Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Content droughts and prevention to content droughts and about combat:

VekoKravaVekoKrava Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
I am sure you thought about this as it is one of core problems of MMO games. I know that you already made some preventions to content droughts with node systems, also there will be lots of exploration and farming/gathering/crafting be a big time sink too, but that only lasts for 6 months unless node system is designed to last more then 6 months with more and new raids/dungeons and events opening the further we build a node.

I thought that if you designed for example expansion/DLC before you released official fresh game, it would be much better and team will have time to not rush content in future and create good content too in a same pace they release first DLC/expansion. I thought why not create two expansions and have everything ready and planned before release, would it take too much work power, I am not sure if that is even possible, but what if core team works on fresh official game as they work on new expansions, now I don't mean new expansion should have a new zone like WoW expansions have, but rather rework of old world, new progress with gear/recipes/professions, maybe new gathering resources can pop up too, but it has to fit the story too. New raids/dungeons, events and something for nodes too, new side quests and new main questline that's well designed and worth at least 20 hours of doing, to get you well informed about that new expansion. New battlegrounds for PVP and maybe more features such as new spells / character progression.

Last thing I want to suggest is making combat competitive as it is in WoW. What I mean by competitive is that it is fast paced with crowd control spells and nuking (buffs) spells that are on 2-3min CD. I think that if combat gets competitive it will be much more interesting in PvP as you can create arenas and that can be a big feature in this MMO, even many of WoW players will try AoC when they hear how combat is made in PvP and knowing that RIOT MMO is on the way, I think to compete vs these games is very important to make combat WoW like, for PvE I think CC (crowd control) is not as important as it is in PvP and I am sure that PvE will be much more interesting because of that, I am not well informed how combat will look, but judging from videos on youtube I think it will not be anything special and unique from other MMOs. I think only WoW made combat well designed for arenas and BGs (battlegrounds). Maybe it will be epic to fight big battles in AoC, but that's not what I think will be the best for the game, if you decide to focus only on big fights and open world PVP, even 1v1 fights without CC and burst windows is not interesting (also there should be some defensive cooldowns too, just to balance one shots and CC).

I am almost sure that RIOT will create combat similar to WoW combat and it will divide many players and I think because of that (and only that feature) they will stay on RIOT mmo or WoW for longer period of time. I think because of how combat is made in gw2, black desert, elder scrolls, is the reason why many players didn't stay for a long time on that MMO and never even come back to these MMOs. Maybe it is just me because I played WoW for over 12 years and I got used to that combat, now that I cannot play any other MMO because of that, I tried gw2 and new world and don't get me wrong, it is playable but not on a competitive level as WoW arenas/BGs are, just for sake of CC and cooldowns that will decide who wins if used properly and on right time. Of course it is not as balanced as some other games are, but I think devs should not strive to make 1v1 balanced or even 3v3, people will play proper setups and proper combos and one class may not be good with another class but I think it is the best that people optimize how things work and make fun out of it. Of course as many of you know RMP(rogue, mage, priest) is the most OP combo for 3v3 arena in WoW just because of high CC uptime and short window of bursting, but I think that is not the problem you should be afraid of, because it is not easy to play that comp too, because other classes can survive much more (not maybe in shadowlands but in older wow mages were like a paper), and those classes can be played without thinking because you rarely can make a mistake other then using trinket (cc removal in wow) in a wrong way and getting killed on the next go.

No matter what devs decide for AoC, I will be playing it, because I stopped WoW since it has a very bad impact on me (addiction) and I won't be back to that game I am sure. But I still think that WoW has something great combat wise.
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