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Node system question



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    I understand both sides here. I personally love using screenshots from the wiki to validate claims I make in chat. I’ll also post links to “specific” wiki articles in case people want to read where I got info from.

    However, just pulling up the wiki overall and saying the equivalent of “stop being a sheep and look it up” makes people nervous to post and can come across as rude. When I first started, I asked a really dumb question that honestly didn’t make sense based on a video.

    Both SongRune and Dygz were kind enough to explain how the system works and it actually got me more hyped for the game.

    I’d also like to mention that in the chat SongRune used a screenshot from the wiki to validate that I was misinformed. Anyway what I’m saying is you can use the wiki to create meaningful forum discussions in a way that keeps new people still feeling involved and excited to participate!
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    I assume people alive in 2022 realize wiki's exist
    Asmon himself literally says in the video "oh shit I didn't even know wiki existed" :) Like, yeah, logically one would assume that each and every game has at least some form of fan wiki. But most people don't even fucking try looking for it. I've seen countless threads at this point where people had no clue that wiki existed. And AoC's wiki is promoted on each damn corner of the internet related to the game.
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    PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Noaani wrote: »
    I assume people alive in 2022 realize wiki's exist.
    I make no such assumption about Asmons audience.

    The have a history of coming here not knowing what they are talking about, and not knowing the wiki exists.

    But sure, people do sometimes come here looking for a discussion on something. That's great. That doesnt mean that every reply needs to pander to that, nor does it exclude the possibility that they may want to inform them self for the impending discussion.

    There is literally no reason to have a go at someone for suggesting a third party learn a little about a topic they have expressed an interest in.

    That is what I did here, and thst is what you did here.

    Again you bash the OP for where he came from.

    Dont get me wrong, i started shit with you. I did so because i didnt find you friendly or inviting to someone obviously new to the forums, and i perfer the forums to be a place that would be friendly at the very least to new people. Give them a chance and all.

    Im not going to act like i am a saint. Because ive been giving you shit all day, obviously not a nice thing to do. But you've shown the forums who you are and what you stand for. I feel at least aquainted with you. The literal only thing we know of OP if that he watches Asmongolds interview/ ashes videos.... which get recomended after watching literally any ashes video........ but i mean yeah. Ill apologize for being so confontational to you Noaani, but at least i have an inkling of your opinions, and am picking on you for being inhospitable to someone obviously uninformed.

    The guy literally never came back to make a second comment on his own post, and you again bash him again for watching Asmongold.

    How this could have gone.
    *Wiki link*
    "Me being a smart ass, implying your kinda being a dick."
    "My bad, didnt intend to be a dick."

    How it actually went:
    *wiki link*
    "Your a dick"
    "Im a dick and im proud!"
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2022
    But you've shown the forums who you are and what you stand for.

    Objective facts.

    I dont think anyone that has spent more than a few minutes on these forums wouldn't be aware of the fact that objective facts are basically what I stand for.

    I didnt "bash" the OP for where they came from, I pointed out that their source isnt a particularly good source - a required step if you are going to suggest someone go to a primary source (or, a secondary source referencing primary sources, in this case).

    If I said "hey, Asmon is great, well informed and absolutely had the best interests of his audience in mind!", then the OP would have every reason to turn down a different source, in favor of one that I just said was well informed.

    In order to make the suggestion of picking up a different source viable to the OP, the suggestion that their current source was not ideal was indeed necessary.

    It's almost like you dont think I put any thought in to posts.

    Tou should also probably be embarrassed that 25 words and a link require this much explaining for you to understand.

    It's also as if you think I care if people like you think I come across as a dick or not. It may come as a shock, but I dont much care about subjective opinions of others.
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    PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Noaani wrote: »
    But you've shown the forums who you are and what you stand for.

    Objective facts.

    I dont think anyone that has spent more than a few minutes on these forums wouldn't be aware of the fact that objective facts are basically what I stand for.

    I didnt "bash" the OP for where they came from, I pointed out that their source isnt a particularly good source - a required step if you are going to suggest someone go to a primary source (or, a secondary source referencing primary sources, in this case).

    If I said "hey, Asmon is great, well informed and absolutely had the best interests of his audience in mind!", then the OP would have every reason to turn down a different source, in favor of one that I just said was well informed.

    In order to make the suggestion of picking up a different source viable to the OP, the suggestion that their current source was not ideal was indeed necessary.

    It's almost like you dont think I put any thought in to posts.

    Tou should also probably be embarrassed that 25 words and a link require this much explaining for you to understand.

    It's also as if you think I care if people like you think I come across as a dick or not. It may come as a shock, but I dont much care about subjective opinions of others.

    Hehe, neither do i. Why do you think ive dragged myself through your mud today?

    At the end of the day, you came off a little dick-ish so i gave you that same energy back. You seem to have not liked the treatment, so maybe you think about that a bit? Or not. Doesnt matter. Ive pretty much accepted that the only people who come around these forums lack social skills in general. And some of them wear it like a badge of honor.
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    Noaani wrote: »
    I assume people alive in 2022 realize wiki's exist.
    I make no such assumption about Asmons audience.

    The have a history of coming here not knowing what they are talking about, and not knowing the wiki exists.

    But sure, people do sometimes come here looking for a discussion on something. That's great. That doesnt mean that every reply needs to pander to that, nor does it exclude the possibility that they may want to inform them self for the impending discussion.

    There is literally no reason to have a go at someone for suggesting a third party learn a little about a topic they have expressed an interest in.

    That is what I did here, and thst is what you did here.

    Except in the very same video that OP is referencing, Asmon reacts to LazyePeon's video where they do mention the Wiki and Asmon even comments on how good it looks.
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    Asgerr wrote: »
    Except in the very same video that OP is referencing, Asmon reacts to LazyePeon's video where they do mention the Wiki and Asmon even comments on how good it looks.
    Yeah, and says that he had no clue about it before the video. So even he, who's allegedly very interested in the game, didn't know about it. And most of twitch chat doesn't even watch any other videos about the game and only sees Asmon reactions, so of course they wouldn't know about the wiki if he never did.

    Which then leads to the situation where one of the thousands of people that saw Asmon's reaction get deeply interested in the game and go to reddit/forum/discord and ask the classic questions or bring up old topics (not necessarily saying that OP did in this case).
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    PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    NiKr wrote: »
    Asgerr wrote: »
    Except in the very same video that OP is referencing, Asmon reacts to LazyePeon's video where they do mention the Wiki and Asmon even comments on how good it looks.
    Yeah, and says that he had no clue about it before the video. So even he, who's allegedly very interested in the game, didn't know about it. And most of twitch chat doesn't even watch any other videos about the game and only sees Asmon reactions, so of course they wouldn't know about the wiki if he never did.

    Which then leads to the situation where one of the thousands of people that saw Asmon's reaction get deeply interested in the game and go to reddit/forum/discord and ask the classic questions or bring up old topics (not necessarily saying that OP did in this case).

    I dont mind the mentioning of the wiki. Is just the way it was done seemed pretty "i dont even want to bother with speaking to you"

    The exact same post with a link to the nodes page of the wiki, i would have let slide. Or just different wording than being so dismissal to someone obviously new.

    Regardless. Here we are. And im just as stubborn as Noaani, so if we want to commit to a 15 year argument about honestly, like the most unheated confrontation, then im all for it. Unless i get bored. Then its over between us.
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    edited August 2022
    To be fair, the wiki is the second site when you google ‘Ashes of Creation’ so it’s not exactly hiding in plain sight.

    But it’s good to be kind. How about you both take a time out, then we’ll get some ice cream?

    For the OP:
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    then we’ll get some ice cream?
    Only if you're paying.
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    NiKr wrote: »
    CROW3 wrote: »
    then we’ll get some ice cream?
    Only if you're paying.

    Of course.

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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    CROW3 wrote: »
    But it’s good to be kind.
    It is, but it isnt necessary.

    I'm not here to make people feel good about themself, or about anything. I'm here (in terms of this thread) to give people information.

    In this case, that information was "your current source of I formation on this game is not the best - you are literally watching opinions of opinions rather than forming your own opinion. Since your question makes no real sense, I suggest you go to the wiki and learn a little about which ever aspect of the game you desire, and form your own opinion on the matter".

    I just managed to say all the above in 25 words and a link - because if you can be one thing, be efficient.

    If you read the post, it isnt overly friendly, but it also isn't rude in any way. The problem is, someone that was just bored at work read it, and since it contains no emotes, they just took the emotion they were feeling the most (and probably concentrating on suppressing), and read the post in that tone.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    At the end of the day, you came off a little dick-ish
    If I was being dickish, I would have said something along the lines of "I'd give you a link to the wiki, but since you watch Asmon you probably cant read, so I'll save us both some time and not bother".

    Rather than that, I assumed the OP was capable of forming their own opinion, if given the chance.

    But sure, call me the dick here.
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    MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    If you guys wanna find out info about anything just use: - way easier
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    PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Ill try the google thing, seems like good info

    And noaani, feel free to do your own research. You can reread the posts in this very thread here. Make sure to note your petty attempts at calling bullshit to how i try and converse with others. And the lack of attacks made against you in most of my responses.
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    NiKr wrote: »
    I assume people alive in 2022 realize wiki's exist
    Asmon himself literally says in the video "oh shit I didn't even know wiki existed"

    That's how little he knows, and yet people still bother watching. Utterly baffling.
    This link may help you:
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