Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Option to hide skins
Please intrepid can you apply an option to hide skins like other pvx have an example is albion...
Actualy playing Nw and is just rediculous the amount of people running with twitch skins, shop skins, you barely see someone using in game gears and is just sad.....
One thing i always loved in mmorpg was to see the diference between the plebs, and high lvl players or that bastard with some lucky hardcore gear that you even knee when they pass...
Or in terms of utility in pvp, indentify someone with piece of gear without inspect ,with some perk, that i need to have carefull in a war, with criminal system many times you will need to do fast decisions, so inspect isn t really an option, so what left is visual recognition.
This way you can make everyone happy people that like skins and people that prefer see the raw gear/weapons
Actualy playing Nw and is just rediculous the amount of people running with twitch skins, shop skins, you barely see someone using in game gears and is just sad.....
One thing i always loved in mmorpg was to see the diference between the plebs, and high lvl players or that bastard with some lucky hardcore gear that you even knee when they pass...
Or in terms of utility in pvp, indentify someone with piece of gear without inspect ,with some perk, that i need to have carefull in a war, with criminal system many times you will need to do fast decisions, so inspect isn t really an option, so what left is visual recognition.
This way you can make everyone happy people that like skins and people that prefer see the raw gear/weapons
As for the inspection thing, they've stated that they will probably be showing an icon on the nameplate what type of gear people are wearing.
While I feel that it should be an option to toggle it for folks (I personally prefer to see peoples' creations, rather than the garbage-looking mish-mash underneath it), I can't imagine any scenario in which it would be helpful. Never found it helpful, in any game.
I've just always imagined the thought process of trying to identify an attacker's gear and the associated bonuses in the heat-of-the-moment goes something like this:
"Okay, he's wearing the CHESTPLATE OF CHEMICAL RESISTANCE, which gives a slight resistance to any Acid-based spells/weapons that I might use against him. His gloves are the GLOVES OF THE FALCON - which gives a slight bonus against any Air-based familiars/combat pets that I might be using in the combat. His boots are the BOOTS OF THE DOGWALKER, which grants a Terrain-Navigation bonus in areas with more than a 15-degree slant. Next, his bracers are.... Oh. Oh, I've been dead for 2 minutes."
Maybe the weapon? Maybe you can garner some benefit from identifying the weapon, if it's flashy and large enough to make out, in the heat-of-the-moment? Most games don't let you change your armor mid-combat, though, so we're talking entirely benefits of what abilities to use/non-use in PvP combat, though *IF* you can make out individual pieces of gear and armorments, through any combat-effect pixelation.
In terms of gear, it can be far easier than this.
It can be as simple as "they are wearing plate - so I will cast spells that are not mitigated with armor".
You often do not need to recognize the exact item, even if that is occasionally helpful. Recognizing the item class is often enough.
If someone is charging at you with that heavy armor, a sword and shield, you may well expect them to have good physical defense, and attack you with a sword. This should be a fair assumption to make.
That player then hitting you with a fireball from their staff would likely come as a surprise.
Intrepid may have a method to enable players to still obtain this information. They seem to think they do.
The question then becomes - is it as easy to use as simply looking at the characters in screen is to do.
If it is harder to do than this, if there is less information to be had, or more effort to gain that same information, then I consider their solution to be unacceptable.
An example of this would be if you can only gain information on a targeted character. If there are 15 people and I only want to attack cloth wearers, I should not need to target each of them individually to work this out.