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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bank and Storage
Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Did research a bit in the wiki but didnt find anything simular to this suggestion
here the stuff found first:
The Bank is a Building that offers its costumes to own a small Container to store some goods and a limited amount of cash. in every node that has reached villige or town status. the possible container purcheble container sizes mit increst the more more advance a node becomes.
As the wiki says players can only have 1 appartment and 1 static housing per char per server and only 1 freehold per account. that leads to the the need of haveing some additional smaller storrages at other nodes so the items doesnt have to be carried all across the world. so a few can be stored in the vault of the node bank. (if the node getting raides succsessfully ehese storrages will be the same as all other storrages in the node)
it would add some convinience to the allredy planed warehouse and housing storrages specialy in the hugh world of the real verra. where a jurney from one side to the other side of the world may take 2 hours or more. it may acct as a unmoveble stationary backpack expansion for explorers and dungon grinders. to store some good while being in the area befor haveing to return to their housings to store the goods there.
Regards Asraiel
here the stuff found first:
The Bank is a Building that offers its costumes to own a small Container to store some goods and a limited amount of cash. in every node that has reached villige or town status. the possible container purcheble container sizes mit increst the more more advance a node becomes.
As the wiki says players can only have 1 appartment and 1 static housing per char per server and only 1 freehold per account. that leads to the the need of haveing some additional smaller storrages at other nodes so the items doesnt have to be carried all across the world. so a few can be stored in the vault of the node bank. (if the node getting raides succsessfully ehese storrages will be the same as all other storrages in the node)
it would add some convinience to the allredy planed warehouse and housing storrages specialy in the hugh world of the real verra. where a jurney from one side to the other side of the world may take 2 hours or more. it may acct as a unmoveble stationary backpack expansion for explorers and dungon grinders. to store some good while being in the area befor haveing to return to their housings to store the goods there.
Regards Asraiel
ok, so i will just invite you to read this for now
Edit : and this one also for the "farming" part
a player an carry its backpack, a mule can carry 10 backpacks + the player itself and the caravan carries 100 backpacks per van.
but the idea stops at around 10-50% of a backpack size. it aint ment for large amounts of goods. like if u have your house in the south and maybe an appartment on the other continent in the middle but you wanna go and farm on your continent in the north somne dungons for items or other good in smaller amounts then you would have to travel back whenever your backpack reached its capacety. and when bufffoods, potions and other stuff will be in it your very limited.
here the map for better visual (alpha map should be somewhat around 20% the size)
with a bank u may deposit our loot and when u wanna return to your town your house you can then get buffs and potions in the storrage and take the loot u made back with your backpack. thats the idea behind it and so u may have a storrage at many places with some buffs and potions prepaired when u need them and dont have to travel hours to get replys.
caravan is for larger amounts of goods also mules alldo mules are more for like solo crafters.
and it doenst behave diffrently from other storrages only that it has a very limited space and only 1 storrage per carater per bank is aveieble housing offers a larger amount of storrage boxes beeing placed and warehouse may almost be limitless.
You want a mini storage that is shared in different place around the world.
So wherever you go, you have your foods and potion accessible in any node with the bank building
Right ?
potion stack to hundred, food even more. so it won't be a big deal in your inventory.
also, your idea get totally out the "risk and reward" :
Now we are in south, want to farm in north, we do the travel, with mule because we intend to farm a lot, or without because it will be enough. A player jump on me, i die, i lose part of it. (and/or part of my farm if i do the travel back to home)
With your idea : this risk disappear.
a sorrage that need to be purchest or rented at every place that is local. there storrage may have something in it at one node but nothing on a other node.
its like a temporary storrage so you can travel an stay for a while in a area without the need to return to your house/appartment/freehold to unload ur backpack.
because its a local storrage it has the risk it followas the siege rules of the other storage systems onlay the transport doesnt require a caravan since the content is way to small.
as big crafter you do farm big as small crafter you dont and some are more interested in killing bosses than doing gathering or crafting. currently there are plans out for the gatherers and crafters and guild sized crafting specialy when it comes to siege prepairings but. in the released game i think wil it have a hughe chunk of players that are playing in small guilds or even solo they're been left out currently. shure it will have some huge guilds but in count they will be the minority.
i guess around 10-20% of all guilds will be big or huge, around 30-40% will be medium and around 40-60% will be small or even solo guilds.
the caravan and mules with the warehouse conting more for the medium and bigger guilds mules maybe used ind small guilds. but solo guilds or players might not use mules at all.
maybe u can tell me didnt reat in into mules are they spawneble mounts or does they stay around even if the owner is loged out?
it could be a good idea. BUT, because i don't know how much potions can take slots in inventory (100 per stack is a thing but if you have 20 different one...) hard to have this in my mind.
i dont know how many potions or buffs it will have later. in one game i played it started with 7 buff scrolls, a food and a drink, around 5 staks of diffrent potions, some other specialized items like ressurection useble items and other things (mounts or else). maybe even a second gear or some repairing mats. so ending up with useing maybe 3-6 rows of items allredy filled in the backpack and then comes the looting.
did look into the mule post of you and did even saw that i made a mistake that appartments doesnt list storrage items. that would make 2 out of the 3 spots.
well the bank also can have a limitation so you cant have storrages everywhere. picking random numbers maybe 5-8ish per character per server with the smallest maybe as big as 2 rows and the largest the size of a backpack but only can be in a metropolis. also open if purchase or only rent. cause a downgrade of a node would not only makethe inventory accsesseble but would also shring its max slot count.
on potions and stuff depens not on the stak size more on how regulary you will need to use them in dungons or sieges. i remeber games where you swolloed around 400 mana potions in a 30 min dungeon as a main healer.
jep as linked in 1. post the wiki.
so 3 places where ou have storrage in the intire world of verra
We also know that this storage will be location specific.
So, while we dont have details on it, there will be a system basically as you describe, as it is simply necessary for the game to function.
not nesserarly i can also be a temporarly storrage in a Warehouse so you may have a big storrage in the node that accs as start point but the end node may be the caravan itself that is the storrage until its emptyd, maybe with a way that you only can unload but nit load it.
and also the caravan is also to transport ressources from mayor to mayor. how frequently player will have to use the caravan system i dont know, it highly depend on ressource location and quantaties needed to craft things, as well some sort of a boost on crafting in your hometown with automation or so. cuase if you have to simply go to the correct npc and craft your stuff 1 by 1 as its currently is displayed then it would make more sense to craft as far as possible on the node A befor transporting it to node b and so the amounts will be lowered a lot, that it may not need a caravan.
i think on the current information given it would be a good expansion. maybe the place of storrage wont be a bank, cause it will be direct in the warehouse, maybe caravan sized temorary storrage can be rented or you rent a caravan and can load it once done u can send it.
it highly depense on how the craft system will be and on how many ressources will be needed. claced from the current crafting i would guess it has to be 10x or more in price of ressources to craft items otherwise you dont reach the amounts a caravan van can hold. i like the idea of the caravan system but yet i dont see how to make players use it regulary. ressources will definetly be way more regional and may be the caravan is more to the mayor part so the npc's have stuff to sell where taxes are on so the nodes between themself driveing the economy.
if im a grinder and crafter i would try to make it as cheap as possible for me to get ressources and transport them so i may would go solo with a mule cause then i have the possebility that it aint a quest and so no counterquest is there. and i can decide when and which route i may take and i dont have to pay a fee to the questtakers.
this will definetly be something that will cause many smoking heads
the idea itself is to have a small storrage character owned and character accsessed. so player doesnt need to have a intire warehouse rented (i guess it would be a bit pricy), to simply store some goods local that doesnt have the mass of needing a mule or caravan ti transport it. like maybe use it as additional storrage for your ever growing mount collecten were ever mount fills 1 slot in a inventory, quest items gear or consumebles or even small amount of grinding items to store for smaller purpose.
here is the thing, we don't know the cost, the system rules, etc.
maybe it will be small amount, or some fee each time you move thing in/out.
Caravan can be "solo" or "multi" so even a solo player could use it, contacting friends to do a bigger (and more secure) one.
Even in your example, you can do a group caravan : why farm alone and not take some of your gathering guildmate to allow the whole guild to profit of this farm (also remember, your character can be gathering tree, OR processing tree OR crafting tree, only one, so group play is better)