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Hair tie for a hair change

Its not a full plan so it would be good for some feed back and options. also its a discord chat so it may look weird but im gonna copy paste it
if u had a hair tie that u could keep in your inventory which has a saved hair style in and if you use it, will change it to that and then u can take it off
And they would only save 1 style so you could onlly switch between 2 so it wont mean you have a wide caritty
So the barbers would still have business since you would need to go to them for other choices and that would change the main option rather than the hair tie option
I think its quite a good idea which wont take away the importance of barbers but also would make it fun for RP players.
If you really wanted as well since its a cosmetic luxury you could make it super expensive in game or a IRL currency for the hair tie, it wouldn't make it unfair to people and it would bring more to the table for RP scenarios.
Would love some replies for options and thoughts... thank you


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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    I like it actually. Good idea. Well, not the cosmetic shop IRL money part. But as an ingame option, yes.
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    Nerror wrote: »
    I like it actually. Good idea. Well, not the cosmetic shop IRL money part. But as an ingame option, yes.
    I was just giving options with that one iwould prefer it be expensive in game so its a heafty choice to get it or something

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    Nerror wrote: »
    I like it actually. Good idea. Well, not the cosmetic shop IRL money part. But as an ingame option, yes.

    Maybe we could have a separate thread about whether or not this should be in a cosmetic shop...

    This link may help you:

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    Are we having in-game barbers?
    This link may help you:

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    MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Are we having in-game barbers?

    The fact there's gonna be actual seasonal changes. Maybe they should require regular haircuts unless you're character is bald ingame.
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    MaiWaifu wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Are we having in-game barbers?

    The fact there's gonna be actual seasonal changes. Maybe they should require regular haircuts unless you're character is bald ingame.

    Thats great good advice
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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Are we having in-game barbers?

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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    MaiWaifu wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Are we having in-game barbers?

    The fact there's gonna be actual seasonal changes. Maybe they should require regular haircuts unless you're character is bald ingame.

    Unless I misunderstand you, that's entering the territory of having to eat and drink and potty breaks and trimming your nails. I am not a fan of that for Ashes. :wink:
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    MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Nerror wrote: »
    MaiWaifu wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Are we having in-game barbers?

    The fact there's gonna be actual seasonal changes. Maybe they should require regular haircuts unless you're character is bald ingame.

    Unless I misunderstand you, that's entering the territory of having to eat and drink and potty breaks and trimming your nails. I am not a fan of that for Ashes. :wink:

    Nah I wouldn't dip that far into the survival game territory. Maybe flu season debuff though would be cool :wink:
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    edited August 2022
    Cool idea, @MaiyuPlum.

    @daveywavey - terrible idea to have this in the cash shop since that would clearly be p2w. ;)
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    PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Cool idea, @MaiyuPlum.

    @daveywavey - terrible idea to have this in the cash shop since that would clearly be p2w. ;)

    I mean, knowing hairsyle effects your combat effectiveness differently in each season. People would make all kinds of rediculous threads about the p2w of the hair clips.
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    MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    I mean, knowing hairsyle effects your combat effectiveness differently in each season. People would make all kinds of rediculous threads about the p2w of the hair clips.

    I need a DPS meter to calc the damage difference having long hair in windy seasons has. The accuracy rating drops and I have to keep using the p2w cosmetic store to shave my head every time. It's a shame all the RMT bots don't run into this problem since they use hacks and get passed the CSR.
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    Nerror wrote: »
    I like it actually. Good idea. Well, not the cosmetic shop IRL money part. But as an ingame option, yes.

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