Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Proactive Bot Prevention
So in the wiki Security Systems page, it is mentioned that Intrepid means to be hard on botting in AoC to try and prevent it from effecting the economy and such.
In the wiki page it mentions that they will use behavioral flags and GM reports to help combat botting. This is all really good to catch bots who already exist.
But I think it would be a good idea to try and stop as many bots from being able to get started in first place and prevent all the damage they could do rather than waiting for them appear and then playing whack-a-mole with them. As they say, an ounce of prevent is worth a pound of cure.
I think it might be a good idea to have a captcha that you have to pass after you load into a server before your able to do anything or a similar anti-bot system to prevent them from even getting off ground and prevent any damage from being done in the first. While this obviously wouldn't completely stop botting it would help combat mass scale botting with hundreds or thousands of simultaneous bots.
If many bots are stopped before they can even get started it also lowers the burden on GMs so they don't have to devote as much time to apprehending the bots that do get through.
Maybe IP bans or something similar could as be used for serial bot offenders as such to have another hurdle they have to cross before being able to bot effectively?
Has anyone at Intrepid considered this or a similar idea in conjuction with their already planned bot combating mechanisms?
And does anyone else have any ideas about how Intrepid could potentially go about proactively preventing bots from being able to operate in the first place rather than just how they could find and catch bots after they being acting?
In the wiki page it mentions that they will use behavioral flags and GM reports to help combat botting. This is all really good to catch bots who already exist.
But I think it would be a good idea to try and stop as many bots from being able to get started in first place and prevent all the damage they could do rather than waiting for them appear and then playing whack-a-mole with them. As they say, an ounce of prevent is worth a pound of cure.
I think it might be a good idea to have a captcha that you have to pass after you load into a server before your able to do anything or a similar anti-bot system to prevent them from even getting off ground and prevent any damage from being done in the first. While this obviously wouldn't completely stop botting it would help combat mass scale botting with hundreds or thousands of simultaneous bots.
If many bots are stopped before they can even get started it also lowers the burden on GMs so they don't have to devote as much time to apprehending the bots that do get through.
Maybe IP bans or something similar could as be used for serial bot offenders as such to have another hurdle they have to cross before being able to bot effectively?
Has anyone at Intrepid considered this or a similar idea in conjuction with their already planned bot combating mechanisms?
And does anyone else have any ideas about how Intrepid could potentially go about proactively preventing bots from being able to operate in the first place rather than just how they could find and catch bots after they being acting?
There's also the ability to just kill a bot if you see one. Now it obviously might be risky because being corrupted brings its own consequences, but the opportunity to get some "free" resources and remove a bot from his farming cycle is always a good thing imo.
And I'd also be for some sort of captcha if you do get flagged for grinding the same spot for too long. It should definitely be a smart captcha that doesn't just stop your character completely, but just requires you to do some easy puzzle-like activity within 30 secs of it popping up. If the player doesn't do it, then it's either a bot or an automated character (that is if things like catching fish don't allow you to automate themselves for a long period of time). And if some character fails to interact with the captcha, the GMs would get some priority ping to check it and catch the possible bot red-handed.
Or at least that's how I see a good anti-bot system. There might be some better ways of going about it.
It is self defeating to implement security for things like this and then go and tell everyone what you have done. The more people know about it, the easier it is for them to circumvent it.
As such, I have to question the value of us critiquing what Intrepid has planned, or offering up suggestions. How can we do either of those things when we literally have no idea what it is they have planned?
If they can't pass the "Are you a Robot" test, you're allowed to kill them without penalty.
Or perhaps with a reduction in Corruption after a review.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think they can rely on the subscription making them immune, because it won't. But if it costs $15 a month, you have to make at least that much plus whatever overhead costs you have before you can even see a profit. And then if you get caught and banned before you have a chance to sell anything, that's money down the drain. There are many easier paths for people trying to make money that way.
If Ashes is successful though, beyond being a cult or niche game, it could become a problem. At that point it might be worth the investment to try to farm currency, materials, and so on. Intrepid can't make it impossible to do that sort of thing, but they can make it enough of a hassle that those people lose interest.
One might also using small purchases from the third party sites to identify the characters transferring the wealth in game, and slaying them as well.
Indeed, if there are no alts, and accounts are limited to a single character per server, then players could more effectively deter bots and their traders.
I forgot about that. I can't tell you how many times in Lost Ark I wish that I could murder the bots running around.
That would be well worth the Corruption I think.
Make it a quest or jobline in game would be fun. You get penalized if false reporting. This guild could have a place of honor in city nodes?
Most bots like in wow work on memory scripts who perform precisely programmed tasks and since much of the content in AoC is either player driven or completly randomized (like random locations for resources to spawn).
(It's probably still possible) but a lot harder to succesfuly use bots. Bots are for themepark games where you can repeat the exact same steps and get the same result.
On top of that AoC has open world pvp. Anyone who spots a bot will just gank it and report it. making gathering mats like that all but impossible
AoC will not allow external add-ons in the game. This might also make it harder to bot because the bot software needs some sort of feedback from the game in order to work propperly and can't just read whats on your screen.
The reason why games like wow have so many is because the devs don't do anything about it.
Haha Hell no, these things are extremly annoying
This method was also used to pk other players without flagging