see how people think and this without everyone needing to educate themselves fully about everything on the wiki. So yes, ideas will more than likely be repeated (Which is a good thing) but perhaps it's additional depth to a pre-existing idea or small additions.

    So now @Azherae brainstorm a feature you'd love for Ashes.

  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    Galux wrote: »
    A tank wizard with a staff & shield! As tanky as your typical Warrior but primarily focused on mitigating elemental damage instead of physical.
    Azherae wrote: »
    go read a lot of the wiki first, so that you can brainstorm things that aren't already covered
    That was not the idea for this post, i just want to see peoples ideas whether they are already a WIP for the full release, it's fun to see how people think and this without everyone needing to educate themselves fully about everything on the wiki. So yes, ideas will more than likely be repeated (Which is a good thing) but perhaps it's additional depth to a pre-existing idea or small additions.

    So now @Azherae brainstorm a feature you'd love for Ashes.

    So, primary class tank with secondary wizard will start with tank survivability and skills. Playing with staff and shield (as separate weapon groups since the staff is 2-handed) will be possible since every class can use any weapon. Focusing on elemental damage reduction will be possible by wearing light armor instead of heavy.

    Your entire post about mounts essentially already exists in the breeding profession. Legendary Mounts essentially exist as Royal Mounts.

    So, the good news is that your ideas are how the game is being built :)

    Other than that, I suppose your post works as a thought experiment but it is unlikely that major additions will be added as preventing scope creep is a focus of Steven's.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Galux wrote: »
    A tank wizard with a staff & shield! As tanky as your typical Warrior but primarily focused on mitigating elemental damage instead of physical.
    Azherae wrote: »
    go read a lot of the wiki first, so that you can brainstorm things that aren't already covered
    That was not the idea for this post, i just want to see peoples ideas whether they are already a WIP for the full release, it's fun to see how people think and this without everyone needing to educate themselves fully about everything on the wiki. So yes, ideas will more than likely be repeated (Which is a good thing) but perhaps it's additional depth to a pre-existing idea or small additions.

    So now @Azherae brainstorm a feature you'd love for Ashes.

    Oh, no I really should not be given free license to brainstorm more than I already do, hehe. I'll leave that to others for now...
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • I plan to pay Intrepid to brainstorm for me. I know they will do a better job.
  • JxshuwuJxshuwu Member
    edited July 2021
    I studied creative design and every time i 'brainstorm' i just get a picture in my head of a landscape i'd like to see in the game or designs for weapons, gear and props xD anything gameplay related becomes more difficult for me so i will give one of each.

    I'm kind of in love with hooded cloaks, oddly specific, i know but there's something about them that i just NEED on my character.


    As for something gameplay related but still kind of art related, i'd like to see the in-game function where you can make your own guild sigil and that'll be put on flags and banners outside your castle or even on some equipment like a cape if you choose to do so. You can't use custom logo's because well... that'd go wrong, but you can choose the primary and secondary color and choose a sigil out of a list of presets that the art team has made. It gives a sense of identity to guilds, more than just the name floating above your head.



    I can probably come up with some more stuff but they'll more than likely be leaning more towards the art direction, such as ideas for dungeons, mobs and equipment.
  • GaluxGalux Member
    Jxshuwu wrote: »
    make your own guild sigil and that'll be put on flags and banners outside your castle or even on some equipment like a cape if you choose to do so. You can't use custom logo's because well... that'd go wrong, but you can choose the primary and secondary color and choose a sigil out of a list of presets that the art team has made. It gives a sense of identity to guilds, more than just the name floating above your head.
    That'd be so cool! Being able to design a visual representation for the guild such as a banner, cape, tabard, crest & castle flag is a must! It's such a fantastic way to personalize a guild and be recognized by others.

    I'd absolutely love for custom logo designs & custom patterns but it'd most likely get out of hand quickly, would require a verify system of some kind which is more work but would be so awesome. Atleast give me some advanced design options where if i want to i can delve deep and sink many hours into my design, i'm crazy so i would probably do that :D

    The downside of many other games who has a similar system is that they have a small amount of preset colors & pretty boring patterns (not every game but many..). I'd love to have the whole colorwheel to choose between & maybe even metallic / chrome. Contrast effect etc.

  • DavyDronesDavyDrones Member
    edited July 2021
    By features mostly what i want are systems.
    1. Action House which is an outside program and is embded in the game.That way a maintenance can be done only on it without stopping the game.
    2. A smart pre-download is a must:
      • Updates should be pre-instaled before they go live.If you download an update split it on 3 stages.
        1st one downloads the important file and you can't play.
        2nd one is stable enough for you to be able to play but still downloading majour files.
        3rd one is perfect for playing but still downloading.
    3. Mega server:
      • Open world to have Layering.
      • Instanced content to connect all servers in one cluster.
    4. Hidden loading screens are important.When moving between the zones hide the loading screens in the background.
    5. Level and mob scaling.
    6. Shared tags of monsters, items, nodes.If you kill 10 boars or have to collect 10 apples everyone should be target the mob or the item. Ores,flowers,trees should also be with a shared.
    7. Personal loot.I don't like ninjas.
    8. Account bound achievements, mounts, pets, toys, reputation, outfits, weapon skins, titles
    9. Culling system and spell effect disble opting.
    10. Unit frames, Name plates, Tooltips. If Ashes won't support addons it is a must these 3 to be well made.
    11. Reconnect button.If i disconect to have a reconnect button for fast entering.Having to write credentials only because i have dc is unnecessary.It is already done in other MMOs so it is possible.
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Is this person's posts all "Burn-your-retinas
    -with-molten-Pepto-Bismol" pink for everyone else? Or is my phone slowly dying?

    I want to see a "fart" emote.

  • GaluxGalux Member
    Karthos wrote: »
    Is this person's posts all "Burn-your-retinas
    -with-molten-Pepto-Bismol" pink for everyone else? Or is my phone slowly dying?

    I want to see a "fart" emote.
    Phone is not dying, "Burn-your-retinas -with-molten-Pepto-Bismol" pink is absolutely correct :D.
    Hell yeah for fart emote lol
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Karthos wrote: »
    Is this person's posts all "Burn-your-retinas
    -with-molten-Pepto-Bismol" pink for everyone else? Or is my phone slowly dying?

    I want to see a "fart" emote.

    Planned obsolescence means everyone's phone is slowly dying.

    It looks terrible on mobile because of the white background. The desktop version has a black background and it looks fine there. I use mobile fairly exclusively. I support people writing in whatever color suits them but if you make it bad on either background most peeps it annoys will probably just ignore.

    Fart emote will definitely get used for griefing. No thanks.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • GaluxGalux Member
    JustVine wrote: »
    It looks terrible on mobile because of the white background
    Thanks for the heads up! I did not know mobile had a white background. Looked it up on my phone and it didn't look too bad.. I really like it against the dark background however :)

  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Galux wrote: »
    JustVine wrote: »
    It looks terrible on mobile because of the white background
    Thanks for the heads up! I did not know mobile had a white background. Looked it up on my phone and it didn't look too bad.. I really like it against the dark background however :)

    Whatever floats your boat, I ain't telling you to change. It looks 'fine' but it is fairly hard to read on white for me and assumedly Karthos. Might be worth considering if you want a message to get to more people easily to have default text or a different shade of lavender for that particular, message.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
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