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Py'rai Models Are Just Vek Models Reskinned! Give us our own unique Py'Rai Models Please.

LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
edited 2022 19 in General Discussion
I realized today that one of the reasons the Py'Rai bodies look so off to a lot of us, and why the Female face is so unlike it's concept art, is because Intrepid took disappointing shortcuts. They just copied the Vek Male/Female models - both faces and bodies - and modified them to make Py'Rai.

They gave us awesome Py'Rai concept art and it's a race with really cool lore. Please give Py'Rai fans the respect of having unique models showing the race as awesome as it can be. We don't want to be forest goblins. We want the cool Native American-inspired wild forest elves you promised.





  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 20
    Indeed... they have 2 legs... 2 arms... a torso and a head.... how can intrepid do this to the humanoid races this is outrageous! I wish they at least had a character creator that would allow people to change the body proportions! Imagine that!

    Thank you @Leiloni you are the real sherlock holmes!
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Don’t even get me started on Sprite and 7up…

    - and get off my lawn! 🤨
  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 20
    I just want to know if the security ankle braclet on the py'rai is unremovable, and if its a functioning device that prevents me from leaving my freehold or home...

    I dont see the complaint that they are "just reskinned vek models..."

    One we dont have true side by sides, so size is variable.

    One has elongated fingers, thicker more "rough" limbs like they survive in villages and not a true society. Tusks, to show different ancestry. Purple skin... and is humanoid.

    The other has more "dainty" limbs, antlers, more human like hands, faces, and skin...

    I think the female py'rai is actually much shorter than the male, while the female and male vek are similar hight, but again its not a true side by side. And we cant really tell the sizes between the two races, other than they appear similar...
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 20
    You know you will be able to customize your body during character creation right?

    Yea, they may share a similar body but will have different limitations for how it can be customized.
  • B_B_ZB_B_Z Member
    They can fix this by making the py'rai a gnomish sized race. Small races ftw!
  • B_B_Z wrote: »
    They can fix this by making the py'rai a gnomish sized race. Small races ftw!

    Get out XD
    Professional Skeptic, Entertainer, and Animal Enthusiast
  • You know you will be able to customize your body during character creation right?

    Yea, they may share a similar body but will have different limitations for how it can be customized.

    how dare you come in here with logic and understanding!

  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I made a comment similar to this on FaceBook when the Py'Rai were first posted there. The Py'Rai and Vek look more related to each other than they do to their closer related races. I'd like to see a remake of the Vek where they look way different; more like a greenie in original concept art.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    We also haven't seen the vek with their hunch yet
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 21
    We also haven't seen the vek with their hunch yet

    I'm pretty sure we have though. I'll dig for the monthly update. One sec.

    Here you go mate.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    edited 2022 21
    T Elf wrote: »
    I made a comment similar to this on FaceBook when the Py'Rai were first posted there. The Py'Rai and Vek look more related to each other than they do to their closer related races. I'd like to see a remake of the Vek where they look way different; more like a greenie in original concept art.

    I agree except I'd prefer they redo the Py'Rai as well or instead. They don't look like elves and I, too would prefer to see them closer to the concept art.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Get out XD
    Nope !

  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would also prefer Py'Rai to look like the concept art - having bought tons of cosmetics based off the original concept art. However, I think the Py'Rai Antlers will look spiffing in my cosmetic head dress below:


    Still, I would prefer a gorgeous Wood Elf considering I'll be playing in 8k. Yet, the whole concept could be stellar indeed if the gameplay is good. Tough choices all round. My initial reaction was the same as Leiloni's. I think the Wood Elves should be unique but I still hope the anklets and bracelets can be removed in character creation.
  • Well of course. Do people have any idea how much time and effort it takes to make a 2d concept into a 3d model? Then you have all the texturing, rigging and animating?

    Having 9 character races is already incredibly ambitious. To then ask for each one to also be individually rigged and animated is just not being conscious of the tremendous bloat that would add to dev time.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    Well of course. Do people have any idea how much time and effort it takes to make a 2d concept into a 3d model? Then you have all the texturing, rigging and animating?

    Having 9 character races is already incredibly ambitious. To then ask for each one to also be individually rigged and animated is just not being conscious of the tremendous bloat that would add to dev time.

    So, your argument for not having the base concept created was because added horns and weird skin textures took less work than the smooth, beautiful Wood Nymphs of the concept art?
  • MoonlupMoonlup Member
    Yeah they do look similar but this is just the default appearance that we have seen in a neutral pose.

    Also look at how the Vek male stands and moves in the season tech demo vid.

    The vek have a troll/goblin like animation whilst the wood elves are upright and graceful.

    Remember that we can grab and scale parts of the body - you can create a big buff vek or a skinny elf so I'm not worried.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Races don't need to be akin to monsters which each one being completely different in body shape on every element. They are both different and well enough to me where i can see both and know they are different.

    Yes things take a lot of dev time as mentioned above but that is only the jest of it. Armor sets and such need to apply to all races in the game, there needs to be a certain amount of consistently so work load isn't ridiculous. Else instead of doing one main armour set and some adjusted, you are doing some main armour sets and major adjustments.

    Eventually you have to realize you are getting to the point of nit picking unless it is a major difference, and you are nit picking while wanting them to do many hundreds more hours of work. They have put a system in that will allow you to adjust the face and shape in ways you want that is going to be very advanced as shown. There is only so much change you can do as everyone is humanoid.

    So to me model is kind and you will be able to customize it in any weird type of fashion you want.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yes, we understand these facets. I have myself changed my purchase patterns as a result of these models. Yet, it is far easier to transpose armour models and renders to the original concept art than it is to modify these armour sets for horns which were not in the original concept art. It matters not how many ways you try to say its less work, when, it was not less work and is not less work.
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member, Alpha Two
    So these are the threads that actually take the place of more intelligent discussion, huh? Why am I not surprised...
  • MIBMIB Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I liked the concept art for the Py'rai
    but yeah the face/head of the completed model does not fit the concept as well. The concept has more wild looking eyebrows and the face is a more youthful innocent face rather than the older and angular features of the Vek and Empyrean. Think they should tweak the eyebrows of for the Py'rai for a wilder look and more detail and texture to the antlers. Just like the bark of a tree they should have slight color and texture variation. They also should have the ears looking different than the Empyrean. They should be elf ears like the concept with a hint of the beast in the ears as well to go with the antlers. Further, the model looks way too skinny although I realize that can be adjusted in the chargen. Wild Elves should have more meat on their bones to reflect their wild and athletic nature. Go away from the tall skinny regal noble look of the Empyrean and go more for a lithe but strong musculature in a smaller body like a panther might have.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The eyebrows remind me of a vampire's eyebrows. Eyebrows are definitely changeable in the character creator. I'm just not sure how flexible the antlers will be though. Having played Zabrak in the past I'm aware of how limiting antlers can be on a toon. When we're talking potential years playing on a toon these issues become more prevalent and very distinct.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    How much variance is there within the character creator?
    Is it possible to get closer to the image they showed as "concept art" from the single image they showed in the stream?
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 22
    Nothing is clear about the character creator in truth. I've gone by Steven's comment that antlers can't be hidden by head gear. Thus, I can only talk about the prevalent antlers and not any method to remove the antlers. We know we can have sawn off antlers with the Withered look but beyond that I doubt we can remove them completely because the devs want distinct silhouettes for each race.

    I will only know more if we can use our cosmetics in A2, otherwise I will know marginally more from the Character Creator in A2.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I actually believe I will abandon Py-Rai and just create an Empyrean or a Human. Its the easiest option as Maggie stated that we can just create a different race if we don't like the Antlers so no face will be lost ;)
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 22
    Yeah, it was a tough call between a Persian Beauty or a Leonine Lady. At the end of the day I followed my European and Leo roots and decided on Kaelar. I usually make my own RP history up for my toons anyway so I ignored the civilisation blurbs. This picture swayed me. It was a clear choice:

  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Install BDO and try the character creator and you will understand. You can adjust all parts of a face, I dont see why you want to make that character and copy the concept rather than create it to be how you would like your character to look with your style.

    Like I said before you are nit picking if you are trying to compare that concept art shot to the character model on the wiki. Both shots have different angles so there shouldn't be a reason why they would identically match proportion wise. As well you can say there are two different characters of the same species.



    I'd have to ask why do you need to match one for one, when the point is to be able to create your own character, unless I am missing something?

    For the same of the argument regardless of the head being in a different position, you simply could adjust the chin to the more pushed in, adjust the nose to be smaller, more round and have the nostrils flare be less pronounced all through a character creator. I am sure there should be more variations of horns, hair and ears of course to pick what you like and adjust them size wise.

    Also shape of hair, shape of face can throw perception off of a viewer.

    This is why I am saying you are nit picking on parts that you should have control over in a character customization. Unsure why this is even a big topic as they did the concept justice as far as I see. I'm sure they will adjust and tweak things slightly more so on the customization side for when players can to tweak and adjust their own characters on creation.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2022 22
    I'm not matching anything. The whole point is I bought a lot of cosmetics based on the old concepts for Py-Rai. I even took rewards for bug killing assistance based on the old Py-Rai concepts. The fact remains one can't utilise these cosmetics with the new Py'rai. When one spends 30 years playing MMOs and longing for cloaks which have hoods and also covers the front like a cloak should, and, then goes about finding these cloaks in Ashes and buying a ton of said costumes and cloaks for ashes, one did not like the change which means I can't use these cosmetics in the way first envisioned. It can be trivial to some, but, to me its a big issue because I'm very attached to wood elves and very attached to hoods and cloaks. It seems however, that Ashes wood elves are unlike any other wood elves and are more like Dryad Nymphs instead.

    I mean I will use this cloak:

    And i was going to use it with the Py-Rai, but, Due to the horns being from the forehead, i can't envision how my diadems would sit on the Py-Rai.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    I'm not matching anything. The whole point is I bought a lot of cosmetics based on the old concepts for Py-Rai. I even took rewards for bug killing assistance based on the old Py-Rai concepts. The fact remains one can't utilise these cosmetics with the new Py'rai. When one spends 30 years playing MMOs and longing for cloaks which have hoods and also covers the front like a cloak should, and, then goes about finding these cloaks in Ashes and buying a ton of said costumes and cloaks for ashes, one did not like the change which means I can't use these cosmetics in the way first envisioned. It can be trivial to some, but, to me its a big issue because I'm very attached to wood elves and very attached to hoods and cloaks. It seems however, that Ashes wood elves are unlike any other wood elves and are more like Dryad Nymphs instead.

    I mean I will use this cloak:

    And i was going to use it with the Py-Rai, but, Due to the horns being from the forehead, i can't envision how my diadems would sit on the Py-Rai.

    Unsure their solution that they will use, if you have a cosmetic it Imagine it would work on the head there isnt any reason or it not to. If im going to make a guess, depending on how much of the head is covered they would simply just hide the horns. so it would appear as if you didn't have any so they aren't sticking out of the geo. Unless they have a very special way of implementing it that is optimized and different from what most mmorpgs do.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    No. The headgear won't hide the horns. If the horns could be hidden there wouldn't be so much backlash about the horns. The direction from the high and mighty was 'Horns will be seen regardless of headgear.' It doesn't really matter anymore, I will probably just have my human babe and just be able to mix and match gear until my heart's content.
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    Just wondering now that other races have seen updates, will the Py'Rai see updates as well? To be closer to the race they were supposed to be instead of the quick Vek copy/pasta first draft?
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