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MMO Guilty Pleasures

Spill your beans! What do you secretly enjoy in a computer’s digitized fantasy world of one’s and zeros?

I usually just go kill low level players. It’s fun to be evil 👿 sometimes 😂

Much love ❤️❤️❤️ and happy Valentine’s Day!


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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited February 2022
    Every time I kill players that have a mage or rogue character, I like to use a belittling emote over their body.
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    SunboySunboy Member
    edited February 2022
    Every time I kill players that have a mage or rogue character, I like to use a belittling emote over their body.
    I want teabaging in MMOs.
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    Ganking until someone opens a whinethread on forum. Wow vanilla was satisfying.
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    pyrealpyreal Member, Warrior of Old
    edited February 2022
    I like to put butter on my sweetroll.

    Shouldn't this thread be titled: "How do you like to be a dick?"
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    My favorite thing to do in MMOs is to unlock the entire map. I spent hours in WoW and other games walking around just unlocking the full map. Super fun, but such a waste of time lol
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    Log off sitting in a chair in an inn.
    Giving a lowbie something that will make their day. Or saving them in extremis from certain doom.
    Accessing an area or height that makes people wonder how I got there, and why would I.
    Talking back to NPCs as if they could care, or out loud at mobs.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
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    umm, finding new exploits? or finding creative ways to utilize known ones? that's in the old days when the ban hammer's loose though. Mostly from Ragnarok Online.

    Though as I aged I regressed into the "just casually play the game properly" stage ... so no more guilty pleasures for me :/
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited February 2022
    Sunboy wrote: »
    Every time I kill players that have a mage or rogue character, I like to use a belittling emote over their body.
    I want teabaging in MMOs.

    Teabaging looks stupid
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I enjoy messing with friends when they go AFK. One time in SWTOR, a friend went to go get a drink, and we were on some map in Hoth where you would take damage if you stood in a spot outside of a safe zone. The character I was playing (a Sith Sorcerer) had an ability to grab an ally to their spot, to pull them out of danger.

    (Or if you're a real douche, pull them into danger as they're getting a drink.)

    I guess that's not really a secret though, since everyone knew I did it and it still gets brought up now and then in chats.

    Oh, also (again SWTOR, I don't know why all my examples are that game) I liked on a different character to lift someone up with the Force, then push them backward with a different power, to knock them over a railing to fall to their deaths. (This was only for enemies, not friends.) It was just so empowering to toss enemies to their deaths that way. I don't know why that was more fun than using my lightsaber, but it was, and I would always try to find circumstances where I could do it.

    Except one day in a dungeon with my friends, I tossed a guy off a railing and he didn't die. Due to a game glitch, he stayed very much alive, running around below us where we couldn't reach him, and he stayed in combat with us. Since we couldn't kill him and couldn't get out of combat, we had to quit the dungeon and reset it. While it wasn't really my fault, it was kind of my fault.
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    I liked giving people random stuff in Wow, just open the trade, put a Stew in there or something and clicking accept, seeing if they take it.. Strangely a lot of people refused, even when it was inventory free money... Like what, is it cursed?

    It's really too bad AoC isn't looking at world item placement, cause I always liked leaving stuff laying wherever, I don't know why.
    Tibia flash backs of people filling the streets with dead rats and cheese and bags of aformentioned...
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    pyreal wrote: »
    I like to put butter on my sweetroll.

    Shouldn't this thread be titled: "How do you like to be a dick?"

    Semantics. I could have been sure but I choose not to. ❤️
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    pyrealpyreal Member, Warrior of Old
    clone63 wrote: »
    I liked giving people random stuff in Wow, just open the trade, put a Stew in there or something and clicking accept, seeing if they take it.. Strangely a lot of people refused, even when it was inventory free money... Like what, is it cursed?

    It's really too bad AoC isn't looking at world item placement, cause I always liked leaving stuff laying wherever, I don't know why.
    Tibia flash backs of people filling the streets with dead rats and cheese and bags of aformentioned...

    I made an early living off world item placement in AC. When a mob's corpse disappeared it left a sack of the loot they dropped. In farming spots it generally got left because of the weight system so I would make trips back and forth from town selling the goodies.
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    First two aren't guilty, but I'm generally kind of a nice gamer so I'm starting with those haha.

    I love saving players from being ganked, especially lowbies.
    Walking up to a fight in progress, seeing another player absolutely screwed, dying, and then saving their life has to be one of the truest "hero" feelings you can get in an MMO.

    I also love giving out gold, food, and toy items in starting zones. "Welcome, Adventurer, welcome! Here's 1G, some fireworks, food, and a thing that makes you green for an hour."
    A tiny chunk of change from a max level can make a new player fall in love with the game and want to be nice to strangers, too.

    As far as guilty pleasures, I love ganking people for resources. Something about fighting to the death over some resources is to me lol. Makes me feel like I EARNED that ore.
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    I love exploring, so one of things I usually do is put my characters through all sorts of deaths by exploring areas that are way above my level and trying to make it out alive. Which I usually don't.
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    Percimes wrote: »
    Accessing an area or height that makes people wonder how I got there, and why would I.

    This link may help you:

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    Sunboy wrote: »
    Every time I kill players that have a mage or rogue character, I like to use a belittling emote over their body.
    I want teabaging in MMOs.

    Teabaging looks stupid

    Once you get to try it from the top, you'll probably change your mind. ;):D
    This link may help you:

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    SzaasSzaas Member
    edited February 2022
    Dropping loaves of bread on the floor in front of the bank in Ultima Online, having previously poisoned them with a max level poisoning skill. And then watching the HP of nearby gluttonous players droppping at an alarming rate.
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    LostarLostar Member
    edited September 2022
    I enjoy some pvp.. the elements of risk vs rewards keep things fresh but if the world is populated by too many “Sunboys” there won’t be anything that would hold my continued interest.

    Teabagging looks stupid no matter if you’re the giver or receiver or the unfortunate observer. It’s cringe as hell.
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    Organizing stuff. Give me a bunch of banks, chests and items and I'll spend an ungodly amount of time organizing and reorganizing collections, materials and gear. My own IRL apartment is a bomb site but my adventurers' inventory management is God tier. :smiley:
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I used to love Awoxing in eve online(team killing)

    My alliance would ping for a fleet and always need a titan to bridge, so I'd undock mine and the fleet would rally on me ready for me to teleport them where they wanted to go.

    I'd always fire my doomsday lance at a couple of the fleet members and they'd die instantly (I always sent them a pile of ISK and bridged them for real to catch up with the fleet once they reshipped)

    It became a fun minigame for us and we ended up betting on who'd die on fleets and laugh at those who did.

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