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Interactive environment with armor types

So here is the idea, if for example you are wearing plate armor or heavy furs in an arid of hot desert you would get a small penalization like a 5% increased CD's or something of that nature, nothing too serious. or if you are wearing the proper clothing for the environment you get a 5% increased movement speed after a long enough time in that environment, thinking about a real life hour? With a way to avoid the punishment with carrying water to drink.

I think it would increase different armor types or make things more interesting like if someone makes a group in a really snowy area and they wanted to keep growing past their area it would give them cold feet unless they have a way to create heat, making it just a little bit more challenging so one group couldn't just conquer a map with the same type of heavy type armor as easily, I'm hoping an idea like this creates a small noticeable group for each region.

Just hoping with all of the unique 64 class's people wont be inhibited with what they want to do with their own unique builds and wont be punished too poorly if they want to play a plate armored class in a desert. Or if there was a way to get a unique enchantment on the armor to avoid these penalties as well maybe even being exempt from these punishments if you are defending your territory?

It was mostly just a passing thought that I think would create cool mechanic that I just thought of but I posted it here because I'm curious about what other people might think of something like this! <3


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    Also my feelings wont be hurt if you don't like this idea since it was just a passing thought, But I would still appreciate any constructive criticism so I might be able to think of something truly amazing that I could suggest.
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    I dunno if it'd be ok to tie this to armor, but I'd definitely like a system where weather effects give you some debuff and some alchemy potions give you a counter buff. This way you're not punishing people for their armor choices, while you rewards crafters (and with them the whole chain of crafting) for selling specialized buffs.

    And obviously these kinds of specialized buffs would mainly be sold around regions with stable weather patterns (snowy mountains, deserts, swamps etc) and not really anywhere else. But then you could have some Fire Dragon boss fly to a forest location, as a part of an event, and he'll bring a super strong heat wave with him that has the same debuff as the desert has. And now all the people in the forest would want to buy that potion. And they can either go to the source (which would promote local desert crafters) or they'd buy it from smart traders at an increased cost (a big earning chance for any economically-wise players).
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    No on the armor thing. Yes on weather impacts.
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    UnderdelveUnderdelve Member
    edited August 2022
    CROW3 wrote: »
    No on the armor thing. Yes on weather impacts.

    I would rather not venture into the desert to find my Dunir friend face down in the sand due to heatstroke :pensive:

    It would be interesting to see some weather impacts on your mounts/mules as well. Perhaps it would be more efficient to choose a mount/mule more suitable for a given environment. We do have ground, air, and water mounts. Perhaps the ground-based mounts could be further distinguished by affording a small benefit when operating a specific ground mount in a particular biome.

    Barding "could" have impact on the mount, in a given environment...I believe there is an intention for barding to potentially impact the speed of a mount. That could extend to further speed reductions in certain biomes based on the barding equipped. But additional +/- for barding, for operating in a particular biome, while being impacted by the biome's weather may be a bit too much.
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    Torc wrote: »
    I would rather not venture into the desert to find my Dunir friend face down in the sand due to heatstroke :pensive:

    That would suck for that poor dwarf.
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    Torc wrote: »
    I would rather not venture into the desert to find my Dunir friend face down in the sand due to heatstroke :pensive:

    That would suck for that poor dwarf.

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    I think the armour idea is just going to make the game more complicated. However the seasons are already an important factor of the game, affecting certain resources that can be gathered during certain seasons. If the seasons also had certain effects on players then that might also effect strategy. You might not want to siege a node that's in a desert during summer, so instead you wait until winter when its cooler.
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    Would be interesting if heavy armor makes you sink (and drown) in water, medium lets you barely float, and light armor lets you swim.

    ... So you want to be a pirate in Ashes? light armor it is. yarrr.
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    BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member
    edited August 2022
    Coming from Rust, I dislike the fact that you can't wear some armor in cold environments and can't wear other armor in hot environments because you get penalized by doing so.

    It's realistic, but it's not fun, in my opinion. I hope that I only need one PvP set and one PvE set. If I need to worry about which gear to use depending on the temperature, climate, weather, etc. I'll do my best to never have to leave my home biome.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
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    BaSkA13 wrote: »
    It's realistic, but it's not fun


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    This kind of addition could add a lot of work for the IS team. Keep in mind they would have to figure out how to tie weather into each mount type, likely giving each mount a class type then tieing that type to an area of the map and updating all of that for every mount and player in the game isn't extremely difficult but it is time that could probably be better suited elsewhere.
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    mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Yes on both for me :) That said I I think the weighting should be on the weather.
    CROW3 wrote: »
    No on the armor thing. Yes on weather impacts.

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    IzilIzil Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
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    SolmyrSolmyr Member
    edited August 2022
    From what I've seen of the design goals, players will be forced to pay attention to their environment, at least to some degree.

    Rain will negatively effect fire spells, heat will cause ice to melt, roads will get muddy and impede caravans, snow will kill crops, etc, etc. With all that in mind, I fully expect the desert to be at least somewhat dangerous. I doubt you'd be able to just run straight through without some noticeable negative effect.

    That said, I don't anticipate armor playing too big a role in that. Maybe some slight effects depending on whether you're wearing light, medium, or heavy armor, but nothing debilitating on its own.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We didn't have weight for inventories last time I played. I doubt we'll have weather effects dependant on armour.
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