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An idea for mobs in the world

Just had an idea for you guys to create an RNG something (tool or whatever you may call it) for monsters in the world.
A system to show a visual age or "perosna"/ uniqueness visualisation on a specific species of a mob.
Different dots at different size and place (Like cheetas) for example
Or having a lesser grown mob, like a child.

In general, visual difference on any monster with logical explanation to it, the visual difference can bring
different loot quality to it and experience to it.

If I farm for 30 minutes in same place, I would only see one or maybe two 3D picture of a mob in my head instead of 10.


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    BeOwningUBeOwningU Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    UniKush wrote: »
    Just had an idea for you guys to create an RNG something (tool or whatever you may call it) for monsters in the world.
    A system to show a visual age or "perosna"/ uniqueness visualisation on a specific species of a mob.
    Different dots at different size and place (Like cheetas) for example
    Or having a lesser grown mob, like a child.

    In general, visual difference on any monster with logical explanation to it, the visual difference can bring
    different loot quality to it and experience to it.

    If I farm for 30 minutes in same place, I would only see one or maybe two 3D picture of a mob in my head instead of 10.

    Cant have an orphanage without a few motherless children mobs once I farmed them for (reference to stevens orphanage joke in a stream) Back to your op I like the idea of the mundane being taken out of grinding, variance in mobs sounds fun if it can be implemented.
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    You almost lost me at different sized dots and cheetahs, but I think I get what you're trying to say.

    This is actually a good idea if they could implement it properly for wildlife. Though I don't think it makes much sense to have humanoids spawn in as children as they are typically tied to events, quests or dungeons. Imagine animals respawning as babies that mature gradually over time and yield higher amounts of harvestable materials the more they grow. This coupled with random respawn locations within a determined area or zone, would make it more challenging for players to "Farm" crafting materials and actually require some work. This could also be applied to Trees and gatherable plants.

    The stages of growth might look like: 1. Infant 2. Young Adult 3. Adult 4. Elder
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