Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Hearken! Healers, do you weary of healing?

I fear that Healers won't be doing much healing...
I'm primarily interested in the healer class, High Priest, but right now my hopes aren't that high that this 'healer class' will be much of a healer.
What I've seen so far is that they are a run-of-the-mill dps class- with primarily 'dark' dmg skills- and a few heals.
Someone who likes to play a healer is interested in bolstering their party, not necessarily engaging the mob, and for that reason I feel that a Healer's job, while in a party, should be healing, not dps.
If an appropriately skilled party undertakes an appropriate challenge, and the healer is not required to be primarily engaged in their job of healing, the Devs have failed to make the healer class fun.
Healer having fun = healing!
I'm not suggesting that Healers be defenseless mutton, but rather once they are engaged in Group content, their contribution should be firmly within their class role = Healing!
Am I alone in the position that Healers should be Healing, not rocking as off-dps?
I'm primarily interested in the healer class, High Priest, but right now my hopes aren't that high that this 'healer class' will be much of a healer.
What I've seen so far is that they are a run-of-the-mill dps class- with primarily 'dark' dmg skills- and a few heals.
Someone who likes to play a healer is interested in bolstering their party, not necessarily engaging the mob, and for that reason I feel that a Healer's job, while in a party, should be healing, not dps.
If an appropriately skilled party undertakes an appropriate challenge, and the healer is not required to be primarily engaged in their job of healing, the Devs have failed to make the healer class fun.
Healer having fun = healing!
I'm not suggesting that Healers be defenseless mutton, but rather once they are engaged in Group content, their contribution should be firmly within their class role = Healing!
Am I alone in the position that Healers should be Healing, not rocking as off-dps?
A High Priest will be able to focus on adding augments from the Life School to their Active Skills.
Passive Skills will allow the High Priest to maximize Healing.
And there may be Healing augments from Social Orgs and Religions. There could also be some Healing augments from Racial augments.
Steven doesn't want Clerics to just stand in the back of the party and Heal.
But, you could probably craft a build that excels at just that if that's what you want to do.
I actually don't know what you mean by this, and since you added more stuff in this thread.
Of course I want to engage the mob. Why wouldn't I want that? Why shouldn't I DPS while healing?
What is 'a few' heals? How many heals do you want?
If other classes are having fun, chances are I don't need to be throwing out a heal every time I finish casting the last one. If Tanks are good, 80% of my healing goes to them, and Tanks are mitigation so there's no way that relies on 'me healing every moment'.
You have a status that implies you could play the Alpha, I think, but I don't know what you mean by 'what you've seen so far', either.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Healbot? that sounds a bit sad.
Healers role is keeping party alive. Healers generally have the pleasure to be making most decisions in regards to engagement mechanics as they deal with player mistakes which bottleneck at survivability. And people mistakes warries from specific environment mechanics to brain fart stumbles / self sabotage.
If you want to play an engaging spec / class for the sake of that class being interesting to play, then healer is where it's generally at. When tank. And when dps.. which are generally bot like rotation type of deal, the whole "dynamic" part coming not from class spec but from raid / environmental gimmicks which apply to all.
I think it's perfectly valid to be concerned that healers might be turned to be about as unengaging / monotonous as a DPS spec.
That is subjective.
It's just a different approach that ashes has that I'm willing to check out
I love healing btw I will most likely main a high priest.
Unless I have missed something else that has been said on this topic, I think it is too early to tell.