Skill System Pattern,Effects,Visual Changes
Quick Question : Will be there any Gameplay Mechanics like Changing Skill Pattern,Effects,Visually?
I'd Love to See Such Mechanism in Ashes Of Greation !
Like for example : Meteor Storm > You can Modify This skill so That it's dmg and size is increased but the frequency of attacks is decreased.or Make it Like a Single Meteor Strike That Deals % more dmg and Leaves Fire Trail behind for period of time !
Or Like Mastery Skills,If you use the skill a lot you increase its Effectiveness Dmg Duration Stun Slow...and Visual Changes also!
P.S Also remember that if you make 1 skill look Overpowered or Simple useful Than other Skills Players will use it constantly right?
The Idea is to have all skills perfectly Nice variety of skills to choose and don't worry about skill weakness..!
Quick Question : Will be there any Gameplay Mechanics like Changing Skill Pattern,Effects,Visually?
I'd Love to See Such Mechanism in Ashes Of Greation !
Like for example : Meteor Storm > You can Modify This skill so That it's dmg and size is increased but the frequency of attacks is decreased.or Make it Like a Single Meteor Strike That Deals % more dmg and Leaves Fire Trail behind for period of time !
Or Like Mastery Skills,If you use the skill a lot you increase its Effectiveness Dmg Duration Stun Slow...and Visual Changes also!
P.S Also remember that if you make 1 skill look Overpowered or Simple useful Than other Skills Players will use it constantly right?
The Idea is to have all skills perfectly Nice variety of skills to choose and don't worry about skill weakness..!
Skills advance with points; not with usage.
And Summoners can choose from a range of minions - based also on Secondary Archetype/augments.
When you play in Long-terms you should have option to change skill Pattern or Visual Effecs so u Feel Power Up !
@mr n0body Ya thats different i dont meant it ^^