Nodes Lvling up and down
Arthus Dawnbreaker
Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
would it upgrade around you? or does it only upgrade when your not in the way? How does this work exactly? Do buildings grow around you or does it only upgrade when your not in the area?
Also will a node still de level if your the only player online and most guild players are offline? how will that work?
Are there penalties if you haven't played in a few days? How do Nodes maintain a level when players are offline?
Also will a node still de level if your the only player online and most guild players are offline? how will that work?
Are there penalties if you haven't played in a few days? How do Nodes maintain a level when players are offline?
member of Gray Sentinels
for how deleveling works, look at wiki :
So, the node each day will gain X xp debt, this will be substract to the xp earned during this day, and if needed, also from the current total XP of the node
If it makes the the node to less XP that the amount needed for its tier, so, there is a delevel occuring.
So if all citizen from a same node are all dc the same time each day, nothing special will happen.
member of Gray Sentinels