Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
UI, Chat, character window and backpack

would be nice to have some freedom on how to arange the diffrent windows on the screen. so players can individualize their screen a bit more to their taste. things like:
- size of the Minimap and its visebility
- size of the chat window and option to let it stay open/hide
- guild, party and raid chat option (later maybe wisper or regional chat) or in siege chat that only is visible to attaker or defenders
- better visual diffrence between the types of chats (maybe thru colors)
- additional tabs for chat so individualize so players can separete loot, global say and other chattypes or disable them
- chat selection dropdown to easy select the chat of choise and keep displaying it so its know in which chat the player currently is
- option to fixate the quest window
- option to select multiple quest be shown on the minimat best if limited to 3-5 quests so its easyer to manage them on the sidebar
- freely moveble mount skill bar and personal health bar
- Opening character window also opens backpack/inventory
- by howering over a gear or weapon item in the backpack showing also the currently equipped one
- auto sorting button in backpack
- mounting on the preselected mount by pressing H when unmounted
many of those features may allredy been planed or in devloping since its also displayed as a part of the current testing
regards Asraiel
and keep up the nice work
- size of the Minimap and its visebility
- size of the chat window and option to let it stay open/hide
- guild, party and raid chat option (later maybe wisper or regional chat) or in siege chat that only is visible to attaker or defenders
- better visual diffrence between the types of chats (maybe thru colors)
- additional tabs for chat so individualize so players can separete loot, global say and other chattypes or disable them
- chat selection dropdown to easy select the chat of choise and keep displaying it so its know in which chat the player currently is
- option to fixate the quest window
- option to select multiple quest be shown on the minimat best if limited to 3-5 quests so its easyer to manage them on the sidebar
- freely moveble mount skill bar and personal health bar
- Opening character window also opens backpack/inventory
- by howering over a gear or weapon item in the backpack showing also the currently equipped one
- auto sorting button in backpack
- mounting on the preselected mount by pressing H when unmounted
many of those features may allredy been planed or in devloping since its also displayed as a part of the current testing
regards Asraiel
and keep up the nice work
- Need to be able to keybind more than 2 buttons on the mouse... support for thumb buttons etc.
- Seperate sound sliders for Music, Effects, Ambience etc. At the very least seperate Music from everything else. ( I like the music ON personally, just not to the volume that its at).
- Ability to adjust mouse sensitivity (currently have to pick up and drag my mouse 3 times to do a 360 turn on my character.
- Being able to invert the X or Y axis on the camera. This is probably the biggest on for me personally. As an older player who grew up with joysticks and flight sims and space games... I still play shooters, rpgs, mmos and any 1st/3rd person game with an inverted camera so the movement for me right now is very disorienting).
- UI scaling and adjustment. This is not as important right now for testing as the other 4 suggetions but it would be nice to be able to resize some parts of the UI or move them to more comfortable areas on the screen.
Thanks guys, keep up the hard work !
Regarding your mouse sensitivity point. I am having the same problem. I feel lack of control with my character at the moment, as I have to drag my mouse half way around my desk to try and turn my Mage.
Have you had any luck sorting? I've tried turning my mouse settings up in Windows, but no joy.
Happy adventuring.
as it is currently raid looks familiar to Wow with the blocks of healthbars and name, sadly its not possible to see what class it is. I know this is subject to change, so i like to share some inspiration i made in the game Aion from NCSoft where i participated, also in large raids of over 192v192. it had a convinient system for groups, alliance or even Raid Unions. Aion uses a target select combat system. will post sone pictures as well but im not the owner of them, its out of the internet.
Groups in aion were limited to 6 members, the class icons were colored between the diffrent sub classes (tanks and gladiators had worrior as sub class and so both icons were shown blue). every groupmember could freely arrange the postition of each goupemember on the UI, makeing it convinience for healers to have the main tank shown at the postion they wanted them.
Alliance was the system of 2-4 groups coming togheter, each member could dispaly the alliance window and pull out the other groupes into their screen and so selecting other groupmembers became a lot easyer, also was it easyer to select the dead players to give thme a resurection or heal players of other groupes. also could single person icons (Healthbar) be pulled out and displayed convinience for crosshealing.
Raid Union was a Union of 8 alliances playing togehter and there could also every groupe or single players be pulled on the screen for easy selecting the target.
on targets it also did display the target of your target and so it was easy to select that as well. also could the leaders of a groupe/alliance or raid union give targets icons that then were selecteble over the skill lists so klicking a icon let you select the correct target.
in size that leaded to
groupe 6 players
alliance 24 players
Raid Union 192 players
also would it be nice once pvp is active again that you cant dmg groupe or raid members, but i guess that will not be possible anyways.
so here some visual pictures of the text:
a group dispayed on UI
Alliance where 3 groube are displayed on the UI
the alliance window
a picture of UI of a healer at a fortress raid
the icons on the right of every players Healthbar are buff and debuffs so healers supporters could acct in need like remove a debuff or dot or refresh a buff or hot. the big thing with wings was a crafteble siege weapon primarly to destroy gates and do dmg to the fortess commander
sadly didnt find a picture of the raid union window, did switch by now over 4 times my pc so screenshots are lost since long time.
but hope the devs will get some input with this post. happy devloping and dont forget to take breaks from work as well.
regards Asraiel
also did the game have 3 fraction, 1 beeing npc and text even got coded so enemys couldnt read but see that theres text. and no colission on characters. convinient was it had a radar (bottom right) that showd enemys or mobs in view direction and allowed to dispaly a minimap that was partly visible and sizeble on the UI that showd more of the map and also was zoomeble. sadly game was f2p and gameforge in eu ruined the game in makeing it p2w and also the over the year decrese in the playerbase and change of the maps (some got removed) as well removing the craft, runied that game alldo its still online and playeble. but getting back into with existing chars is confusing cause there are so many skills to relearn. starting and lvling up realy does add the knowlegde on that game after a break and some dlcs getting back in now is complicated and might even need the player to gread the book "Aion for dummies" to get back in.
this and the previous post aint ment that ashes should look simular i like that the look is diffrent and would hate to look the same. it realy only to deliver imputs and maybe ideas that lead to a ashes unique apearence.
Keybinds switches:
Charater (C) to Profile (P)
Backpack (B) to Inventory (I)
Dodge/Grab (left ctrl) to (c)
Keybind Z is a bit complicated since its not at the same spot on every keyboard german have it on the right side next to (T)
Tab switch between enemy targets adding a key to switch between friendly targets
Global chat /global or /g
Say chat to Local chat /local or /l
Groupe chat /groupe
Raid chat /raid
guild chat /guild
Tell chat to wisper chat /wisper (name) or /w (name) without () pushing enter to lock on, to wisper the last person again after switching or to answer a wisper /w
reciving wispers triggers a pup up chat window that only allows chatting with that person and chat doesnt get displayed in the general chat window
combat chat that list combat action to check better numbres crits and all other stuff and easying testing combat in and out of alpha testing purpose
adding a icon befor the chat entering field to display in what chat is written and add a dropdown on it to manualy change even after writhing text
possebility to rightklick on a character on screen with rmb to open interaction dropdown list
Defaults for keybinds are an interesting topic. Coming primarily from WoW, C for character window and B for bags is a very natural keybinding. I would probably switch anything else back to that. I'm sure if you're coming from FFXIV or another MMO with separate keybinding defaults, you would swap to something else.
Maybe, it would make sense for AoC to have its own keybinds, but when you make your first character it asks if you'd like keybinds to mimic common layouts from other popular MMOs. If you're from WoW, you can choose WoW keybind defaults. If you're coming from FFXIV, you can choose that, etc. Or you can just choose to use the default AoC keybinds.
Not strictly speaking necessary if you can rebind anyways, but might be a nice touch if done right.
but the idea behind the switch is more that the key around WASD that where used for movement can be used for interactions lkike dodge shur currently its left ctrl but my finger hurts everytime i try pushing it.
keys like v c x f r g those keys are easyer to push without leaving the wasd position.
so keeping them open for combat or interactions that have a higher frequent than the caracter window which i primarly open to switch gear maybe sometime haveing open so see how skills effect my stats.
well b fro backpack or i for inventory is as you mentioned more of the memeory related to other games even had some that used tab as inventory.
currently caracter window isnt listed so switching c is possible but then u cant opent caracter window anymore. i played games however where the inventory had a button to show charater window and where the character window also opend the inventory due to the regular purpose of switching gear.
thx for ur input @Triden i actualy never played wow due to not owning a credit cart and haveing accsess to graficly more apealing games.
Yes to all these. Perhaps UI changes are planned , I do not know. But if I could move all the UI elements and resize them (including the text size) it would help a lot.
The Health and Mana bars in the upper left of the player screen forces the play to look away from the Character Model and action.
As a player I want to Health and Mana bars to be displayed above the Action Bar, but below the Character Model so that I will be able to easily notice the Health and Mana status during game play.
As a Player I want a compass at the top of the player screen above the target label, so that I can quickly reference my direction related to the map.
As a Player I want the ability to customize the Hud components so that I can improve my player experience. Suggested enhancements are:
Chat Font setting
Chat Window location
Hud Action bar size and location
Target Label Size and location
Target Health Label Size and location
2. It would be great if we could move the party list or individual columns from the raid list around our screen.
3. It would be great if we could see the debuffs/buffs our allies have in the party/raid list.
4. It would be great if we could move our hp/mp bar from the upper-left hand of the screen (I assume the ability to move all UI features/icons will come eventually).
5. It would be great if we can see what our enemy is casting or our own cast bar (I assume this also getting implemented eventually).
6. Eventually, it would be great to be able to move single skill slots around the screen and organize each as we personally prefer.
Thank you,
When the character screen is pulled up, there is a transition to see the front of your character and it zooms in a bit. It looks super cool and adds another level of immersion. I would love to see a similar amount immersion in ashes with the UI.
Dont get me wrong i like the music ingame.
but pls add a slider to turn it off.
listening to it 24/7 is abit much
It would also help the content creators because most videos i see are without sound because of the music.
thx in advance
Would love to have a full screen option and an option to just make it really small. So I can see a specific area without the map covering my entire screen (really useful for questing).
that i also have a bit i often have the map open when traveling around and i push it half way out of the screen but would be nice to size it so it fits well on the screen.
furture more i would like that all things that are curently visible on the UI incl char HP or groupe is on the 1 layer and windows to open like cahracter, backpack, map are one level behind it. or even a option to sefl decide what is on what level on the screen. that would for example allwo to slide the open map behind the HP bar of the player and groupe.
there is many things in the topic allredy and knowing that the current UI is only a placeholder for alpha one.
UI related i dont know if its a bug but while moveing by foot or mount and klicking with the mouse on the X on a open window effects the movement so that the character stops. will add this in a bugreport once the game is back to play