Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Looking for a guild that can exploit my skills

UndergroundKingUndergroundKing Member, Alpha Two
edited May 2022 in NA Guild Recruitment
You may call me whatever you desire, for a name doesn't define us, but it is we who defines a name. I've played different mmos throughout my life. I ran my own guilds, and I've helped others run guilds. I'm quite capable of basically taking on any role that is needed of me. Whether it's strategies, trading, crafting, raids, clipping, forming alliances, diplomacy, scouting, spying, a personal advisor, etc or maybe you just need a ear to listen. I'm a jack of all trades, yet a master of none. I plan to main Tulnar/Rogue. I will help any guild with my skills that I join, but I will only stay in one who can properly utilize my skills to there full potential.


  • WizzyMcNastyWizzyMcNasty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As I read your post I heard a voice say "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.“

    Suspect welcomes those with “skills”
  • EyeEricEyeEric Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    Check out our guild and see if it meets your liking :)
  • DracobringerDracobringer Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    You're welcomed to take a look at our guild and see if it's the kind of experience you're looking to have with Ashes. With the goals we have in mind, it's definitely not for the faint of heart heh.

    Since you mentioned you're interested in leadership as well, Overlord may be more suited for you than most. As of now, I am the only person in leadership in Overlord, and I plan on interviewing anyone that's interested for different positions closer to launch. I've done this on purpose, to ensure that only the best make it into leadership for our guild, rather than just who comes along first.

    I value passionate and intelligent people very highly. If you have what it takes and are interested in the kind of guild we are, you should definitely take a look.

    Forum Link:
  • UndergroundKingUndergroundKing Member, Alpha Two
    Now I am unable to unhear it

  • VoxtriumVoxtrium Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    This is our about us page, you are welcome to stop by and we can see if you would be a good fit.

    Mercenary Guild | 18+ | Hardcore Squads | Friendly Community [NA]

    The center of the guild consists of highly skilled players who work together in 8-man squads to become useful to other guilds in PVP scenarios. Although War Hogs is purely focused on our hardcore mercenary squads, we highly encourage our members to bring their casual friends into the guild. We aim to bring in groups of friends who are struggling to choose between a hardcore or casual guild and be a home to them both.

    War Hogs Atmosphere
    War Hogs is a guild of competitive gamers who want to take part in the highest tier of gameplay without sacrificing the ability to play with their friends. Our squads will be self-sufficient team-oriented players. All members who are part of a squad will be expected to complete assigned contracts and be available for larger dungeons/raids/sieges during server prime times. The only requirements for members outside of the squads is to remain active and be friendly.

    War Hogs Core Function
    Each hardcore player will have a squad they join within War Hogs. As a hardcore player in a squad their focus will be playing within the squad to build cohesion and skill to fill contracts given by their squad leaders. Each squad’s goal is to learn their squad member’s strengths and weaknesses to become a well-oiled machine and function as one unit. High skill mechanics with flawless communication is the goal within each squad.

    Check out our Discord!
  • easyeasy Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    i cringed so hard nooooo cap! no cappin on a stack
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