Skill lines and build diversity

So Im gonna start by saying even if nothing I say here happens I know for a fact ill still love AoC but personally I really do hope they add the same sort of skill lines that exist in ESO where you have your class skill lines that you have purely by the very nature of the class you play but than perhaps a racial skill line with it would be cool if they added actually powers each race gets to use and than perhaps like the same sort of fighters, mages, psijic, and etc. guild skill lines where joining npc guilds that pop up in the world grant you new skill lines with honestly i think they could even do something even better than that by adding it so completing specific dungeons and raids or worlds bosses or doing certain quests or maybe even certain achievements grants you new abilities and spells and if they have the same dungeons and raids rotate in the sense that even if a dungeon that offered a skill disappeared when the node was lowered, that dungeon can still pop up again elsewhere meaning people arent perma locked from actually getting specific spells and powers as well as items. :D


  • In Ashes we will have racial and social org (npc guild) augments. Not exactly what you're looking for, but it is Ashes' version of it.

    About dungeon and raid achievements: we know nodes will get relics when the node members achieve certain goals when it comes to dungeons and raiding, and these relics will play an important role when it comes to sieges. Maybe being a member of a node with a relic can give you an augment based on that relic, but we don't know that much at this point.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    What we know we will have are class-based skills (well, "archetype" in their Newspeak but that means class) and in addition there will be weapon-based skills for each weapon. Between those, I think that's all there is for skills. (Oh, and archetype skills are divided between active things you can do and passive boosts.)

    As @McShave said, those skills are further modified by augments. And augments are what you get from the class (secondary class in addition to the main one), race, and so on.

    For some more info:

    Here's a picture of what the skill tree looked like in Alpha 1, to give you an idea. Note that there is just a placeholder for weapon skills, we haven't seen them in action yet.

  • ahhh ok so i get it where technically everyone has the same spells but augments actually fully transform them into almost like an entirely different skill so you adjust builds in the way i was talking about by adjusting your augments and perhaps what your saying mcshave i that there is the chance to have multiple different augments and perhaps different augements may at some point become possible to get by getting dungeon relics kinda like i suggested as a good way to get new skills? man that actually now that its explained sounds pretty good for build customization and especially if they do the dungeon relics augments than that could shape up to be really damn cool for making certain builds just feel rare and unique because to make that specific build you need say these 2 or 3 seperate augments earned by completing hard dungeons! man this will be fuckin great in every way! :D
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    Yo dawg if you like skill trees on skill tress that unlock skill trees, I recommend one game... Dungeons and Dragons online.

    Not everyone's cup of tea and the monetization is a bit extreme, but my lord does that game let you do whatever the hell you want. Balance be damned!

    As much as I love such a ridiculous level of customization and build freedom, it does come at the cost of PvP being impossible and balance being very hard to obtain. To the point that some builds can solo the game and others suck even in a group.

    What I have noticed is somewhere in the middle of the extremes of having countless options like in DDO or having almost no options like in FFXIV. There is a place for a good amount of customization with balance. I think that is what most MMORPGs try for. It is difficult, but that is what I want out of Ashes. A good amount of build options, with things being balanced enough that you see build diversity.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm pretty sure they've talked about having a skill trees for things like block and stuff as well but I could have mis read/heard that
  • Vhaeyne wrote: »

    Yo dawg if you like skill trees on skill tress that unlock skill trees, I recommend one game... Dungeons and Dragons online.

    Not everyone's cup of tea and the monetization is a bit extreme, but my lord does that game let you do whatever the hell you want. Balance be damned!

    As much as I love such a ridiculous level of customization and build freedom, it does come at the cost of PvP being impossible and balance being very hard to obtain. To the point that some builds can solo the game and others suck even in a group.

    What I have noticed is somewhere in the middle of the extremes of having countless options like in DDO or having almost no options like in FFXIV. There is a place for a good amount of customization with balance. I think that is what most MMORPGs try for. It is difficult, but that is what I want out of Ashes. A good amount of build options, with things being balanced enough that you see build diversity.

    hmmm ok than :) i personally am the sorta guy that literally made i wanna say at least probably 15 or so characters in like 2 months that i leveled to level 50 only to delete or completely respec after 10 seconds cause im that sorta picky bitch that finds build creation emmensily fun XD
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vvess wrote: »
    hmmm ok than :) i personally am the sorta guy that literally made i wanna say at least probably 15 or so characters in like 2 months that i leveled to level 50 only to delete or completely respec after 10 seconds cause im that sorta picky bitch that finds build creation emmensily fun XD

    What game was that?
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • Vvess wrote: »
    i personally am the sorta guy that literally made i wanna say at least probably 15 or so characters in like 2 months that i leveled to level 50 only to delete or completely respec after 10 seconds cause im that sorta picky bitch that finds build creation emmensily fun XD

    Hahaha, I do the same :D
    This link may help you:

  • Vhaeyne wrote: »
    Vvess wrote: »
    hmmm ok than :) i personally am the sorta guy that literally made i wanna say at least probably 15 or so characters in like 2 months that i leveled to level 50 only to delete or completely respec after 10 seconds cause im that sorta picky bitch that finds build creation emmensily fun XD

    What game was that?

    Elder scrolls online
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