Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Tulnar and their Relationship with Magic

TeylouneTeyloune Member, Phoenix Initiative, Avatar of the Phoenix, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited July 2021 in General Discussion
Hello Everytulnar,

In the Lore it is states that the people who escaped through the divine gates to Sanctus didn't have any access to magic whatsoever. And they had to rediscover technology, because so much of their current technology was based on magic, so they had to figure out how to interact with the world.
The Tulnar never had this problem.
The Tulnar had access to magic the entire time.
The Tulnar never had to figure out how to deal with not having magic.

It would make sense if the Tulnar were a magic heavy race. Verra is full of magic and theres no way Tulnar, who are a combination of all these races which surely had access to magic never used their magic to create things.
Once the Tulnar or their Ancestors would have figured out how to build things with magic, they would have just kept refining what they learned to work.

The Tulnar culture, architecture, or weapon design would therefore be perfect to reflect that they had access to magic for thousands and thousands of years longer than any of the races stuck on Sanctus with no magic whatsoever, right?

The Lore: Source of the Text in the Spoiler
A long long long time ago, everybody lived on a planet called Verra. Something cataclysmic happened that forced people from that world to another world called Sanctus. Verra is a place of really high magic. Sanctus is a place with no magic whatsoever. People escaped through these portals into the world of Sanctus. They had to rediscover technology, because so much of their current technology was based on magic, so they had to figure out how to interact with the world. Thousands and thousands of years go by. A long dark age passes. This history that I just told you falls into myth and legend. After this time passes, these portals reopen and the players are going to take the part of people who are coming through those portals once again back to the world of Verra to rediscover that magic, rediscover their history, and try to figure out what happened to this world to force them out of it.


  • l3v3rag3l3v3rag3 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Completely agree. It just makes sense based on the lore. If intrepid ignores that then ill be pretty disappointed and will expect them to change the lore tbh.
  • GrumpyGrumpy Member
    "Rediscovering magic" may simply be referring to node, character and/or story progress. I can't say how magic is supposed to affect tulnar designs, since there are many ways in which it can be used to enchant or shape materials. Either way, I would be surprised if tulnar designs would not look somewhat alien/tribal.
  • The Great SlackerThe Great Slacker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    True, lore-wise it wouldn't just make sense, but perhaps also be expected that their technology, style and architectures should be quite magical in design. What i'm really looking forward to, is also to see the possibilities of Tulnar Character creation!
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It'd be cool if this meant the tulnar made a magic equivalent of a steam punk society as a result. Mush Punk? Hmm ....
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    All the races are magic heavy on Verra.
    Tulnar crafting might look crazy anyway since they are a mix of reptiles and mammals.
  • ViBunjaViBunja Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    It would make sense for the Tulnar to have an affinity and deeper connection with magic, and also better connection to the Gods. It would also make sense, if some of their passives would reflect that. If they had floating magical temples, and wizard towers, that would be awesome.
  • ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Would be more cool of the heavy magic influence is what allowed various species hybrids to be possible. Of course I mean draconians/dragonborn here xD

    The more magic the more fantasy esque the race can be
  • Tulnar's racial augments may reflect that deeper magical connection with the world. Racial augments are supposed to have some cosmetic effects to them in addition to their ability application , so it seems another perfect place to implement the "fluff" lore.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    I'd been wondering about this, too, and had come to the conclusion being underground in Verra must have blocked off access to the Essence, and that only Tulnar who had ventured to the surface would have been Essence-attuned.
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