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Random Thought 4506: Diseases? Rot?

SathragoSathrago Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
So, here's a random thought. If players, or more accurately, the mortal races all turn to ashes when they die, what sort of impact does this have on diseases that would normally spread from the mishandling of corpses? Historically we buried the dead or cremated them to reduce these factors, but in a world where this doesn't happen... I can't even imagine what the difference would be.

I guess the most common diseases would come from slain monsters and domesticated animals, but i feel like this could be an interesting lore point of the game. This changes how warzones affect the soldiers and wildlife. There is also no way for people to physically dissect and study the mortal race body unless its done on a live subject.
How does this affect necromancers and other unsavory characters that wield disease and rot as a weapon?

Anyway ramblins done, just thought I would throw it out there since I was bored.
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