Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Some Feedback and Ideas of Luma

Hey everyone 
I've only been able to play for around 9 hours on sunday but I tried to note down some stuff I've run into.
Skills had no specific values displayed, for example: The first direct healing spell a cleric can learn only tells you that it does heal for a small amount but imo a value would help me alot in choosing whether i want to use a spell or not. Same goes for the spell rank upgrade. In this spells case the uprade says "increased healing" instead of a percentage or a specific value.
For spells and skills I'd really like a range indicator.
The option to display every enemy's healthbar below/above their name would be great, especially for tanking/aoe damage. Maybe i missed the option but I could not find it anywhere.
An indicator for the cooldown of your dodge ability.
The ability to cancel your auto attacks by pressing the dodge button regardles of dodge being off cooldown or not. This would greatly increase melee combat mobility. Also being rooted/locked in the action of auto attacking makes the melee combat seem a bit clunky to me.
The auto attack button could be hidden when using the action combat mode.
I'd love to keep using "E" to proceed in interacting with NPCs instead of initiating the interaction with "E" and then proceeding with "Enter".
Showing all quest objectives on the map would be awesome instead of just showing the one you click on. This one could be highlighted instead. A small indicator on the minimap would also be very appreciated.
A lot of times tooltips of spells or craftable items where sticking to my mouse indicator. By simply hovering over another spell or item I was able to fix it tho.
I found either the item requirement for craftable items too high or the density of stones/wood too low, especially for a starting area quest.
An option to change the opacity and the scaling of the minimap would be great.
Sheathed weapons were not displayed on the character model.
Clicking the quest log symbol on the right hand side of the screen should not make you stop running.
I was not able to turn in a handful of quests at the last step of the quest e.g. the quest for crafting the sword in the starting area, the cleansing ritual in the ruins in the hills north of the starting area and for the last step of the quest "The Odd couple" it seems like an NPC is supposed to spawn but nothing happens (Talk to Feshie).
Overall I had heaps of fun and a great time exploring the game and its already gorgeous world! Thanks for the opportunity of making AoC something really special together with every single one involved in this process! Looking forward to wednesday.
from Germany and I wish you all a good night!

I've only been able to play for around 9 hours on sunday but I tried to note down some stuff I've run into.
Skills had no specific values displayed, for example: The first direct healing spell a cleric can learn only tells you that it does heal for a small amount but imo a value would help me alot in choosing whether i want to use a spell or not. Same goes for the spell rank upgrade. In this spells case the uprade says "increased healing" instead of a percentage or a specific value.
For spells and skills I'd really like a range indicator.
The option to display every enemy's healthbar below/above their name would be great, especially for tanking/aoe damage. Maybe i missed the option but I could not find it anywhere.
An indicator for the cooldown of your dodge ability.
The ability to cancel your auto attacks by pressing the dodge button regardles of dodge being off cooldown or not. This would greatly increase melee combat mobility. Also being rooted/locked in the action of auto attacking makes the melee combat seem a bit clunky to me.
The auto attack button could be hidden when using the action combat mode.
I'd love to keep using "E" to proceed in interacting with NPCs instead of initiating the interaction with "E" and then proceeding with "Enter".
Showing all quest objectives on the map would be awesome instead of just showing the one you click on. This one could be highlighted instead. A small indicator on the minimap would also be very appreciated.
A lot of times tooltips of spells or craftable items where sticking to my mouse indicator. By simply hovering over another spell or item I was able to fix it tho.
I found either the item requirement for craftable items too high or the density of stones/wood too low, especially for a starting area quest.
An option to change the opacity and the scaling of the minimap would be great.
Sheathed weapons were not displayed on the character model.

Clicking the quest log symbol on the right hand side of the screen should not make you stop running.
I was not able to turn in a handful of quests at the last step of the quest e.g. the quest for crafting the sword in the starting area, the cleansing ritual in the ruins in the hills north of the starting area and for the last step of the quest "The Odd couple" it seems like an NPC is supposed to spawn but nothing happens (Talk to Feshie).
Overall I had heaps of fun and a great time exploring the game and its already gorgeous world! Thanks for the opportunity of making AoC something really special together with every single one involved in this process! Looking forward to wednesday.
