Loving Kind quotes and stuff

LittleLightzLittleLightz Member
edited July 2021 in General Discussion
I made this chat for thoughs who need an uplifting chat room.


The Piano Guys it's Going to be okay song

Random Acts - a channel witch does cool random acts of kindness

Song from Zootopia - Try Everything

These are some of my Favorites!

Also, for mental health

Another thing for mental health
The ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is really good
Here are some books to read if your interested

The Illustrated Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1611801575/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JQ6WQJDVT4GMQNYMTD4A

Here is the happiness trap website

Some other books
Get out of Your Mind and into your life

A Book By Annabella Hagen: Let Go of Anxiety: Climb Life's Mountains with Peace, Purpose, and Resilience

All theses things and people I mentioned ubove are really inspiring to me, and have helped through the most difficult of times

Please tell me if the links work please


  • Ashes is in Alpha-1 but looks like a game that's further along in development. Kudos to the devs.
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