Theory Craft! Each Archetype In Ashes!

Hello everyone! I would like to hear your ideas on the class you'll be playing on release—how you will play the class, what you think the class would be like, and overall expectations. Please, theory, craft your heart out!


  • I'm going to be a Beastmaster (Summoner/Ranger).

    I want to be like a monster tamer who fights solely through commanding his pets. I want to name them, take care of them and treat them basically like my personal Pokémon team. I loved being able mind control monsters/beasts in dark age of camelot.

    If it ends up just being a class where the pets still feel secondary and not the main focus, I'll just end up playing some sort of mage instead.
  • ValentineValentine Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    Cultist here, gonna hit and run with debuffs and dots then stabby stabby!~
  • A broodwarden would be really cool if I could feel like Kerrigan leading a brood swarm

    But I feel like we won't get far with this chat until Alpha 2 Rolls around
  • IronhopeIronhope Member
    edited August 2021
    I'm going to be a Templar with a focus on damage, with a 2h mace/warhammer and mail/plate armor.

    If mounts can be used as weapons (to give a charge ability for example) I will use a spear/lance when charging to roleplay actual historic templars.

    I would like to be able to go in for the kill, front line, and use my holy abilities to keep myself alive long enough to make a gap in the enemy army's lines and even to live enough get to the squishy backliners.

    Would also love to outdo people in 1v1 using my combination of damage coming from the fighter, resilience (healing) from the cleric, resilience coming from the heavy armor and crowd control coming from the 2h mace.

  • AelAel Member
    I'd like to play a Ranger-based class a lot, for an exploration purpose. Maybe a Scout if they can have access to the stealth ability in order to sneak in/out of dangerous areas, or a Hawkeye, with few "situational" skills (Fleeting shot, jump, knockback shot, Sniper's eyes), and the remaining points into weapons tree (to benefit from the Sniper's eyes buff and the great positionning granted by the other skills).

    That being said I'm also a huge fan of the Summonner archetype.
    Being able to customize the summons appareance looks like such a cool feature, with a tremendous amount of ways to make the summoner + summons having their own background and unique appareance :D
    Plus I like the "Jake of all trade" gameplay in order to provide to your party what they're lacking.

    For now I think that the Bard secondary archetype may offer some great synergy with Summoner.
    It has been said a summoner could have up to 3 summons (by specializing into the ability tree I guess). So let's say I have my summoner (1) + 1-3 summon(s) (2-4) + a combat pet (3-5), it would make the buffs granted by the bard secondary archetype much more effective, since even in solo play the buffs would benefit up to 5 entities :o
  • While I typically would heal in WoW when I did Cutting Edge progression (Hardmode of raids for WoW), I tend to like to play dps classes for new MMOs I try out. I have a preference for martial artist/monk type classes, but seeing as that is not an option, I will prob do Rogue as a close second.

    Prob Shadowblade (Rogue/Fighter) or Assassin (Rogue/Rogue). I prefer classes with high mobility because I feel like it lends itself to fun skill expression!
  • Salute to everyone, I will make a hawkeye class (ranger + ranger)
    I would really like this class to be mobile, with fish and different traps, well, according to the classics, so that a normal traffic police would pour in at a distance. It is also interesting what the hunter (fighter + ranger)will do
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2021
    Preferably a slow and steady fighter/tank with heavy armor and twin swords, focus on pvp with a bit of gap closer, CC strong dmg and high HP.

    If not, either fighter/fighter or fighter/rogue depending which one is more OP but stays in the above gameplay.
  • A ranger, though I’m not convinced about which class yet. My play style is engage heavily from a distance then sweep in with Sword and Board. Maybe tank maybe fighter. It will all depend on augments.
  • I'm looking forward to seeing what could be achieved with a Bard\Rogue (Trickster) as it has the potential to be technically interesting (to me). I'm hoping that it would have the ability to mis-direct and mis-lead opponents as to source of the abilities that are hitting them ("ventriloquism"). I envisage being able to tab target to an enemy but place the source of that attack via ground reticle, the result being that my opponent goes looking elsewhere for the enemy that is throwing spells in their flank.

    I reckon I could have a lot of fun with that ability!

    There's other Archetypes I'd enjoy playing if Trickster doesn't end up working like that.
  • McShaveMcShave Member
    edited August 2021
    I've mentioned this in another thread, but I'm going to go fighter/tank with a focus on PvX dungeon grinding. I'm hoping I can offtank for dungeons, while having a bunch of cc and damage mitigation for PvP fighting. Probably going to swap between 1h/ shield and 2h depending on the fight.

    Of course this might change when we get to test the classes, i might go tank/ fighter instead, but would prefer to be fighter primary.
  • I know I'll be playing summoner primary but for my archetype I'm debating between cleric and mage. Cleric secondary could be fun with cool undead themed summons and the possible augments could grant the summons more self healing (or healing others for the support summon) as well as maybe some some DoT's or debuffs that the summons could apply. Mage secondary on the other hand I'm also considering due to the possibility of using the fire, ice and lightning augments for some cool elemental themed summons with maybe fire doing a damage over time, ice adding a slow affliction or maybe a damaging cold aura around it and lightning perhaps would add an electrical effect to attacks that would chain off of the target to do some damage other nearby enemies for an AoE sorta effect.
  • Ranger/Rogue
  • probs a trickster
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I wanted to be a tank initially but after playing the Alpha (and yes, I know it's just Alpha and there were only 3 classes) I have totally fallen in love with Mage (which I thought was going to be the least-appealing class). I am planning to play a Mage as my main character now, though I have not yet decided what direction to go after that. It will depend on what the augments can do.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Nobody said Tellsword or Bladedancer?! :o

    Well, that's what I can't wait to try out, at least c:
  • Nightspell pog
  • Bard! We don't have it yet but as it is described in the wiki it looks like you gonna have to move between frontline and backline to help everyone. Bard / Rogue seems like a good combination to freely move in the battlefield as you like and use filthy words to confuse enemies. Bard/Bard can be a solid choice if the base spell toolkit already allow to quickly move in the battlefield to help/debuff everyone.
  • A Necromancer, having my own army of skeletons warriors, skeletons mages, spirits, zombies and more others undead creatures while I put diseases (DoTs) on my enemyes and take their souls will be really fun!
  • pyrealpyreal Member, Warrior of Old
    edited September 2021
    A master of life and healing. A High Priest to smite Sholer's unclean horde.
  • Currently I'm not happy with the logic of the class combinations.
    I think the Beastmaster is a kind of MMO Hunter. But he is as a Summoner still a caster? And if not, why I have to play a caster till I can choose the second class? Why it's a combination with Summoner? Demons and slements get summoned. But animals? They get tamed.
    A lot of combinations doesn't make sense for me. Rogue is a physical DPS class. But with the name of the classes with Rogue combinations call anything with "shadow". So with Mage it's a Shadowcaster. How does the Rogue gives the Mage the abilities for casting anything with shadow magic?

    Anyway. I would like to play Caster with Light/Holy Speels. Mage/Cleric is the closest. But no idea is that combination a light or dark class. Summoner/Cleric is Necromancer, so dark. Tank/Cleric is Paladin, so light.
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member
    edited September 2021
    @Raidri they have said that clerics will have life and death schools for augments.
    so you can just necromancer and choose life, or paladin and go death

    But it sounds like you'll want a mage/cleric or a cleric/mage depending on the role you want
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I've heard each secondary will have 4 Schools to choose from. Life and Death are two different sides to the Cleric but I haven't heard anything about the other 2 schools for Cleric. Of course, 4 schools for each secondary could have changed since I last had an update.
  • @Neurath I haven't heard otherwise but the only archetype to have it's 4 schools broken down so far is mage. Besides that the cleric life and death are the only examples I've seen.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yeah, sometimes the wiki is good but the wiki is not infallible. Off the top of my head I'm not sure what could potentially be the third and fourth school for a Cleric. I was just under the impression each combination would have 4 possibilities.
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