Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Second Run - Alpha Test Feedback
1. Resource Gathering - make resources even more abundant, especially by starting location, for that crafting quest. I would even go as far to say every tree should be harvestable, more herbs and stone spawns. Stone for some reason became even more sparse this go. One good location to get resource was by poison dragon spawn.
2. PvP - I know you have concept of corruption but perhaps to make things easier - why not set a minimum level requirement where PvP becomes free for all, and until then you have to flag PvP to become eligible. In open PvP, griefing will definitely become a very real issue especially as you go into Beta, etc with more people joining in. Unless corruption is a very real and drastic effect, but you will have some player who don't feel need to PvP all the time so they'd want to disable it.
3. XP Debt - For some reason weird things give you XP Debt. Harvesting nightblooms after quest is done, Jermaine, and quest for end game dragon if you die. If you have a flag, disable it completely or adjust XP Debt scaling so that to work it off almost no XP required.
4. Death and dropping shards / raw resources - having it drop 50% of what you have in your bag is not a good idea. Here are two reasons why - (1) we have no way of storage unless you buy a house for 25k gold or (2) when people are trying to kill dragons, some make it their sole purpose to just stand out of combat and loot when others die. So I would suggest adjusting scaling perhaps only dropping 5% of your shards and raw ore, or making it such that its only lootable by person who dropped the loot for 2 mins after death so they have a chance to run back and get it.
5. Quest NPCs - can you make it so we know who they are? "!" over their head or something? Make some way to also identify hard to find NPCs who are in middle of nowhere? I know exploration is the whole key to game but as your map grows these random NPCs will become very hard to find
6. Can you pre-plan Sieges for this alpha round? I couldn't make the times so perhaps weekends at 8pm server or later so more could attend?
7. Quest Prioritization - allow ability to flag quests which a player considers priority so steps for quest are seen in both side bar and map panel first.
8. Quest menu - "L" didn't always work for me, many times I had to press "M" for Map, and then "L" to bring up quest log
9. Speed issues - sometimes character will end up in a slow walk while grinding mobs, and only way to bring it back to normal move speed is to exit game and come back, or die.
Overall, I did quite enjoy this last play through. I felt I had alot more to do, and learned more about quests. I humbly ask you to please also fix all the bugged quests - (1) Elder Brood Mother making it evident you have to stand on item to get credit to talk to changeling girl, (2) Changeling girl sending you to right next step, (3) Jermaine, (4) Manuscript quest in ferry location by Na'la the table spawn, (5) Tremble quest chain free of bugs especially the starting the ritual by Borkhart (sp?), (6) Speed bug (you know this one), (7) Ritual quest north of Elyon not getting bugged in a party if people are on different steps and making it clear on last step that you need to move back to get final credit, and it not getting bugged if someone else is on same step and not in party and (8) better way to progress nodes to villages with small map size as some quests were not available on Resna since we had restart day 1 and node progress stalled big time
2. PvP - I know you have concept of corruption but perhaps to make things easier - why not set a minimum level requirement where PvP becomes free for all, and until then you have to flag PvP to become eligible. In open PvP, griefing will definitely become a very real issue especially as you go into Beta, etc with more people joining in. Unless corruption is a very real and drastic effect, but you will have some player who don't feel need to PvP all the time so they'd want to disable it.
3. XP Debt - For some reason weird things give you XP Debt. Harvesting nightblooms after quest is done, Jermaine, and quest for end game dragon if you die. If you have a flag, disable it completely or adjust XP Debt scaling so that to work it off almost no XP required.
4. Death and dropping shards / raw resources - having it drop 50% of what you have in your bag is not a good idea. Here are two reasons why - (1) we have no way of storage unless you buy a house for 25k gold or (2) when people are trying to kill dragons, some make it their sole purpose to just stand out of combat and loot when others die. So I would suggest adjusting scaling perhaps only dropping 5% of your shards and raw ore, or making it such that its only lootable by person who dropped the loot for 2 mins after death so they have a chance to run back and get it.
5. Quest NPCs - can you make it so we know who they are? "!" over their head or something? Make some way to also identify hard to find NPCs who are in middle of nowhere? I know exploration is the whole key to game but as your map grows these random NPCs will become very hard to find
6. Can you pre-plan Sieges for this alpha round? I couldn't make the times so perhaps weekends at 8pm server or later so more could attend?
7. Quest Prioritization - allow ability to flag quests which a player considers priority so steps for quest are seen in both side bar and map panel first.
8. Quest menu - "L" didn't always work for me, many times I had to press "M" for Map, and then "L" to bring up quest log
9. Speed issues - sometimes character will end up in a slow walk while grinding mobs, and only way to bring it back to normal move speed is to exit game and come back, or die.
Overall, I did quite enjoy this last play through. I felt I had alot more to do, and learned more about quests. I humbly ask you to please also fix all the bugged quests - (1) Elder Brood Mother making it evident you have to stand on item to get credit to talk to changeling girl, (2) Changeling girl sending you to right next step, (3) Jermaine, (4) Manuscript quest in ferry location by Na'la the table spawn, (5) Tremble quest chain free of bugs especially the starting the ritual by Borkhart (sp?), (6) Speed bug (you know this one), (7) Ritual quest north of Elyon not getting bugged in a party if people are on different steps and making it clear on last step that you need to move back to get final credit, and it not getting bugged if someone else is on same step and not in party and (8) better way to progress nodes to villages with small map size as some quests were not available on Resna since we had restart day 1 and node progress stalled big time
Early quest to gather some resouces to show how it looks/is done should be nodes activating for that person that have that quest active, so that the resource always can be found where the map is telling you to look. Simple as that. The blacksmith could basicly say "I saw some stone over there and there", and it would BE THERE. That is a good early gathering quest.
2. The only issue I have with the world pvp as it is planned is that being a real d*ck to someone is very easy, just hit someone down to 10-20% health and that person wont be able to play/farm/quest, and the dude doing it has gotten no penalty what so ever. A system that makes you unable to hit someone that is considerably lower level would be a good thing to prevent some of it.
I loved Lineage 2 though so.....................
3. -
4. I agree 50% is alot, and looting of a body should not be "open" for everyone for at least probably around 5 minutes. The killer should be able to pick it up instantly in case it was a pvp-kill. Partymembers should also be able to pick it up instantly maybe? Maybe it could be a partysetting that's set by leader or something.
5. I like it how it is, though I'm guessing it is very early and not really worth going into current state.
6. +1
7. +1 Hide/show future maybe?
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