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What sort of content to look forward too?

I'm pretty new to Ashes of Creation. I have just begun watching a few streams / learning more about it. I've stopped playing MMO's after Archeage which I had quit because of P2W and just overall not so appealing to me and been just casually playing other games. However, hearing about this game and how it's being developed in UE5 is making me kinda excited.

I know these probably have been asked before, especially reading about freeholds from what I searched. However, is housing still in the works? Will we be able to have our own home and farm around it, etc? I'm also curious on open-sea exploration. Are we able to use boats/ships? Perhaps even trade goods across the sea?

I'll keep an eye out on this game, and hope that more stuff such as explorations in open-sea, using boats, farming, trading, all tied with combat and just average mmo gameplay. All this on UE5. Tbh, UE5 got me most excited lol. Can't wait to see the open-sea or water XD

Thanks for taking the time to read and sharing what knowledge you may know <3


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    Pretty much yes.

    Read up on the if you wanna know the details.
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    mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    Here is the wiki.

    Besides freeholds being half an acre we don't know that much about them.

    There will be boats, ships, and sea caravans.
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    NiKr wrote: »
    Pretty much yes.

    Read up on the if you wanna know the details.

    Here is the wiki.

    Besides freeholds being half an acre we don't know that much about them.

    There will be boats, ships, and sea caravans.

    Thanks for the reply and linking me to a wiki, game sounds good already with those lol.
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    ElderElder Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hikkarii wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Pretty much yes.

    Read up on the if you wanna know the details.

    Here is the wiki.

    Besides freeholds being half an acre we don't know that much about them.

    There will be boats, ships, and sea caravans.

    Thanks for the reply and linking me to a wiki, game sounds good already with those lol.

    It's genuinely impressive how in-depth and up to date the wiki is kept, considering AoC isn't feature complete and we only have access to a slow trickle of information. I've seen fully released titles with less substantial wikis.
    Which is the greater folly, summoning the demon or expecting gratitude from it?
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Elder wrote: »

    It's genuinely impressive how in-depth and up to date the wiki is kept, considering AoC isn't feature complete and we only have access to a slow trickle of information. I've seen fully released titles with less substantial wikis.

    Praise lex and the wiki team.

    When you're passing a tavern ingame and happen to see them, buy them a beer.

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