Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Resource consumption while sprinting
After watching today's dev stream, i was worried about this topic so, here's my opinion on it.
I get the idea of people not always sprinting or at least not without a downside but I dont think consuming mana will be a good solution by itself. I think having a separate resource only for sprint, that could allow people to run for, let's say, 7-10 seconds and AFTER depleting that, consuming mana could be a good idea.
My idea is based on that I dont think that sprint should be punishing by itself. I think someone fleeing should not be capable of doing so for a undefined amount of time, but I also think quickly positioning yourself should not.
All of this guessing that mounting in the middle of a combat is not something intended. If it is, I'd leave sprinting as it is, since you can't sprint when attacked.
Not saying my idea is perfect or anything, just that the idea of directly consuming mana when you run can be bothersome for classes that rely on using it in big amounts, and in the end it could end up with those classes not using sprint at all. I mean, if Im defending a caravan by myself for example it will already be punishing enough to be forced into being mounted (which means, dealing with the unmount animation if trouble comes by) and relying only on my own resources. If I have to choose between having 10% more mana or leaving some spots near the caravan unchecked for a longer period of time (if im switching sides to check for possible enemies I mean) I'd rather have my full mana bar. Having an option to run a short distance without a punishment I think would be better.
What do you guys think?
I get the idea of people not always sprinting or at least not without a downside but I dont think consuming mana will be a good solution by itself. I think having a separate resource only for sprint, that could allow people to run for, let's say, 7-10 seconds and AFTER depleting that, consuming mana could be a good idea.
My idea is based on that I dont think that sprint should be punishing by itself. I think someone fleeing should not be capable of doing so for a undefined amount of time, but I also think quickly positioning yourself should not.
All of this guessing that mounting in the middle of a combat is not something intended. If it is, I'd leave sprinting as it is, since you can't sprint when attacked.
Not saying my idea is perfect or anything, just that the idea of directly consuming mana when you run can be bothersome for classes that rely on using it in big amounts, and in the end it could end up with those classes not using sprint at all. I mean, if Im defending a caravan by myself for example it will already be punishing enough to be forced into being mounted (which means, dealing with the unmount animation if trouble comes by) and relying only on my own resources. If I have to choose between having 10% more mana or leaving some spots near the caravan unchecked for a longer period of time (if im switching sides to check for possible enemies I mean) I'd rather have my full mana bar. Having an option to run a short distance without a punishment I think would be better.
What do you guys think?
IMHO every class should have a toggle between walking and running, that's it. Some classes, however, should able to learn an ability called "Sprint" that lasts for 20 seconds or whatever in which they move X% faster than when running.
I don't understand why we have the current sprint mechanic and I hope Steven decides to do a testing phase iteration without the current sprint idea and see what's the feedback like.
If sprint is a utility skill available to all classes, I think it should be useable during combat. This would add an ability to engage or evade for everyone at the cost of their mana. This would also be unique as I don't recall any games having a mechanic like this (correct me if I am wrong).
If it's going to be limited by class, it should be Ranger that can Sprint; not Rogue.
But, in Ashes, where any class can use any gear, it should armor type should be the restriction; not class.
Characters wearing plate should not be able to Sprint - or, if they can, it should cost more Mana/Stamina than someone wearing cloth.
One a side note off topic,
I hope they do something similar with stealth mechanics.
I'm not a fan of submarine stealth in games where you just toggle it and it has unlimited usage time.
Stealth/invisibility appears to be more of a magic ability than anything else. Magic costs resources.
We already have a Passive to increase speed. I suppose Tanks could also have one mitigate the armor impact on speed.
There will be Tanks that choose not to wear plate, so they should be able to Sprint if they're wearing cloth armor.
Seems to me every class should be able to Sprint.
But, we'll have to see exactly how quickly Mana regens once combat is initiated.
I think currently when we're hit, Sprint is disabled and we can run for a while.
Might want to run for a bit until Mana hits full, but, again... I'd have to test it to know I really feel about it.
(Have to say that I sorely miss Sprint while playing New World.
if magic is what is used to push the character past normal movement paces then it would make sense as sprint is meant to push you to the limit of your movement pace for limited time until energy burns out. Kind of like after burners on a jet in an extreme example or the overdrive in cars when you floor it.
They could add another resource bar in that is associated with sprint.
If each archetype has a different secondary or tertiary resource bar, have it associated with that which is essentially the same thing, lol
Could be quite interesting regardless to manage resources from spamming abilities and using sprint to dodge, chase, kite, flee etc.
And if that's going to be based on class - again, that sounds like Ranger, rather than Rogue.
The devs seem to not want a third resource bar.
I'm just going off their possible logic for it being part of the mana bar.
Spirit of the wind, sounds like a celtic whiskey
Maybe they're hoping melee classes would have a physical sprint and magic classes have a magical sprint?
I do not really know personally.
I do recall them mentioning they dont want a third bar but I'm not entirely sure why.
that could be a main now that you mention it. I personally do not see an issue with having three bars especially if one is associated with sprint and blockings mechanics for a stagger or shield breaker effect.
What's the point of sprint?
However, there is no reason there can't also be even faster still movement for some classes, or even for allowing in combat sprinting in some cases - if the class in question needs it.
I think the issue is that three are two opinions on what sprint should be. Some see it as a core combat ability for some class types, while others see it as a means of getting around the game world a little faster in situations in which a mount is not appropriate - though still with some restrictions.
To me, it makes no sense at all to assume that only one of these can be in the game.
I do think some form of universal metered sprint is appropriate however. It rewards attentiveness with the ability to possibly avoid a possible conflict from even occurring.. It gives a taste of what having a mount would feel like if you did the work. And it makes certain mob zones more of a puzzle of what route and how large a route you want to take for your pve hunting spending on your build and current resources.
An unmetered sprint would just be 'the defacto run speed' and therefore offer none of the feelings or design paths above.
A class ability would be interesting depending on its ability to be used in combat or out of combat. E.g. Flee in FFXI