Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Phase I of Alpha Two testing will occur on weekends. Each weekend is scheduled to start on Fridays at 10 AM PT and end on Sundays at 10 PM PT. Find out more here.

Check out Alpha Two Announcements here to see the latest Alpha Two news and update notes.

Our quickest Alpha Two updates are in Discord. Testers with Alpha Two access can chat in Alpha Two channels by connecting your Discord and Intrepid accounts here.

FREEHOLD Placement in Vassal Nodes

JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited November 15 in General Community Creations
The last livestream may not have been totally sexy, but this little nugget of information certainly changed how we look at freeholds, their placement, Node Citizenship, and so on. We’ve been wondering about this concept of placing a freehold in a vassal node but keeping citizenship in the parent Node for a while. While it was said this may be possible, it was also highly foot stomped with Subject to Change™

What do you think about this? Should you be able to put a freehold in a vassal Node ZOI but be a citizen of the Parent Node? Why? Why Not?
Make sure to check out Ashes 101

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