Party Interdependancy

raeyikraeyik Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
Edit: Nikr sourced a nice little tidbit 3rd post down. If you'd like to have a discussion about the desired depth of the system then feel free to read and contribute!

Hello all. To start, if anyone has links regarding this please reference them as I can't find much info on it.

What is party interdependancy in relation to this thread? Party interdependancy is a step beyond completing your expected role. In other words, an expected role of a tank is that a tank must keep hate, a healer should keep people alive, a buffer should buff and a dps should dish out the dps. In many modern MMO's, this is the extent of "party play". Know your role, get your rotation down, learn the boss timings/moves, and that's it. It's individual play in a setting of many individuals.

However, the idea of party interdependancy goes beyond just knowing your own rotation and cooldowns. Party interdependancy is the idea that through the combination of abilities, coordination, communication, and teamwork you can achieve greater levels of efficiency and power than through individual power alone.

For example: It's known that augments might add a bleed effect to a basic attack that will then proc additional effects or damage from an ability. But that is a self-rotation or individual based combo effect. This would be individual play.

Has their been discussion around combo effects between party members? For instance, a mage puts a chill effect on a mob and a dps uses an attack that does bonus damage to a chilled mob and freezes the mob. Then another DPS has an effect that works off of either a frozen or motion paralyzed mob, multiplying the damage further or offering a secondary bonus effect outside of the multiplied effect of that chain of skills. Finally maybe a mage can follow that elemental burst and use an ice attack to do even more bonus damage on top of their already nasty blizzard spell (or whatever).

Another example: A mage grants a tank stoneskin. The tank uses bulwark or some +defense action. This multiplies off stoneskin. Then a healer grants a magical shell. The stoneskin now offers additional earth defense on top of the magical shell bonus, increasing mitigation even further through a party teamwork combo.

These would be effects that a player cannot achieve on their own and only via the active coordination of a party. These would be examples of party interdependancy.

So, outside of information regarding this concept. If there isn't much information on it, what do people think about it? Is it desired? Does it make a game better? Worse? Why?


  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    So... im going to say your explination on this is not complete. Maybe its just to have to type less, but.

    Your example of a player using an augment to proc bleed, for buffing his own other skills. Followed by examples of teammates procing things to buff teammates skills... this is interwoven.

    If im a rouge, i could augment myself to proc my own bleed... or i could augment for the highest damage potential and rely of my team to proc bleed making me the very best with a good team, but i cant really manage to bleed on my own.

    If i can do it on my own, but it be not as effective if my team helped me do it... is exactly party interdependence. Without limiting each players choices.
  • It would be great if skills worked like that. I dunno how many skills we're going to end up with, but hopefully there'll be some synergy to be had.
    This link may help you:

  • There you go

    Provided to you by the 8th reference on this page.
  • NiKr wrote: »
    There you go

    Provided to you by the 8th reference on this page.

    Thanks Nikr. The example he gave was good and the link helpful. Appreciate it. Still, I wonder how in depth the system will be. Happy to hear that interdependency is being thought of and implemented!
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