world recourses and world changes

CaezCaez Member, Alpha One
edited August 2021 in General Discussion
I think we should be able to pick all the trees, mines and resources from the world, not been able to pick some resources does not feel like a world, there´s not a reason to me to not be able to pick them, I think there will be a pretty good system where if we picked way to many and to fast the world will be affected/destroyed and we should not be limited with no reason, we will prob not pick many of them and we will be carrefull about how many resources we get because we dont want our world/server to be destroyed and maybe getting some strong world bosses cause of it and with it prob destroy our node, we should not be limited, we should get warned that if we keep getting way too many recourser and too fast it will affect us but no letting us get them should not be a thing.. of course we would need to get incresed the proffession so we can get some of the recourse which are in the world but for those weird recourse and not been limited by the game


  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    More available resources means less value per item.
    Less value per item means more lifeskill grind.
    For me that's less fun and it means that recources will be endlessly available on the markets and the economy will be based in undercuting the guy with the previous cheapest stack of wood.

    I prefer quality over quantity.
  • CaezCaez Member, Alpha One
    yeah but that's why u cant pick too many recourse of the zone the zone will be destroyed...deforestation for example, they could just balance the number maximum of resources to pick per zone so u can´t actually pick them all... some how an ilution which makes u feel like u can pick them all but if u do then after deforestation comes there even less trees than they use to be, some how is a way to tell u can... but just a few or ur zone will be affected
  • This flies in the face of the limited resources economy Intrepid is developing.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Gamers will wipe out as much stuff as they are able to - zone destruction would not be a deterrent.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    The problem with this is many-fold.

    The first issue is that players only have their own personal perspective. What I am doing to a forest may not be an issue, what you are doing may not be an issue, but what we are both doing may be an issue. If neither of us know this, then there is an issue that we are causing, that neither of is aware of.

    The second issue is that of in-server mobility.

    If I am from one specific node, what is to stop me from going to your node and chopping down all your trees? While I can do this in the game now, all that would mean is that those trees would respawn somewhere else. With your suggestion, it would mean that node now has no trees for how ever long it takes for them to grow back (which would need to be a substantial amount of time, otherwise we are just talking about respawning trees anyway).

    All of a sudden, I have destroyed your entire nodes lumber industry. or stone, or iron. To make it worse, you have no immediate way to get it back up and running.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited August 2021
    I'm with @George Black ... as in I don't want to spend the whole day running around harvesting because materials are devalued by being so plentiful.

    Of all the systems that Intrepid has talked about but not actually implemented, this is one that I have confidence they will do the right thing (even before player feedback is solicited during Beta).
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    There is a game that is based around that concept:

    That game is very niche and something that requires a whole server to work together. It is hard in that game, even with the low server populations relative to Ashes. In Ashes people would only look out for themselves and mine everything as soon as they could.

    Remember, Ashes is a game, not a simulation. The difference being that in a game you prioritize fun and in a simulation you prioritize realism.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • If all the trees were made collectable they could make it like cutting a real tree down. You hack with your axe for 2 real life hours to fell the tree. Then you have to cut the tree up into segments for transport. After you have spent hours cutting down a tree a group of bandits come by and take it from you. None of the hit tree 3 times and you have wood in your backpack :).
    It seems like Ultima Online had a mining system in which you weren't shown where a vein or node was located. You just started picking into a mountain side and hoped you found something. When you did find something it was random ore with more common ore being found the most but you had a chance to find rare ore as well.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Wyborn wrote: »
    If all the trees were made collectable they could make it like cutting a real tree down. You hack with your axe for 2 real life hours to fell the tree. Then you have to cut the tree up into segments for transport. After you have spent hours cutting down a tree a group of bandits come by and take it from you. None of the hit tree 3 times and you have wood in your backpack :).
    It seems like Ultima Online had a mining system in which you weren't shown where a vein or node was located. You just started picking into a mountain side and hoped you found something. When you did find something it was random ore with more common ore being found the most but you had a chance to find rare ore as well.

    This is the easiest and most obvious answer, I feel.

    Ashes already goes a little bit in this direction, I feel they could do a bit better on the trees in particular, for example.

    Let's even assume they really do make every tree harvestable. When you have your small axe, if you want to get even 'MMORPG super lumberjack speed' you should still only be able to bring down small trees. This would also make the 'amount of wood we get' make sense.

    They could fill up the world with small sapling style thin trees for most of us to cut, then bigger ones need bigger tools and more time. Most people who want to cut down all the trees want realism and feeling, so they can have it.

    Same for ores and even some herbs/roots. Then the gatherables are distinguishable, numerous, and can respawn without looking too weird. If a tree is thin, you can hack it down normally. If it is thick, your progress bar indicates it will take 20 minutes, and halfway through some forest spirit comes and attacks you.

    Fantasy AND realism!
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Azherae wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    If all the trees were made collectable they could make it like cutting a real tree down. You hack with your axe for 2 real life hours to fell the tree. Then you have to cut the tree up into segments for transport. After you have spent hours cutting down a tree a group of bandits come by and take it from you. None of the hit tree 3 times and you have wood in your backpack :).
    It seems like Ultima Online had a mining system in which you weren't shown where a vein or node was located. You just started picking into a mountain side and hoped you found something. When you did find something it was random ore with more common ore being found the most but you had a chance to find rare ore as well.

    This is the easiest and most obvious answer, I feel.

    Ashes already goes a little bit in this direction, I feel they could do a bit better on the trees in particular, for example.

    Let's even assume they really do make every tree harvestable. When you have your small axe, if you want to get even 'MMORPG super lumberjack speed' you should still only be able to bring down small trees. This would also make the 'amount of wood we get' make sense.

    They could fill up the world with small sapling style thin trees for most of us to cut, then bigger ones need bigger tools and more time. Most people who want to cut down all the trees want realism and feeling, so they can have it.

    Same for ores and even some herbs/roots. Then the gatherables are distinguishable, numerous, and can respawn without looking too weird. If a tree is thin, you can hack it down normally. If it is thick, your progress bar indicates it will take 20 minutes, and halfway through some forest spirit comes and attacks you.

    Fantasy AND realism!

    I personally like that
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