Node wars with fair fight.

First of all, I apologize as I can write, since English is not my main language.
I'd like to know if the developers have a system in place to make Node wars fair fights.
For example.. Maybe a bunch of players who are allies or friends of the attackers sign up as defenders just to mess around, be AFK or something like that.
So.. The Mayor will be able to choose who are the defenders?



  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2022
    Remember that losing a node war destroys part of that node. If you are defending and your node loses, your losing stuff. You may be unable to buy or craft the things that you are used to. Or you may find that the cost of having any housing (including instanced housing) suddenly increases a lot since there is a limit of citizens per node size,. The defenders should be motivated to defend or at least not occupy a defense slot so that others can defend.

    As far as attackers go, when the attackers have been working for weeks or possibly over a month to open 1 siege and somebody is not actively participating then the attackers are not going to be happy. You can attack almost anyone. Node citizens are not protected from other citizens.
  • I agree with you, but that was not my question.

    A new example.
    My friends are going to siege a node, I can join the "Defenders" and do nothing. In this way the defenders will lose a player and will have a disadvantage.
    If this is done by a big group of players, the defenders will be greatly disadvantaged.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    We have talked about this here before.

    While Intrepid have not said anything specific about it, the theory we have is that mayors of nodes will have the ability to decline any would be defenders that are not citizens of the node (and perhaps even some that are).
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2022
    I think overall it doesn't matter.
    Anyone can choose to defend - except for player characters already at war with the Node. And there is no limit to how many players can participate in a Node Siege, so...
    People joining to defend and then going afk is really no different than those people not joining at all.
    It's not like it takes up spots from people who truly want to defend.

    Node Sieges are objective based. I don't think false defenders doing nothing will cause the Node to lose the objectives.
  • 1) If you're a citizen of a node you automatically sign up as a defender, and you will lose stuff when the siege is declared (i.e. access to the services in that node) as well as if that siege is lost, so there's really no incentive to sign up for your node to fail just because your friend is participating in a siege, unless your friend promised you a fair compensation. I would happily kick my friends ass in a game if he wants to go to war with my node.
    2) Different guilds can sign up to defend or attack another node, regardless if they are citizens of the node under siege or not, the only requirement is that they are not the citizens of the node at war with the node under siege, and that they are not simultaneously signed up as the attacker and the defender. This leads me to believe there's either no hard cap on the number of participants in a siege, or the limit is so high that a friend or a group of friends of an attacker signing up as defenders in.a siege won't make that much of a difference. I don't see a hard limit on the number of attackers or defenders for a node siege listed anywhere on node siege wiki. So, diplomacy will probably be part of the siege, like convincing other guilds to sign up to defend or attack with a promise of compensation after.

    I don't think they should make node wars fair by putting a hard cap on the number of attackers/defenders, I think they should give players the instruments to make node wars fair. Like making temporary alliances through diplomacy. But maybe it's just me trying to misinterpret Intrepid Studio's intentions into what I want sieges to be.
    I swear, some of these forum threads should be renamed to "Hey Intrepid, can you guys just make a game like WoW, so that we have another WoW to play while waiting for an expansion in WoW?"
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Where does it say that there is a limit of players?
  • Where does it say that there is a limit of players?

    So far, Intrepid is still going with an uncapped amount of players. Probably through the Subinstances they have already teasered when talking about sideobjectives.

    If this changes, I'd assume that they provide the same functionality as with Castle Sieges. (ATT + DEF having the ability to handpick participants). But as of now, it seems like they want to pick the uncapped route
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