Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Dynamic World

RuerikRuerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Wow, the dev update was amazing, seeing all of the effects weather had on everything has me really excited. An alive feeling world is one of the key ingredients for someone like me to stick around for the long term and this looks like AoC is going to nail that completely.

Now I have so many questions and suggestions about all the things that can be put in a dynamic world I thought a discussion would be fun.

To start off, I am a PvE main, I like to do dungeons, do bosses, gather, and craft. This is my 90% gametime activity in games with PvP being the rest. Seeing the dragon flying around in the background was pretty cool. So how can such things dynamically affect my gameplay? That is what I am interested in talking about. Things like gatherables not being available in certain seasons.

1) Looking at mechanics as basic as monster/animal spawning. Can my normal stomping grounds have this mechanic heavily impacted by node growth in this area as well as seasons/weather? Can already spawned entities be encouraged to migrate based on server conditions? If they normally hang out in area A but its flooding or too much snow, maybe they will want to walk over to area B now?

2) In the alpha test, we had a handful of world bosses, but they spawned on a timer, and always in the same location. This kind of thing isnt exciting to me since I will feel like I have to play the game by a certain clock and do activities at a certain time always. Maybe these bosses change their availability based on server conditions. Maybe a dragon that lives in a certain mountain range will decide it wants to move to a different one if other conditions are met.

3) NPC vendor costs. Scarcity of material could impact the cost of things we normally buy from vendors.

Just some thoughts to think about, any other dynamic world ideas to talk over would be neat to discuss.


  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    1) "Normal stomping grounds"? If I assume that you presume there will be ez overland mobs that reward worthy xp and loot past lv 10-15, I will have to tell you that you may want to think about group gaming sessions. Nothing will be facerolled solo.

    2) The open world bosses, no matter how static or random their location and respawn timing is, will be taken down by players that are willing to fight other players. How do you see a PvE group fitting into this?

    3) I put that as NPC gameplay, which I dont care for in mmos.
    I'd rather stick with players factoring price costs in nodes, not the game itself, depending on how high taxes are.
    As for materials, that's a player to player transaction. Npcs have nothing to do with it.

    Can I ask you why you dont PvP?
  • RuerikRuerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, I do pvp I even said so in my post, if you think you can kill me and take my stuff please come try ^_^ I will happily murder you. It is just not what will keep me logging in day after day. Players need goals and my goal is to collect lots of stuff.

    Stomping ground is an area you normally play in. Maybe I am just old and young people dont get it.

    Yes the world bosses will be contested by players, I dont care or mind that at all, I want to discuss them not being on such a predictable and static timer than we have a website tracker that tells me when to log in and to go where to kill or fight for a boss. I want to discuss the bosses and mobs instead being dynamic to the world situation.

    Why should animals weak to the cold remain in an area during winter, instead of migrating.

    Why should bandits or monsters just continue to mindlessly pathfind in the open plains during a thunderstorm and not go to a nearby shelter to mindlessly pathfind around there instead.

    This topic is for how to discuss the world being more alive, and not how to avoid pvp. There are dozens of threads about players not wanting to pvp already and this is not one of them I would have posted there.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    The main problem with moving mobs/bosses around in Ashes is the node system. If you have a lvl6 node that enabled a dragon boss on a neighboring mountain, you can't really move that dragon's spawn to another mountain because none of those might be tied to a lvl6 node so you'd have a way harder boss in a lower lvl location. Also, as much as I'd love to live in a "realistic" fantasy world, Ashes is still a game and, with that, come a few expectations on the players' side. Most people will expect the boss to be tied to a place. Yes, maybe not to a time, but to a place. And Lineage 2 had a range of respawn instead of a preset time, so it might be the same case here.

    And when it comes to mobs migrating, even w/o considering the coding difficulties that might bring, Intrepid want to have resource scarcity based on world events. If you have a super rare bunny that only spawns when there's snow around, you'll value its loot way way more when it's summer. But if you have that bunny now spawn on a snowy mountain, the loot is not removed from the server loot pool, it's just moved. Yes, it'll move some player money around, but the resource itself won't be scarce. At least that's how I currently understand the system. I might be wrong.
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    NiKr wrote: »
    And when it comes to mobs migrating, even w/o considering the coding difficulties that might bring, Intrepid want to have resource scarcity based on world events. If you have a super rare bunny that only spawns when there's snow around, you'll value its loot way way more when it's summer. But if you have that bunny now spawn on a snowy mountain, the loot is not removed from the server loot pool, it's just moved. Yes, it'll move some player money around, but the resource itself won't be scarce. At least that's how I currently understand the system. I might be wrong.

    I don't entirely disagree, but even still, you went from 500 bunnies in all the fields in the region, to 50 on the tops of a few mountains. There'll be an economic impact there regardless, even if they're highly sought after.

    There are now fewer of them, so supply is restricted and can't meet the same demand as it once did. (Obviously this can be negated by poor tuning, but why assume poor tuning? They'd just fix it.)

    They are now more work to get to (having to go climb whatever mountain and deal with whatever mobs guard it, or whatever travel hazards or travel time is involved), and it's not worth it until the prices are above a certain point. A certain point that would, normally, be strange to see in winter when they're abundant.

    These sorts of things would function more like soft caps on the difficulty of acquiring certain goods, and serve as a way that devs could tune the economic factors involved. Some things you want unavailable when the seasonal stock runs out. Some things you just want rare.

    This sort of bottleneck could even play right into the intended style of Ashes of Creation by creating a situation where people going to a central location to compete over limited resources that are in high demand may need to deal with PvPers either trying to steal their hides on the way back down, or guilds wanting to control the spawn areas. Something you don't get with 'absolute scarcity'.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    I like your approach to PvP. Making the environment more dynamic/realistic is the cherry on top of the cake.
    And as long as the cherry doesnt conflict with the cake being there, who cares. It's just extra work and costs to an alrdy very detailed and complex game.

    Hopefully people can post good suggestions. Ill just read from now on.
  • RuerikRuerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    This is awesome, reminds me back when I played age of conan there was a certain quest resource you could only gather on the top of two mountains, the metal was needed in a decent amount too, usually took 15-20min to complete the daily repeatable quest . There was a server that had looting enabled at the time, and I would always run up that way to see if I could find anyone up there. Was a lot of fun.

    As a crafter main, things like this will encourage me to adjust my practices heavily.
    Do I keep a reserve stock in the bank to have enough for the season change kind of questions. Instead of selling everything I craft and make I could always hold on to reserve stock, at the cost of bank space.

  • keenowkeenow Member, Alpha Two
    I know in the livestream they mentioned mobs migrating, such as bears moving into caves. They also mentioned a herd of sheep that you could gather from that was rare, only spawned in spring, and only spawned on a mountainside. I like these examples because it sounds like the world is already going to be pretty dynamic. Not from the livestream, but I also agree:: I think moving world bosses would be super fun, too! Not only does it make them more fun to track down with your group and varies the terrain you'd fight them on, running into a world boss while questing solo is never not a memorable experience xD
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    keenow wrote: »
    Not from the livestream, but I also agree:: I think moving world bosses would be super fun, too! Not only does it make them more fun to track down with your group and varies the terrain you'd fight them on, running into a world boss while questing solo is never not a memorable experience xD

    BDO did this once, for an event. It's not that they spawned randomly and freely, but that they spawned in unusual locations (specific to the event). It was mostly just annoying. While encountering a world boss in the wild would be somewhat memorable, having them spawn in random locations just made it difficult to assemble people to fight them.

    This sort of thing would work great for "secret" bosses that only spawn more rarely (to be sighted by explorers), but for world bosses that people will be fighting on the regular? It's only good in theory.
  • VoxtriumVoxtrium Member, Alpha Two
    You could have the bosses have multiple set spawn locations, for example the ice dragon could spawn at 1 of 3 locations across Verra, adds some randomness and its still viable for IS to program. They want players to PvP over loot from world bosses and have indicated that those bosses will spawn after player interaction within the world. Like a metropolis being formed.
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