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Don't ruin this game by making all content available to everyone


Yes, this game isn't for everyone. But I think Steven's larger point there is not to exclude people who don't like hardcore PVP, but to say that he is NOT going to do what Blizzard did which is make ALL content accessible to EVERYONE. We must accept that certain experiences will only be available to people willing to deal with the tradeoffs they require. If a certain open world dungeon encounter requires more planning and protection than a casual dad like me can stomach, I'm OK missing out on that.

The mitigation plan Steven has for this is that I will still have plenty of other things to do that will allow me to eventually acquire gear on par with that from the dungeon - this is a sandbox MMO solution to the conundrum of wanting to invite many different types of gamers, but also not wanting to ruin the challenge and rewarding experiences for some just to try to appeal to everyone and give everyone participation trophies. I can work on a craft, or find another way to build up gold via the economy or other content that fits my playstyle and available game time.

Frankly, I'd rather there is a game like this out there for the time period when I will have time to experience some of that more challenging and restricted content, and have something to work toward and look forward to, and look up to those who have achieved those rewards, rather than to be handed it on a platter, experience it, it mean nothing, and 2 years later the game is shut down.


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    I completely agree with your sentiments. I think the game will be better long-term by by holding higher standards for 'earning' access to content, even if that means I cannot do that content myself.
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    I don't know if this is even a thing anymore.

    If little johnny really wants that dragon head on his wall he'll just swipe and buy a bus ticket.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Ashes is a dynamic game - no one will be able to do everything.
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    Dygz wrote: »
    Ashes is a dynamic game - no one will be able to do everything.

    Poor little Johnny...
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