Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Phase I of Alpha Two testing will occur on weekends. Each weekend is scheduled to start on Fridays at 10 AM PT and end on Sundays at 10 PM PT. Find out more here.

Check out Alpha Two Announcements here to see the latest Alpha Two news and update notes.

Our quickest Alpha Two updates are in Discord. Testers with Alpha Two access can chat in Alpha Two channels by connecting your Discord and Intrepid accounts here.

Feb 2022 Update (Py'rai Reveal, Naval Content, Cargo Crates, Map Info)

JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
The February Livestream was a little disappointing because they didn't have the character creator preview, but there was still a lot of good stuff.

We got to meet Bryan Langford the Executive Producer on Ashes of Creation
We got an explanation of what Producers do
The Py'rai reveal was excellent, along with the concept are of their architecture
We found out about the Riverlands and we got a sneak on the map of the Badlands
We got a good amount of information about Animal Husbandry
We found out there are different classes of ships not just different sizes
We found out caravans have crate capacity and crates have storage capacity
Make sure to check out Ashes 101


  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The real hero here are the time stamp bookmarks. Thanks for including them, makes it soooooo much easier to reference things from the video.

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