Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Gear carrots
It was honestly really great to hear some elaboration about the raid content yesterday, because Steven definitely worded it in such a way that made it look like the challenging content is going to be focused in instanced content, however obtaining bis items is going to be tied to wpvp around open world bosses
My takeaway from this is that he acknowledges that the existence of raid difficulty is tied to instances, but that he doesnt want rewards from such activities to be bis
What i'm personally curious how the raid rewards are tied to the crafting system, because afaik the goal is to not have item drops, but materials gathered by gatherers in the raid that are used in recipes to craft that gear
My takeaway from this is that he acknowledges that the existence of raid difficulty is tied to instances, but that he doesnt want rewards from such activities to be bis
What i'm personally curious how the raid rewards are tied to the crafting system, because afaik the goal is to not have item drops, but materials gathered by gatherers in the raid that are used in recipes to craft that gear
“Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.”
― Plato
― Plato
An example of what i'm thinking is that one of the instances may involve the necromancer who caused the fall. Doing that instance may unlock the ability to craft the necromancer's staff.
This is purely my speculation but from the impression i'm getting, I don't think instances will circumvent the environment in any way.
― Plato
Not necessarily, challenging instanced dungeons will hold lots of necessary crafting mats from boss drops (in addition to just generally good gear), and as we know crafting will have on-par best in slot gear. Getting the drops from a world boss will be VERY difficult because you'll be competing with other top players/guilds for a single drop. Raids offer a consistent way to get best in slot gear through crafting.
As more information comes out, especially information related to crafting, it will make more since and probably won't sound as bad. Even if you don't get everything required for an item in an instance, rewards could be necessary to maximize your gear. The recipes could allow you to craft stronger items. You will just need resources from the open world in addition to what you got from the instance. In addition to this, instances could provide other rewards like augments, cosmetics, etc. as well as rewards that impact things outside your character like guild and nodes.
As i said, this is my speculation.
if world bosses drop the same type of resources as instanced content does, but in bigger amount it is just matter of tuning on how much you get from both activities and thus pvp dominance will give the same type of reward as pve prowess and it will just be a balancing issue between those two activities
if world bosses drop unique higher quality mats that are not found anywhere else then instanced content will be used on the lowest difficulty to get entry level gear, but the endgame gear will become a discord spawn spreadsheet with scouts from pvp guilds that have an agreement to take turns and with enough members to exclude everyone that their alliance doesnt want to participate. In this case the "hard content that only small percentage of players can do" will technically exist, but the percentage of players even trying this content out will be near 0
in other words - if the hard content in the game gives no reward or the rewards it gives can be obtained way easily in similar amount from easier content, then the hard content might as well be deleted, because nobody will even attempt it
― Plato
I can only guess you dont do things in MMO for the fun of it but only for the rewards.
if you need to get 40 people to play near perfect in order to wipe times and times again in order to kill something that gives you no reward except the feeling that you've beaten it then this type of content will have almost 0 people even attempting it
time investment isnt hard content - it never was
― Plato
Good, you shouldn't be rewarded from segregating yourself away from the open-world. If it was up to me then instances would not reward ANY gear or materials.
This is a game and blindly preaching "everything must be open world" only tells everyone that you want the game to die. You want an open world experience and I agree that this should be the most important goal, but you cannot disregard how games are played and not introduce anti griefing mechanics for challenging content
― Plato